There are two types of Professions currently available. You may have no Profession, or one Profession. You cannot have more than one at a time. You may unlearn your profession at your Lodgings.
Training Professions
There are four training professions, one for each of the main qualities. Every week the profession will provide a stat boost to that quality, effective only below 70.
Storylet available at your Lodgings:

Adopt a Training Profession
You can improve your beginning skills with a Training Profession. Once you're more skilled, consider a more proftable Profession: you can find better ones on Connected cards.
Become a Tough
A bouncer and a vanquisher of minor menaces. One day, perhaps a hunter or a duellist…
This will increase your Dangerous every week until it reaches 70, and provide some small payment besides.
Become a Minor Poet
Minor, but only because your talent isn't recognised. Yet.
This will increase your Persuasive every week until it reaches 70, and provide some small payment besides.
Become a Pickpocket
A petty thief dreaming of the big score…for now. Perhaps you'll become a seasoned confidence trickster, a cat-burglar, a gang boss.
This will increase your Shadowy every week until it reaches 70, and provide some small payment besides.
Become an Enquirer
A searcher-out of secrets: one day, perhaps you'll be a scholar or a detective.
This will increase your Watchful every week until it reaches 70, and provide some small payment besides.
Advanced Professions
There are 22 available advanced professions, six at "Tier 1", six at "Tier 2" (meaning it is an evolution of a Tier 1 profession), 6 at "Tier 3" and 4 "Mundane" professions.
Each one provides a weekly salary and the tiered professions each provide a unique tool.
Tier 1
Gained through Contacts cards.

[Requires Connected: The Church 25]
[Requires Adrift on a Sea of Misery Surrounded by Wretchedness]
[Requires Plotting against the Masters 1]
[Requires Connected: Revolutionaries 25]
Unique item: Feckless Supporters
Your passionate views have attracted a crowd of vocal, if rather ineffectual, adherents.
Dangerous +6
Persuasive +6

[Requires An Infernal Informant 1]
[Requires Connected: Hell 25]
[Requires Connected: Urchins 25]
[Requires Route: The Flit 1]
Unique item: Loathsome Imp
A very junior devil or a particularly malevolent urchin? It hardly matters. His cunning is matched only by his ethical flexibility.Persuasive +6; Shadowy +6

[Unlocked with Raking the Muck of the Neath 7]
[Unlocked with Connected: Bohemian 25]
Unique item: Little Red Notebook
All fear the secrets herein. Speak not its name.Persuasive +5; Watchful +5

[Requires Connected: The Great Game 25]
[Requires a fine piece in the Game A Veteran Spy]
Unique item: Revolting Disguise
A second identity so complete, and so repulsive, that you might beg at your arch-foe's back door without fear of discovery.
Shadowy +5; Watchful +5

[Requires Connected: Revolutionaries 25]
[Requires Plotting against the Masters 1]
[Requires Connected: Criminals 25]
[Requires The Cheery Man and the Last Constable Favouring the Cheery Man]
Unique item: Burly Assistant
Listen wery careful to everyfink the boss 'as to say. Then you won't need to talk ter me.Dangerous +5; Shadowy +5

[Requires Dangerous 20]
[Requires Connected: The Docks 25]
Unique item: Ratting Piece
Guarantee the Utter Devastation of the Murine Foeman! Accurate at a Distance of Numerous Yards! Stock may be Employed as a Cudgel against Rats with Pellet-Proof Hides! Includes Fold-Out Sighting Tools and Spoor Store!
Dangerous +5; Watchful +5
Tier 2

This profession can be gained from the "The Demi-Monde: Bohemians" card, with the unlocks of Profession: Journalist, Connected:Bohemian 25, and "An Exceptional Short Story" (can be created using the Writer's Desk storyline).
Unique item: Appreciation SocietyYour reader have clubbed together! Their enthusiasm can occasionally be disconcerting, but they are a wonderful source of information and support.
Persuasive +8; Watchful +8
Every week, you will receive An Earnest of Payment, redeemable for the reward specific to your profession. You also receive Professional Perks, which give generic rewards available to any profession.

A Professional Reward
"Thou shalt not bind the church-bat's ears; and the labourer is worthy of his reward…
Your Profession brings you an income! Claim it below, and you'll receive another reward next week.
[Unlocked with 1 x An Earnest of Payment]
[Unlocked when Profession: is: Campaigner, Trickster, Journalist, Enforcer, Rat-Catcher, Watcher, Tough, Minor Poet, Pickpocket, Enquirer, Author, Murderer, Stalker, Agent, Correspondent, Licentiate, Monster-Hunter, Midnighter, Glassman, Crooked-Cross, Speaker, Strangler, Lacoonian, Echoist, Oneironaut, Unbishop, Mystic, Conjurer, Tutor, Undermanager, Notary, Doctor]
The artist's reward
As someone will one day say, "That terrible mood of depression of whether it's any good or not." Also, money.
[Unlocked with 1 x An Earnest of Payment]
[Unlocked when Profession: is: Minor Poet]
[This storylet will cost you 4 actions!]The Author's reward
They say the work is its own reward, but then they think the work is just sitting down and making things up. It's much harder than that. Much!
[Unlocked when Profession: is: Author]
[Unlocked with 1 x An Earnest of Payment]
The Journalist's Reward
Your notebook is nearly full. What can you make of it?
[Unlocked when Profession: is: Journalist]
[This storylet will cost you 5 actions!]The Campaigner's Reward
You've gathered plenty of funds for the Cause. Now you need to cover your operational expenses.
[Unlocked when Profession: is: Campaigner]
[This storylet will cost you 5 actions!]The Enforcer's Reward
Look at all the little presents you have. How popular you must be.
[Unlocked when Profession: is: Enforcer]
[This storylet will cost you 5 actions!]The Rat-Catcher's Reward
It's dirty, bloody work, but without men and women like you, London would see another Great Rat Flood. Or worse.
[Unlocked when Profession: is: Rat-Catcher]
[This storylet will cost you 5 actions!]The Tough's reward
It's a hard road. You've knuckle-calluses to prove it.
[Unlocked with 1 x An Earnest of Payment]
[Unlocked when Profession: is: Tough]
[This storylet will cost you 4 actions!]The Trickster's reward
You do pick up some peculiar paraphernalia. Preparation for schemes that don't come off, bribes to give, bribes to receive, the by-products of hasty improvisation… d__ned if you know where that weasel came from.
[Unlocked when Profession: is Trickster]
What has it got in its gropus?
Whatever it was, it's yours now.
[Unlocked when Profession: is: Pickpocket]
[This storylet will cost you 4 actions!]Use your Professional Perks
Spend your Professional Perks on extra benefits. (You'll still be able to spend your Earnest of Payment afterwards.)
[Unlocked with 1 x Professional Perks]
[This storylet will not cost you an action]
Professional Perks
You gain a Professional Perk each week. Spend it on something helpful, or save up for Trade Secrets.
Lose half your Nightmares
Lose half your Nightmares.
[Unlocked with 2 x Professional Perks]
Lose half your Suspicion
Lose half your Suspicion.
[Unlocked with 2 x Professional Perks]
Lose half your Scandal
Lose half your Scandal.
[Unlocked with 2 x Professional Perks]
Lose half your Wounds
Lose half your Wounds.
[Unlocked with 2 x Professional Perks]
Gain Second Chances
One of each. You might need them.
[Unlocked with 1 x Professional Perks]
Gain a Trade Secret
Trade Secrets! Increase your skills, sell them, or use them for other purposes…
[Unlocked with 4 x Professional Perks]

Use your Trade Secrets
You've learnt so much! How will you spend your knowledge?
You've learnt the lessons of violence.
This will notably increase your Dangerous, though not past the level cap.
[Unlocked with 1 x Trade Secrets]
[This storylet will cost you 10 actions!]You've learnt sweeter lessons.
This will notably increase your Persuasive, though not past the level cap.
[Unlocked with 1 x Trade Secrets]
[This storylet will cost you 10 actions!]You've learnt the lessons of stealth.
This will notably increase your Shadowy, though not past the level cap.
[Unlocked with 1 x Trade Secrets]
[This storylet will cost you 10 actions!]You've learnt the lessons of sight.
This will notably increase your Watchful, though not past the level cap.
[Unlocked with 1 x Trade Secrets]
[This storylet will cost you 10 actions!]…something else.
This will gain you a Searing Enigma and a Primaeval Hint.
[Unlocked with 1 x Trade Secrets]
[This storylet will cost you 10 actions!]
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