These items are not purchased from the Bazaar, but are rather gained from stories which become available via Wolfstack Docks. Acquiring A Ship can only be begun after completing the story A Person of Some Little Consequence and becoming a A Person Of Some Importance. This requires a trait with a value of at least 100 in Dangerous, Watchful, Persuasive, or Shadowy.
See Tips For Buying A Ship And Exploring The Unterzee for more information.
You may only have one of these at any time.
Rusty Tramp Steamer
Hardly a beauty, but sturdy and reliable. She'll get you there.
- No (known) effects
100 x Relic of the Third City
Majestic Pleasure Yacht
The journey is always better than the destination
Unlocks the "Zailing in Style" card and additional options on other cards when zailing The Broad UnterzeeLuck check, assuming you have Connected: The Masters 3
- Respectable +2
A failure on the luck check wastes 1/5 of the items.
5000 Deep Amber
5 x Cellar of Wine 25 Broken Giant for 5 with item conversions
5 x Favours in High Places 25 Stolen Kisses for 5 with item conversions
5 x Comprehensive Bribe 25 x Visions of the Surface, 200 x Romantic Notion each
1 Whispered Secret
- 30 Fate
A marvel! A vessel capable of travel beneath the waves! Of your own design, naturally.Unlocks the "Submerge" card and additional options on other cards when zailing The Broad Unterzee.
- Bizarre + 1
30 x Whirring Contraption 200 x Phosphorescent Scarab, 30 x Memory of Light each
7 x Bejewelled Lens 2 x Diamond, 30 x Correspondence Plaque, 200 x Maniac's Prayer, 100 x Moon-pearl each
20 x Strong-Backed Labour 15 x Compromising Document, 50 x Intriguing Gossip each
1 x Favours in High Places 25 Stolen Kisses in Item Conversions gives 5
1 x Comprehensive Bribe 25 x Vision of the Surface, 200 x Romantic Notion
- 30 Fate
Swift Zee-clipper
The fastest vessel afloat, or thereabouts.Unlocks the "Good weather for a Zee-Clipper" card and additional options on other cards when sailing The Broad Unterzee.
1-2 x Legal Document 25 x Correspondence Plaque, 200 x Maniac's Prayer each
12-13 x Use of Villains 80 x Appalling Secret, 20 x A Journal of Infamy each
1 Cryptic Clue
2000 Jade Fragment
- 30 Fate
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