Quests that you open through your actions or cards…
Go here to see the descriptors associated with various levels in the storylets
Meta qualities:
a Fully Informed Citizen of Fallen London This quality keeps you up to date with announcements.
a Stranger A past yet to be revealed (This tracks your initial tutorial progress.)
a New Arrival A newcomer to Fallen London. (This tracks your early tutorial progress.)
The rest:
Preparing for a Daring Escape There's a half-mile drop from your window to the waters of the subterranean sea below. But a supply dirigible passes below once a day… (This is the first storylet you will need to complete in Echo Bazzar - escaping the cell in New Newgate Prison that you find yourself in at the beginning of the game.)
Homeless! You need to find somewhere better to live. And soon. (Not really a story per se but you get this Story after you escape New Newgate Prison the first time as you exploring Echo Bazaar.)
Uncovering the Secrets of the Face-Tailor A phrase heard in the rain. What does it mean?
Cobblestone Rogues and Back-Alley Saints Low level intrigues
Investigating a Trade in Souls: What's going on in the crypt of St Dunstan's? (gained through Opportunity cards, furthered at Ladybones Road)
Exacting the Urchin's Vengeance: You will see justice done for the souls of the urchins. (gained through Opportunity cards)
A visitor to the Clay Quarters: You have gained access to the Clay Quarters in your search for the Comtessa. (Gained through following a series of storylets in Ladybones Road)
A Finder of Heiresses: You found the missing Comtessa…poor soul. (Gained through completing a series of storylets in Ladybones Road)
Mired in Clay: What do the Clay Men want from you? What have you found, down there in the warrens of the Clay Quarters?(Unlocked as you become Touched by Fingerwork)
A Keen-Eyed Lapidary: A Keen-Eyed Lapidary has been robbed! //(Unlocked with Watchful: 30)
Seeking Mr Eaten's Name: Why? In God's name, why? What can you possibly hope to gain? Stop now. Before it's too late. (gained through contact with Mr Eaten)
Tracking down the Manager: You are resolved to find the man and have a stern word. (gained through Opportunity cards in a state of some confusion)
Hosting an Inconvenient Aunt Story: An aunt of yours has descended to Fallen London to live the life she always dreamed of (gained through Opportunity cards). Basically a Persuasive storylet.
Marked by the Eater-of-Chains Your flesh festers with the toothmarks of the thing they call the Eater-of-Chains.
An Annoyance to Jack-of-Smiles: You have obstructed the ancient and ill-tempered murderer more than once (gained through a rare success in hunting Smiles in Watchmaker's Hill).
A Courier for the Dead: A dying spirit whispered a message in your ear. Take it to the Gracious Widow in Spite (gained through Opportunity cards in Death).
Commissioned to Enact Love's Revenge: A Betrayed Lover has commissioned you to enact her revenge on a Faithless Rake (gained through Opportunity cards in New Newgate Prison).
Troubled by Vermin Your lodgings are prowled by rats! (gained through an action in Watchmaker's Hill)
Vermin-Free You are reasonably certain this place is free of vermin. (gained through finishing the rat infestation story at your Lodgings)
Occasionally seen at Mr Wines' Revels You are sometimes invited to festivities limited to the favourites of the Masters.
Plotting against the Masters For pay or profit, you are working to undermine the status quo. (gained through Opportunity cards, unlocks with Shadowy 45.)
An Umpire of the Game of Knife-and-Candle You are occasionally asked to maintain order and sportsmanship. (gained through Opportunity cards, unlocks with Dangerous 45.)
An Infernal Informant You have betrayed the Constables for the favour of Hell. Be sure they never find out. (gained through the final storylet at Ladybones Road, requires Watchful 57)
A Constables' Pet You turned traitor on the demons of the Brass Embassy. Be sure they never find out. (gained through the final storylet at Ladybones Road, requires Watchful 57)
Engaged in a Rivalry of Antiquities You are engaged in a struggle to find Forgotten Quarter secrets before other archaeologists do. (gained through storylets at The Forgotten Quarter)
in search of a Stiff Drink Extraordinary thirst demands an extraordinary beverage. (gained through an Opportunity card)
a Neddy Man Your cudgel keeps the wheel of commerce turning (available at Wolfstack Docks)
a Union Sympathiser You are helping the downtrodden workers to organise. (available at Wolfstack Docks)
Duelling with the Black Ribbon You have been invited to deadly sport with the Black Ribbon duelling society. Their duels end in permanent death. (available at your lodgings at Dangerous 73)
a Bringer of Death Death follows you. Even the true death. (This may ultimately be the key to your future) (gained from being a past or future focus for fatal events, usually permanently killing someone - available in the Soul Trade, an agent of the Cheesemonger stories, at Wolfstack Docks, in the Fate-locked continuation of Theological Husbandry and quite possibly more stories)
the Protégé of a Mysterious Benefactor Who is this person? Why are they being so generous? What do they want?
On the trail of the cheesemonger just who is this purveyor of curd?
an agent of the Cheesemonger an occasional agent of the unlikely Great Game operative through opportunity cards
One who has Indulged in Unknown Pleasures You have tasted something that cannot easily be forgotten. From exploring the chambers of the heart
associating with Radical Academics you have made friends among iconoclasts and free-thinkers (From an opportunity card at Watchful 80)
a Scholar of the Correspondence You consider yourself the foremost authority on the Correspondence in the Neath (gained at The Forgotten Quarter at Watchful 80)
a Zailor in the making Discovering the secrets of the Unterzee
You may find yourself Attending to the Needs of a Singular Plant.
You could be on dangerously familiar terms with certain denizens of the Brass Embassy by becoming an Intimate of Devils.
Mr. Clathermont needs some help. You can do so by visiting Clathermont's Tattoo Parlour.
Raking the Muck of the Neath Assisting journalists of a low and salacious sort.
Sympathetic about Ratly Concerns You are on good terms with your Rattus Faber companions.
Playing with Broken Toys A picture of a smiling child. Scraps of cardboard. Cogwheels and porcelain. Something is going on…
Acquiring Exhibits for the Labyrinth of Tigers You are supplying animals for zoological display. Live specimens fetch higher prices.
making progress in the Labyrinth of Tigers Alarming beasts, exotic opportunities for work and many, many tigers.
in the Labyrinth of Tigers, Navigating Coil You have found your way to this level of the treacherous labyrinth. (The level of this quality indicates what Coil you are navigating.)
Tales of Mahogany Hall You're making a name for yourself at Fallen London's finest and most popular music hall! Advances through storylets in Mahogany Hall.
Day of the Week Monday to Sunday, that is, numerically speaking. (Shows the weekly variety bill you have chosen in Mahogany Hall.)
A Person of Some Little Consequence An Ally Visits your Lodgings!
Acquainted with Miriam Plenty's Past Getting to know the history of the carnival's proprietress.
An Experienced Zailor You've captained your own ship across the Unterzee. They speak your name with respect in the taverns of Wolfstack.
You may find yourself in the Company of Monsters. (Part of the Theological Husbandry storyline in in the fourth coil of The Labyrinth of Tigers.)
Walking the Paths of Wilmot's End The path splits and splits again
Trailing the Affluent Photographer
The Photographer and the Contrarian
A Marked Month
Freelance Smuggling A relationship (of sorts) with the once-dashing smuggler
Spending Secrets A secret of currencies? Or a currency of secrets?
a Nocturnal Visitor to the Palace cellars
Featuring in the Tales of the University A hundred dusty passions burn within these ivied walls.
Family and Law Embroiled in a set-to of justice and kinfolk
The followings require a specific Ambition:
Hearing Things...or are you? Late at night, you hear sounds like washing flapping in the wind, in the endless night above the streets of Fallen London. Like the click of claws on stone. Gained through the bag a legend ambition.
You may find yourself Attracting Attention if you're involved in a certain quest against the will of Poor Edward. (Part of the Light Fingers ambition)
Exploring the Orphanage Prowling through halls of stark white walls… (Part of the Light Fingers ambition)
Get to Know Your Neighbors
These stories open the neighbors storylets in our Lodgings.
Added 12/21/2011
A Friendship with a Bohemian Sculptress The Bohemian Sculptress lives near you…
Advising the Loquacious Vicar There's a note on your doorstep…
Befriending a Rooftop Urchin The icy fog cuts like a sharp word…
Collecting Clues for the Clay Coalman The Clay Man Coalman delivers fuel to your lodgings every Tuesday…
Living Stories
Many storylets will give you a message and provide you with a quality that is "redeemed" with a storylet after some time has passed.
The actions available from these messages are very rewarding.
Recalling a Dream of Other Places What was that curious dream? (Triggered by some Watchful actions.)
That Which Waits in Shadow What will you see? What has seen you? (Triggered by some Shadowy actions.)
Causing the wrong sort of interest Your less salubrious activities have provoked a response. A detective is snuffling about. (Triggered by some higher level Shadowy actions.)
the Subject of Admiring Attention Your admirers can be charming, in their way. (Triggered by some Persuasive actions.)
A Name Written in Blood They will respect your might, or they will suffer for it. (Triggered by some Dangerous actions.)
A Legend Among Ratkind They sit behind the skirting board and squeak about your anger [Triggered by a path in Troubled by Vermin]
Non Self-Contained Stories
These qualities are given from a large variety of actions and opportunities
Added february 2012
Approaching the Gates of the Garden There is a reason that Death shuns the Neath. What is it?
Seeing through the Eyes of Icarus On a wall was scrawled: 'Icarus returning / longs for the deep places.' But what does it mean?
Touched by Fingerwork What is it that crawls behind the glass?
Walking the Falling Cities There were four cities before London. One day you may know all their secrets.
Storylets of Some Importance
These are a unique set of storylets that are unlocked (mainly in gold-bordered oppertunity cards) after becoming A Person of Some Importance.
Facing the Rat Army Rats. Thousands of them. Well, hundreds.
Shaping Clay Dealing with a number of luckless Clay Men
Making friends among the Young Stags Getting to know the jolly young fellows
Having Transportation Difficulties Is there not a single hansom left in London?
Courting the Celebrated Artist's Model Rekindling an old flame…
Courting the Master Jewel Thief
Making Friends among God's Editors Getting to know the revisers of sacred books.
Gaining a Criminal Reputation
Pursuing a Case of Books You'll not see those books burn!
Sniffing Around The Parthenaeum What goes on around the overstuffed armchairs of the powerful?
Talk of the Town Your name appears regularly in the salons and gossip-columns. You can trade in this quality for certain favours or recommendations.
Enjoying Lethal Prominence Someone wants to murder you. According to the Ambitious Barrister, that someone has expended a great deal of time and money on the project.
On the Velocipede Squad - Putting the boot to the pedal.
A Diplomat in the Making Getting to know the working of the Foreign Office
Embarking on a Voyage of Scientific Discovery Uncovering the secrets of the Unterzee for the betterment of all. Not least you.
Progress in these stories is reflected in an Intrigue quality.
Intimate with a Secular Missionary An innocent lady in search of her errant husband.
Intimate with a Revolutionary Firebrand. A mysterious and very reserved gentleman.
Solving Cases Around London Neither fog nor darkness nor the stinging webs of sorrow-spiders shall obscure the truth.
Uncovering Secrets Framed in Gold A black painting framed in gold. What secrets lie beneath the surface?
Serenity of the Plaster Face It's just a sculpted face. How could its expression change? (One of the qualities that show progress in the Seeking the Meaning of the Plaster Face story)
Special Story Qualities
These Qualities are awarded for certain events and occasions.
A Veteran of Mr Sacks' Visit of '88: You survived a visit from the formidable Mr Sacks. Ho ho ho. (no longer available - gained through a visit from Mr Sacks on December 24th 2009)
A Veteran of Mr Sacks' Visits: You survived a visit from the formidable Mr Sacks. Ho ho ho. This is the Story Quality given on subsequent visits from Mr Sacks during the Christmas season. The level in this Quality indicates how many times you've been visited by Mr. Sacks.
a Veteran of All Hallows' Eve You've seen things. Rubbery things.
Looking for the Exceptional Rose The real Exceptional Rose, that is. The one they keep under lock and key at the heart of a Labyrinth.
Fate-Locked Story Qualities

These Story qualities appear if you have begun a story that requires Fate.
Fate-locked content must not be placed on the wiki, per the developers.
Fate-locked content purchasable on the Fate page:
Involved in the Soul Trade You have chosen to involve yourself in the Neath's lucrative but disturbing soul commerce. (Gained at the cost of 25 Fate; begins the Soul Trade story)
a Merchant of Souls You have become a Spirifer - a dealer in unlicensed souls. (A branch of the Soul Trade story)
a Shepherd of Souls You have a joined a cause: you work to return lost souls to their rightful owners (A branch of the Soul Trade story)
in contact with a Long-Lost Daughter (Gained at the cost of 25 Fate; begins the Long-Lost Daughter story)
investigating the Rubbery Murders (Gained at the cost of 25 Fate; begins the The Rubbery Murders story)
House of Chimes-related storylets:
As the house of Chimes is reserved to Exeptional Friends, this must be also considered as Fate-locked storylets, despite not having any fate-cost per se…
Learning from a Silk-clad Expert Surely there's no danger. She's only dreamed of the spider council, after all.
Caught Up in a Soldier's Heartbreaking Tale A story of lost battles and lost love.
Fate-locked content continuing other storylets:
Acquiring this fate-locked qualities supposes you've advanced in some specific, non-fate locked content
Visiting Flute Street (Gained at the cost of 18 Fate at the end of the Solving Cases Around London storylet; catalogs the progress of your journey into Flute Street.)
Mysteries of the Foreign Office Sailing a sea of secrets Fate-locked continuation of the Foreign Office; costs 20 Fate
Bound in Diocesan Intrigue To storm Hell? Is that really the Bishop's plan? Fate-locked continuation of the Theological Husbandry; costs 20 Fate
The Spinning of the Wheels Poking your nose into the hidden business of the Velocipede Squad Fate-locked continuation of the Velocipede Squad; costs 20 Fate
Other known qualities related to fate-locked storylets:
This is mainly gained during a fate-locked storylet
A Warrior's Code You have always fought. The question remains - why?
A Power in Waiting To what end do you wait, in the shadows of Empire?
A Brazen Fate You ride the road to Hell, but what awaits you there?
Fist of the Bazaar A leading agent of London's true power. (This may ultimately be the key to your future.)
Hellfarer Step by step, closer to the infernal gates. (This may ultimately be the key to your future.)
Empire's Kingmaker A true patriot. Whatever your reasons. (This may ultimately be the key to your future.)
Fallen London is © 2010-2016 and ™ Failbetter Games Limited: This is an unofficial fan work.
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