The House of Chimes

Only for the most Exceptional of Friends…

What can you find in the House of Chimes?

Those favoured by Mr Chimes meet here, beneath a great and nameless Bell in a leaning clock-tower, the lights of London glittering at their feet like stolen souls.

This exclusive private club on the Stolen River has thrilling tales and opportunities. Old acquaintances may be developed, and new ones fostered. Games of chance are also available, and entry to the House of Chimes may be obtained through several different methods.


You must be an Exceptional Friend, which requires Fate, to enter The House of Chimes

Fate-locked content must not be placed on the wiki, per the developers.

A group of Exceptional Friends on the forums are collecting the success text for the 35 different ways of entering the House of Chimes. If you are Exceptional and you have not yet entered the House, we would love to have your contribution!

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