Welcome to the Third Coil
Remember: the tigers roam free in the Labyrinth.
…Further into Fallen London
This is where the tigers keep their human guests…exhibits…is there a difference? From here, you could return to Coil 2 or work here and earn the right to go on to Coil 4.
Leaving the third coil
You are in the third coil of the Labyrinth. Where do you want to go next?
Return to the second coil
You should be able to find your way out easily enough.
Easily done
A little more practice and you'll be able to find your way about the Labyrinth unassisted.
Your 'in the Labyrinth of Tigers, Navigating Coil' quality has dropped to 2!
Watchful increase
Head to the fourth coil
The fourth coil is more of an armed camp than a zoological garden. Will the vergers let you past?
Unlocks: making progress in the Labyrinth of Tigers 14
On your way
The fourth coil is open, even airy. Pens hold chimerical beasts and the air is heavy with incense.
An occurrence! Your 'in the Labyrinth of Tigers, Navigating Coil' Quality is now 4!
A look around the third coil
Unlocks: making progress in the Labyrinth of Tigers 9, in the Labyrinth of Tigers, Navigating Coil 3
So, the third coil of the labyrinth. The place where they keep men and women.
Take a stroll around
An unsettling place, to be sure. But is it any worse than New Newgate?
A stroll past the cages
Get me out of here. I don't belong here. I'm only here because they think I'm possessed. Why am I here? I don't know how my family will eat now. I'm not possessed, I'm not possessed, I'm not possessed. I'm only here because I chased a cat! Where am I? For God's sake let me out. You there! I'm only in here because I organised a strike. Give me a mirror! Give me a mirror!
making progress in the Labyrinth of Tigers has increased to 10!
Nightmares increase
Avoid becoming an exhibit yourself
Unlocks: making progress in the Labyrinth of Tigers 10, in the Labyrinth of Tigers, Navigating Coil 3
Some of the keepers down here are a bit short-sighted. And tigers are too vain to consider spectacles. There's one that's been looking at you suspiciously, and it's become clear he thinks you're an escapee.
Convince him you work here
Have a conversation with him. Truth is on your side, after all. What could possibly go wrong?
(Persuasive challenge, straightforward at 105)
'I do apologise. No offence, what?'
You approach the tiger in question with an open expression, and explain that you're here in the employ of the head keeper. You wrap this up in elaborate, deferential flattery, and it seems to do the trick. The short-sighted tiger sheaths his claws, one by one, and apologises graciously enough. You can only be sure of his sincerity later, when you find a little purse waiting for you.
Persuasive increase
Gain: 100 x Jade Fragment
Fight back
Take the initiative. Arm yourself, just in case.
(Dangerous challenge, straightforward at 106)
The element of surprise
The next time the short-sighted tiger gives you a suspicious look, you march over and clout him on the nose. He is so surprised that he quite fails to react. Later, he apologises to you. 'When you dared to assault me, I realised you could not be an escapee,' he says. 'Well played. Please accept this little bonus.' It seems aggression is the way to win respect amongst tigers.
Dangerous increase
Gain: 101 x Moon-pearl
Calming the inmates
Unlocks: making progress in the Labyrinth of Tigers 10, in the Labyrinth of Tigers, Navigating Coil 3
The human exhibits in this coil of the Labyrinth tend to become distressed at certain times of the day. It falls to you to soothe their nerves.
Sing a lullaby
It's mostly in the evenings that the wailing starts. If you can anticipate this and sing them to sleep, everyone can have a quiet night.
Persuasive challenge, straightforward at 105
'Little lizard, coat of green, cupboard's empty, vicar's spleen'
You walk among the cages, softly singing an old lullaby from the Surface. The words are nonsense, but the melody is infinitely calming, and soon all the inmates are settling down to sleep. The tigers that run the coil are very pleased, and reward you well.
Persuasive increase
Gain: 99 x Glim
The third coil
Unlocks: making progress in the Labyrinth of Tigers 10 (But below 13), in the Labyrinth of Tigers, Navigating Coil 3
The third coil is where the Labyrinth of Tigers keeps its human… what's the word? Prisoners? Guests? Exhibits? Tigers idle in numbers here. [Progress here by raising The Hunt is On! to 8]
Recapturing an escapee
Escapes from the third coil are frequent. Well, escape attempts, anyway. Making it to the entrance uneaten is another matter.
(Dangerous challenge, straightforward at 107)
Chasing the cat-chaser
This one is always getting out. He's a silent youth, barely more than an urchin. A cat-chaser, apparently, enduring the displeasure of the Duchess. The little wretch is a wonder with locks. Not too quick on his feet, though. You soon chase him down and return for the bounty.
Dangerous increase
The Hunt is On! increase
Ruthless increase
Gain: 102 x Rostygold
Run to the pools
D—n, but this one can run. You may have done yourself some mischief. You give up the chase when he reaches the pools near the second coil. Once they reach the pools, they usually don't come out again.
Dangerous increase
Wounds increase
Help someone escape
He says that he's been here for months, ever since he was kidnapped by Mr Inch. A humble stage magician who tried to make a tiger disappear. He misses his family. Can you help?
(Dangerous challenge, straightforward at 109)
What did they want him for?
You choose a quiet moment to spring the locks and lead your new friend to a little-used tunnel. He pauses before disappearing into the labyrinth. He bids you close and whispers into your ear. He's not going back to stage magic. Too dangerous. There are things. Things that live behind mirrors. They wanted him for something, and will want him still. He's going to find his family and run.
Dangerous increase
The Hunt is On! increase (2 change points)
Gain: 104 x Whispered Secret
Magnanimous increase
or Magnanimous can't increase, because it's higher than 12
What happened?
You choose a quiet moment to spring the locks and lead your new friend to a little-used tunnel. He turns to thank you and… something. You're not sure what, but when you check your pocketwatch, three hours have passed that you cannot account for. Your hands are laced with slices from fragments of a mirror. There is a hot, damp haze in the air, like a jungle.
Dangerous increase
Wounds increase
Nightmares increase
Capture a new exhibit
She's not a magician or a cat-chaser. She's probably therefore a union supporter or someone who looked twice at a tiger. She's making a mistake visiting the labyrinth, in any case.
(Dangerous challenge, straightforward at 111)
Not quite brained
She sees you coming, and grasps your intent immediately. She also grasps a loose half-brick from a crumbling wall nearby and hurls it at your head. Fortunately, it is your hat rather than your head that takes a crease. A few tigers condescend to be your hunting beasts, and together you corner the woman and claim the bounty.
Dangerous increase
The Hunt is On! increase (3 change points)
Gain: 106 x Rostygold
Ruthless increase [unless too high, the case at 25]
She sees you coming, and grasps your intent immediately. She also grasps a loose half-brick from a crumbling wall nearby and hurls it at your head. She's got a good aim. When you can see again, she's gone.
Dangerous increase
Wounds increase
Deal with mirror-smugglers
(Dangerous challenge, straightforward at 113)
No mirrors are permitted in the third coil. Not even glass, or a decently polished hip flask. Constant vigilance is required.
Glass and eyes
It's the eyes you have to watch out for. Anyone can hide a small mirror on their person. But those who smuggle them into the labyrinth always have something wrong with their eyes. The most extreme have slitted pupils; more often it's just a far-away look. Some wear tinted goggles. They're d—nably hard to restrain, too. Still, there's good money in keeping them away from the exhibits.
Dangerous increase
The Hunt is On! increase (3 change points)
Gain: 108 x Rostygold
A bloody business
It's an annoyance when someone smuggles a mirror in. A few of the exhibits invariably disappear. And then there's the business of picking up shards of mirror-glass while blindfolded.
Dangerous increase
Wounds increase
Each of the opportunities at The Hunt Is On 8 increase your progress in the Labyrinth of Tigers and so can only been seen once. Choose wisely. After finishing the third 'A night for escapes' and getting 'making progress 13', 'The third coil' option disappears ending progress in the third coil.
For God's sake, help me!
Unlocks: making progress in the Labyrinth of Tigers 10, in the Labyrinth of Tigers, Navigating Coil 3, The Hunt is On! 8
This hollow-cheeked unfortunate has been on display for some months. His eyes are sunken and dark-rimmed. He claims to know secret things.
Help him escape
Do you crave his secrets? Or does his story move you?
Lords of London
The cage opens, and the exhibit steps to freedom. He turns to you and whispers. He is one of many. They wear many faces, and they stare back at you from behind the mirror. They are the true lords of London, and their time is coming. He lopes away before you change your mind.
making progress in the Labyrinth of Tigers has increased to 11!
Nightmares increase
2 x Appalling Secret
This also silently resets your The Hunt Is On status back to 0.
Leave him to rot
There are dangerous people locked up here. he may be one of them.
Good lord!
You turn away from the exhibit, and he emits a low, hissing scream that should not come from a human throat. You catch a glimpse of suddenly slitted pupils as you step smartly away from the cage. You are confident that you have left a menace contained.
making progress in the Labyrinth of Tigers has increased to 11!
Nightmares decrease
This also silently resets your The Hunt Is On status back to 0.
The cat-chaser
Unlocks: making progress in the Labyrinth of Tigers 11, in the Labyrinth of Tigers, Navigating Coil 3, The Hunt is On! 8
This cat-chaser has given up hope. His cage sits in a forgotten corner of the third coil. He doesn't even ask to be set free.
Leave him where he is
You could mention him to the Duchess when next you meet. A subtle reference might make her smile.
Very lovely tea
You put down your tea cup and talk for a moment about a 'long lost friend'. The Duchess looks at you suspiciously for a moment. When no attempt at blackmail is forthcoming, she allows the merest hint of a smile.
Connected: Society increase.
making progress in the Labyrinth of Tigers has increased to 11!
Set him free
However many cats he caught, he didn't deserve this.
Urchin no more
As you work away at the rusted cage lock, the fellow tells you a little about himself. He was an urchin, one of the Regiment. He was a little back-alley sneak with a taste for other people's secrets. He used to chase cats across rooftops and down chimneys. He was ten when the Duchess threw him in here.
He's got a beard now. He can't go back to the urchins, but perhaps there's some sort of life for him out in the Neath. As he slips away you wonder what will happen to him.
making progress in the Labyrinth of Tigers has increased to 12!
Connected: Revolutionaries increase
Connected: Criminal increase
A night for escapes
Unlocks: making progress in the Labyrinth of Tigers 12, in the Labyrinth of Tigers, Navigating Coil 3, The Hunt is On! 8
Quiet in here tonight. The tigers are holding an ibex salon at the Tiger Keeper's office. The keepers are mostly watching the second coil fights. There's nobody around. If you wanted to set someone free, now's the time.
Set a revolutionary free
It's odd to see a revolutionary brother here, rather than in New Newgate.
Step lightly
'Mirrors, see? That's the problem. Sometimes there's places on the other side. Sometimes there's… things, watching a man. Not good. Not good at all. I'm going back up the Flit. No mirrors there. Or if there are, they're fogged with smoke and ash. I'd best get used to having a beard. No more shaving for me.'
'Well, thanks for dragging me out of this cage. When I was, well, somewhere else, I found these. Was saving 'em for a special day, but I guess you deserve 'em. Step lightly, and I'll see you in the high places.
1x Dark-Dewed Cherries
Connected: Revolutionaries increase (mine went from 6.smthng to 9.smthng)
making progress in the Labyrinth of Tigers has increased to 13!
Set a nun free
She seems unperturbed by her confinement. Still, assisting in the escape of nuns is probably a moral duty of some sort.
A whole convent of them
This nun must be from a silent order. She doesn't answer your questions, and rolls her eyes at you when you start fiddling with the lock.
Finally, the mechanism rewards you with a click. You drag the cage door open. Three more nuns have appeared, standing silently behind you. The one in the cage mimes opening a pocket watch at them and then points at you. The nuns outside the cage say nothing. The four of them disappear into the night without a sound, black habits flapping. What's this? There's a bottle in the cage…
Connected: The Church increase
1 x Black Wings Absinthe
making progress in the Labyrinth of Tigers has increased to 13!
Set a rubbery man free
Tentacles wave wearily behind the bars. He (she? it?) doesn't look happy, but then again they seldom do.
Cages and tentacles
The cage door screeches as you heave it open. The Rubbery… woman, you suspect, is confused. She gets the idea eventually and clambers upright. As she slides out of the cage, you hear a moist tearing sound. She presses something sticky into your hand and is gone.
making progress in the Labyrinth of Tigers has increased to 13!
Gain: 1 x Warm Amber
Connected: Rubbery Men increase
Gold Bordered Card
This card can be played anywhere.
What is someone doing, sending you lead postcards?
That's a heavy thump on your doormat. Is someone sending you lead postcards?
unlocked with making progress in the Labyrinth of Tigers 13, Dangerous 110
The fist and crook
The extra weight is the seal on the envelope. It's a huge, terribly old-fashioned thing. The imprint in the wax is of an iron gauntlet holding a shepherd's crook. That's the seal of the Bishop of Southwark.
Connected: The Church Challenge, almost impossible at 10, straightforward < 23
Vellum? Who uses vellum any more?
Mother Church needs you! You are among the least wicked of the foul sinners of this earth, and I have need of your skills in a matter of theological husbandry. Find me in the Fourth Coil of the Labyrinth of Tigers. And for God's sake, man, hurry!'
An occurrence! Your 'making progress in the Labyrinth of Tigers' Quality is now 14 - Under Orders!
Spittle-flecked vellum
'Pitiable sinner! I have need of you! I am engaged in an operation of theological husbandry, and although you are a SINNING WRETCH, I have need of your skills. Find me in the Fourth Coil of the Labyrinth of Tigers, before BEELZEBUB CLAIMS YOUR SOUL.'
An occurrence! Your 'making progress in the Labyrinth of Tigers' Quality is now 14 - Under Orders!