This story consists of four separate storylets, each invoving remembering people you knew from the surface. Each of them leads to a multi-card storylet based on a major quality. Once those are completed, the story can lead to a conclusion.
Surface Ties: The Assailant
It's one of the monster-hunters at the Medusa's Head who tips you off. Someone is looking for you, they say. Someone with a knife and no sense of humour. Someone from the surface. Who is it?
Unlocks: Dangerous 12
The rest of this storylet, Recalling the Surface: Dangerous, is on its own page.
Surface Ties: The Admirer
When you came to the Neath, you left an admirer behind. Who was that admirer?
Unlocks: Persuasive 12
The rest of this storylet, Recalling the Surface: Persuasive, is on its own page.
Surface Ties: The Stalker
There is a presence in the shadows: someone has followed you from the surface. Who is it?
Unlocks: Shadowy 12
The rest of this storylet, Recalling the Surface: Shadowy, is on its own page.
Surface Ties: The Seeker
There is a presence in the shadows: someone has followed you from the surface. Who is it?
Unlocks: Watchful 12
The rest of this storylet, Recalling the Surface: Watchful, is on its own page.
Once you have dealt with all of these individual stories, this card will appear and you can use it to become Free of Surface Ties
Surface Ties: done with the surface
Your last connections to the surface world are gone.
[Unlocked with: Recalling the Surface: Dangerous 4, Recalling the Surface: Persuasive 4, Recalling the Surface: Shadowy 4, Recalling the Surface: Watchful 4]A home a long way down
You are now a true, proud citizen of the Neath. You have chosen the eery beauty of stone and corpselight and black water over the gaudy world above.
What's done is done
The Neath will never really be your home. But you're here now, for good or for ill.
Some day, you'll return to the surface
The Neath! A hole in the ground with a grand name! Fallen London! The wretched corpse of the queen of cities! Dear God, you miss the sun. You'll go back one day.
Yes, yes, whatever
Surface, then, Neath, now. Honestly, who cares? There's honey here, isn't there? Silk? Velvet? Delicious people? Send hirelings to the cellar! I will have more wine!
Fallen London is © 2010-2016 and ™ Failbetter Games Limited: This is an unofficial fan work.
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