Seduction: Honey-sipping jewel-thief
Seduction: Honey-sipping jewel-thief
Storylets for the Seduction: Honey-sipping jewel-thief Venture are all found in Veilgarden.
You will need to raise your Fascinating… quality to advance the Venture. When your Fascinating… reaches 5, storylets appear to complete the Seduction: Honey-sipping jewel-thief Venture.
You currently cannot experience this Venture more than once.
Levels of this Venture are not currently named.
Pursue the jewel-thief
Become better acquainted with a charming young jewel-thief
Well he says he's a jewel-thief, but people say those sorts of things in honey-dens.
Unlocked with Persuasive 18
Begin your pursuit
A jewel-thief probably gives excellent presents…and you imagine he'd be pleasant company, besides.
[You'll need to build up a Fascinating… quality to at least 5 to complete this. ]
He's pretending not to pay attention.
We'll soon correct that.
You have begun a new venture!
Seduction: Honey-sipping jewel-thief
Fascinating… shows your progress in the venture.
Become better acquainted with a charming young jewel-thief
Your project advances.
Unlocks with Seduction: Honey-sipping jewel-thief 1
A straightforward approach… Persuade him to share honey with you
The best place to advance your suit is certainly in a shared dream.
(Persuasive challenge, persuasive at 26)
A very pleasant afternoon
Sunlight, good company and imaginary wine. You're growing rather fond of the man.
Persuasive increase
Fascinating… increase
This wasn't what you planned
You spend an afternoon in a city whose buildings are constructed of frozen blood. It's a marvellous colour and the sunsets are incredible - but it's not what you'd call romantic.
Persuasive increase
This might be faster… Arrange matters so you meet in a honey-dream.
If you can determine which dreams she tends to visit, you may be able to meet her there.
(Watchful challenge, straightforward at 23)
A very pleasant afternoon
Sunlight, good company and imaginary wine. You're growing rather fond of the man.
Watchful increase
Fascinating… increase
Become better acquainted with a charming young jewel-thief: the resolution!
Matters are approaching a satisfactory conclusion.
Unlocks with Seduction: Honey-sipping jewel-thief 1, Fascinating… 5
Commence an affair with the jewel-thief
You're looking forward to this.
(Fascinating… challenge, low-risk at 6)
A delicious dalliance
A couple of weeks of bliss, after which one of you rather suddenly abandons the other. Ah, love. Still, you have some delightful souvenirs of your time together, and you part on good terms.
Persuasive increase
An occurrence! Your
Seduction: Honey-sipping jewel-thief quality is now 2!
Random reward
Commence an affair with the jewel-thief. Unexpectedly declare undying love, and possibly propose marriage.
You may not be entirely sincere. [Warning: failing here may mean you have to start over!]
A couple of weeks of bliss, after which you get tired of him and spring your trap.
The poor soul is frightened witless! He showers you with jewels to distract you and escapes first chance he gets.
Persuasive increase
An occurrence! Your
Seduction: Honey-sipping jewel-thief quality is now 2!
Gain: 54 x Jade Fragment
Gain: 36 x Moon-pearl
He took you seriously. He wants you to run away together! You quietly escape in the middle of the night before anything too permanent happens.
You've lost a quality:
Continue your affair
Share another dream with the charming young jewel-thief
You have seduced him already, but it would be pleasant to continue the dalliance…
Unlocks: Seduction: Honey-sipping jewel-thief 2
A dream of betrayal
Actually, you'd prefer to get rid of him. Take him to a dangerous dream. A dream of smugglers and pistols and desperation. That should do the trick.
Lost in the gloom
You lead the jewel-thief to a dim and smoky dream tavern. Rain batters the windows. Lanterns cast wildly looming shadows. A clot of smugglers plots in a corner. Your friend has taken a barrel of the finest amanita brandy from the smugglers' stash, and they're not happy. You retreat into the shadows.
An occurrence! Your
Seduction: Honey-sipping jewel-thief quality is now 10!
A place of jewels
He'll appreciate this. It's a glittering tower, built from gemstones that flash a thousand colours in the sunlight. Offer him a sip of honey, take his hand and lead
(Persuasive challenge)
Shimmering spires
The jewelled spires sparkle in the warm sunlight. Your friend is entranced; he turns to you with a delighted grin. You spend the dream in lost in wonder, gazing at the play of colours and light, holding hands and smiling.
Persuasive increase
Gain: 1 x Diamond
An occurrence! Your
Seduction: Honey-sipping jewel-thief quality is now 4!
A garden at twilight
Take him to a dream of a secluded garden at the enchanted hour of sunset.
(Persuasive challenge, low-risk at 26)
A golden evening
The last rays of sunlight slant across the garden and turn the silver fountains to liquid gold. The scent of jasmine is sweet in the air. You sit, hand in hand, on cool grass, and watch the moon rise. It is entirely peaceful. Later, back at home, you receive a small gift. Moon-pearls, of course.
Persuasive increase
An occurrence! Your
Seduction: Honey-sipping jewel-thief quality is now 4!
Gain: 22 x Moon-pearl
Meet the charming young jewel-thief in this realm?
Are you ready to take your relationship beyond the romantic borders of honey-dreams?
Unlocks: Seduction: Honey-sipping jewel-thief 4
Do not risk it
Perhaps it would be unwise to change things. Perhaps your friendship is only meant for dreams, and would not stand up to the harshness of reality.
A retreat into dreams
You continue to share dreams with the young gentleman. And very pleasant dreams they are too, for the most part. Were you right not to try to take things further? Best not worry about it. Have some more honey.
An occurrence! Your 'Seduction: Honey-sipping jewel-thief' Quality is now 6!
Nightmares increase
1 change point
Act as his accomplice
The young man long ago frittered away his inheritance. He turned to theft to finance his penchant for honey. Go with him on a job and discover how you get on with him.
(Shadowy challenge, straightforward at 24)
A double success
You meet at midnight outside a house he's been casing for a while. It's not a difficult job; the society lady who lives here is careless with her jewels. Your friend moves gracefully, sliding from shadow to shadow with practised ease.
The economy of his movement is matched only by the elasticity of his conscience. You make an effort to impress in your turn, and he rewards you with a stunning jewel and an equally stunning smile.
Shadowy increase
Gain: 1 x Sapphire
An occurrence! Your
Seduction: Honey-sipping jewel-thief quality is now 5!
Take him to tea
A quiet afternoon at Beatrice's Tea Parlour will give you a chance to talk.
(Persuasive challenge; straightforward at 28)
You settle down over a steaming pot of tea and some delightfully crumbly puffball sponges. The young man is a skilled conversationalist when he's not distracted by dreams, and time passes pleasantly. Perhaps there is something to be said for pursuing this relationship. And that's before you consider the splendid gifts that one receives from jewel thieves…
Shadowy increase
Gain: 1 x Diamond
Gain: 8 x Moon-pearl
An occurrence! Your
Seduction: Honey-sipping jewel-thief quality is now 5!
Prisoner's honey and the jewel-thief
You have long known about his weakness for prisoner's honey. Perhaps you have already made use of the fact. But now you must decide - does he need help?
Unlocks: Seduction: Honey-sipping jewel-thief 5
Do nothing
His predilections are his own affair. Who are you to try to change him?
Your friend seems happy enough. He looks a little faded at the edges sometimes, but who does not, these days? It is not as if he is roaming the streets, honey-mazed and drooling, attacking passersby. You continue your pleasant acquaintance, and he shares his highest quality honey with you.
Gain: 2 x Drop of Prisoner's Honey
An occurrence! Your
Seduction: Honey-sipping jewel-thief quality is now 7!
Confiscate his honey
Prisoner's honey is a wonderful substance, but your friend is risking too much in his pursuit of it. Sometimes, the kindest thing to do is also the hardest.
(Persuasive challenge, low-risk at 26)
True gratitude
You scour his lodgings, gathering up all the little vials and pots of honey. You hold his hand while he talks of the dream realms that he loves so much. It is a long night, but by morning, he is much restored. He thanks you. Drawing you to him, he presses a kiss to your forehead.
Persuasive increase
Gain: 11 x Drop of Prisoner's Honey
An occurrence! Your
Seduction: Honey-sipping jewel-thief quality is now 6!
Discuss the matter
Have a sober talk with him. Let him know you are willing to help if he needs you.
(Persuasive challenge, straightforward at 26)
'It means so much to me'
You broach the subject of honey indulgence and offer a sympathetic ear. Your friend becomes quite emotional. Once he starts talking, he can't stop. It turns out his honey habit has been preying on his mind, as much for the expense as the cost to his sanity. Hm. Still, he is touched by your concern. And entreats you to take away his personal supply, so he is not tempted to take solace in dreams tonight.
Persuasive increase
10x Drop of Prisoner's Honey
An occurrence! Your
Seduction: Honey-sipping jewel-thief quality is now 6!
Make a decision about the charming young jewel-thief
Perhaps the time has come to decide where this dalliance is going?
[Unlocked with: Seduction: Honey-sipping jewel-thief 6]
Continue the affair
He has his faults, but you are much too fond of him to let him go.
The comfort of familiarity
Your affair with the jewel-thief…
An occurrence! Your
Seduction: Honey-sipping jewel-thief Quality is now 7!
Leave him because of his honey-habit
Tell him that honey-dreams are more important to him than you are. Tell him you fear he will end up honey-mazed and you cannot bear to see it.
_ Persuasive challenge |
The pull is too strong…
He listens to your little speech…
Persuasive increase
Gain: 42 x
Your 'Seduction: Honey-sipping jewel-thief' Quality has gone!
Leave him - after taking what you can
It's time to end the affair. And it would simply be wrong not to take advantage of his habits and help yourself to a share of his latest haul while he's otherwise occupied.
_ Shadowy challenge |
Fair exchange
You bring your relationship to…
Shadowy increase
Gain: 34 x
Jade Fragment
Your 'Seduction: Honey-sipping jewel-thief' Quality has gone!
Next steps…
Further encounters with the Honey-sipping jewel-thief may become available with Opportunity cards.