What happens in Polythreme?
Everything's alive there, or so the story goes. Coal burns with a long low moan, steel is forged under protest, new-minted coins still shriek with pain and horror. It sounds a horribly callous place. Not to mention remarkably noisy.
Leaving Polythreme
Put to Zee!
Your ship is ready. The wide black waves await.
Lay in supplies and sail
Stow your supplies, quiet anything that complains and set out to zee!
This is always successful, but very Watchful characters may receive an additional advantage.
Be sure you are ready. Once you've set to zee, it will take you a little while to return. It will also interrupt ongoing tasks: Progress qualities like Investigating, Fascinating and Term Passing will be reset.
Out to the Sea of Voices
You didn't pay the harbourmaster, as Polythreme doesn't boast such a person. The first few shovels of coal wail and moan as they are consumed in the boilers, but that racket will quiet once you're out of the harbour. Polythreme dwindles and flattens behind you.
The Sea of Voices is hardly a safe or a sane place, but you'd forgotten what it was to be quiet or alone. The cool zee breeze stings your eyes with salt. Your crew boast of the tales they picked up ashore. You're fairly sure you didn't see any Clay Women, and what they're claiming happened seems very unlikely indeed. Still, no matter. Onward!
Watchful increase
You've moved to a new area:
The Sea of Voices
Gain: 2 x
Investigating… Quality has gone!
(If you have this Quality.)
Fascinating… Quality has gone!
(If you have this Quality.)
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
Zail Away on the Tramp Steamer
The Tramp Steamer is back in port. Or perhaps it's a different one. They all look like one battered, sad old ship after a while.
Buy a ticket to London
Time to go home. This is more expensive than using your own ship, and the steamer only goes to London. You can gain Surface-Silk scraps by seeing the sights in Polythreme.
Unlocked with Surface-Silk Scrap x 80
Going home
Enough of clothes-legions and singing coal and your clothing becoming opinionated. Back to the fog and crowds and civilisation. Back to London, even if it's a long trip.
Lose: 80 x
Surface-Silk Scrap
You've moved to a new area:
Aboard a Tramp Steamer (Note you will lose many of your polythreme or progress qualities)
Things to do at Polythreme at anytime
One Might Profit Even in Such a Place
Copper mooring posts that wail when they have no ship. A warm wind blowing crackling, cackling leaves. You can turn your hand to gain even here.
Make off with a box of silks
A steamer from London unloads a few boxes of Surface silks. Nobody is paying much attention. After all, the Clay Men are not given to theft.
(Dangerous Challenge, Straightforward at less than 119)
What sort of crime is this?
The little crate bumps and shuffles as you grab it, and stubbornly refuses to open its lid. The crate's hinges start to splinter before it relents and lets you grab an armful of silk. It waddles painfully back towards its ship as you make off with your prize.
Dangerous increase
Gain: 8 x
Surface-Silk Scrap
Observe the camaraderie of objects
Can a copper kettle and a stone-lidded table feel kinship? They say that nobody and nothing is alone in Polythreme.
(Watchful Challenge, Straightforward at less than 119)
A singular sort of town
Your carpet bag has made a firm friend of the hall table in the inn you're staying at. Your shoes are no longer on speaking terms. Many of the objects you see on the street are melancholy. But some few have found comfort in each other. Will poets ever speak of this?
Watchful increase
Gain: 8 x
Romantic Notion
Soft to the touch
The Clay Men of Polythreme have an especial fondness for surface silk. Perhaps you could tell them stories of other places and persuade them to part with their silken friends.
(Persuasive Challenge, Straightforward at 125)
A better place?
You speak on a street corner. Clay Men bearing oil lamps come to hear you. You speak of sunlight, of blue skies and green seas. Of growing things and the turning of the seasons. The Clay Men drink up your words. Even the stones and copper railings around you fall silent. The Clay Men bid farewell to their silk scraps, hoping you will bear them to a better place.
Persuasive increase
Gain: 12 x
Surface-Silk Scrap
Not the right audience
You address a small gathering of Clay Men at a sunken-stepped theatre. You speak of cold fog, lonely streets, children and steam engines. The Clay Men clutch the steps and moan in horror. The steps, disturbed, moan with them. You walk away empty-handed.
Persuasive increase
Scandal increase
(1 change point)
Lurk in the eaves
Do the residents of Polythreme gossip? Do stony lips whisper secrets between the white stone columns? Will you be there to hear them?
(Shadowy Challenge, Straightforward at 125)
A singular love
You quiet your steps, your breathing, your thoughts. And then you start to hear them. 'Make me one again with the Hundreds!' 'I will never leave you. I cannot leave you.' 'We will never be free of one another.' 'I will cut off my arm, and when the arm wakes I will love it.' The whispers go on all night.
Shadowy increase
Gain: 12 x
Romantic Notion
An uncomfortable quiet
Despite the stories, the walls and arches of Polythreme don't have eyes. But they know you're there. After days of hearing wails, moans and whispers, you have finally found silence.
Shadowy increase
Making your way through Polythreme
This storylet begins the Polythreme carousel, in which most of the rewards and story in Polythreme focuses around.
Begin your Polythremic Promenade
Low, heavy buildings of pale stone. Copper railings at the quayside and moans in the air. Polythreme awaits you.
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 0
Set forth into the stone-flagged street
Are you a wanderer of no great purpose? A writer of travelogues? Or do you have some deep purpose in Polythreme? It matters not: it all begins with setting one foot before the other.
The flagstones mock your footsteps
A chattering man-shaped collection of clothes passes you by. Is there anyone under all those robes, corsets and cummerbunds? A coin in your pocket fidgets uncomfortably. This place will take some getting used to.
Getting anything useful done in Polythreme is hampered by the tendency of your accoutrements to have ideas of their own. This is measured by the Unnatural Exuberance quality. To make your way in Polythreme, you may wish to raise your Fascinating… and/or Investigating… qualities to gather influence and uncover secrets. You may spend these qualities when your Unnatural Exuberance quality has been reduced to a manageable level. Remember that you will lose all Fascinating… and Investigating… if you leave Polythreme.
You now have 11 of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
Gain: 2 x
Memory of Distant Shores
Unnatural Exuberance 11-2
At this stage in Polythreme your goal is to build up your Investigating and/or Fascinating qualities before your Unnatural Exuberance quality reaches 1. You can do this by spending fate, trading goods, playing opportunity cards, or by trading your Investigating or Fascinating qualities for the other. Almost every action will reduce your Unnatural Exuberance by one, so you have 10 actions to reach your goal.
It is, recommended for those not fond of luck challenges, and trial an error. To pay your way through the first tier of 'paying your way' storylet, and then trade in any of the quality not interested in to the quality you are interested in. Then to use opportunity cards to reach Investigating or Fascinating 12-13, and either select "A Guided Tour of Polythreme" or "A Little Spy Work". Having progress in either of those stories will allow a frequently occurring opportunity card to appear, which is a skills test, and primarily use that card(s) to progress in further carousels, instead of the luck challenge opportunity cards or expensive 'buying your way' options. Any remaining action points can be spent profiting in Polythreme.
Be sure to make use of your opportunity card hand, to hold other cards you do not wish to draw so you can make expedient progress. This is especially useful, if you have both progress in writing of your travels, and spying on Polythreme storys active.
Use of just the skills-test opportunity card(s) is sufficient to reach 13 of any one single stat.
A Most Useful Meeting
Someone is following you. A collection of threadbare black clothes, all wrapped in white belts. He shuffles along uncomfortably while his clothes moan in unison.
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 2-11
Spend Fate to get Investigating… and Fascinating…
Your pursuer isn't particularly subtle. Perhaps something delightful could come of turning around and confronting him. This will give you enough Fascinating… and Investigating… to ensure success in any one endeavour here. Remember that it will disappear if you leave Polythreme.
Requires 15 Fate
Fate-locked content must not be placed on the wiki, per the developers.
Paying Your Way
The wheels of advancement are oiled with gifts. Bribes, you say? Well, if you were being uncouth. And do these people really understand commerce? The prices rise as your endeavours progress.
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 2-11
Give surface-silk to Clay Men
The trio of Clay Men are for the tithe-ship to London soon. Take their minds off the matter. This will always gain you Fascinating…
Unlocked with Surface-Silk Scrap x 25, Unnatural Exuberance 8-11
When we were one
A Clay Man runs the silk length through his thick fingers. His lips crack in a smile and he closes his eyes. He speaks in the voice of a human man. 'Silk, silk. So long ago. Such a journey westward with the precious cargo. They said the world wasn't that big, but we came to the shores of the inland sea, where they'd never even seen silk…'
He falls silent, and his brethren gaze on him in wonder and awe. 'HE WAS SEPARATED FROM THE STATUE GARDEN,' says one, proudly. 'HE KNOWS THE OLD THINGS WHEN WE WERE ONE.'
You were fortunate!
Investigating… increase
(10 change points)
Fascinating increase
(10 change points)
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
Lose: 25 x
Surface-Silk Scrap
Where does this colour come from?
The Clay Men run silk between thick fingers. They like the feel of it, but want to know more. Was it made by the quick hands of humans? Under sunlight? Near growing things and birds and butterflies? Perhaps a story of silk would have done just as well.
You were unlucky. Better luck next time…
Fascinating increase
(10 change points)
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
Lose: 25 x
Surface-Silk Scrap
Offer silks to a clothes-colony
The man-shaped colony of dresses, hats and gloves draws longing glances from passing Clay Men. It is mainly made up of brightly-coloured Oriental silks. This will always gain you Investigating…
Unlocked with Surface-Silk Scrap x 25, Unnatural Exuberance 8-11
A closeness
The clothes-colony moans with rustling desire as you draw out the silk. A dozen throaty voices purr, 'You will suit us! You will complete us!' The clothes-colony sidles up to you. 'We must promenade! We shall tell you such things! Would you delight in wearing us?'
You were fortunate!
Investigating… increase
(10 change points)
Fascinating increase
(10 change points)
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
Lose: 25 x
Surface-Silk Scrap
One more on the pile
Is there anyone inside the mobile accumulation of dresses and shawls and shoes? It doesn't matter for your purposes. The colony sighs and rustles with delight as you add its newest member. A dozen low, throaty voices rasp, 'One of us now, and we'll tell you a secret.'
You were unlucky. Better luck next time…
Investigating… increase
(10 change points)
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
Lose: 25 x
Surface-Silk Scrap
Spread tales of love and glamour
There are a few people of flesh and blood around Polythreme. Most inhabit clothes-colonies. But who doesn't appreciate a story of romance? This will always gain you Fascinating…
Unlocked with Romantic Notion x 50, Unnatural Exuberance 5-7
A matter of luck: it could go either way.
A great success
You speak of love and loss. A Gothic tale of drowning and heartache in the modern style. A bawdy zailors' tale about curates. A sad song, rumoured to be from the Presbyterate. Ten minutes later, it seems that half of Polythreme is listening to you. Flagstones strain upwards attentively. Clay Men stare, mute and expressionless. They want more.
You were fortunate!
Investigating… increase
(10 change points)
Fascinating increase
(10 change points)
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
Lose: 50 x
Romantic Notion
A practical romance
You pour out your words. A poem in the new Celestial style. The groom and the lady. What happened on the Empress' throne. Even the clothing-colonies shut up and listen. You gather a small crowd on the broad avenue. Now, what use will you put them to?
You were unlucky. Better luck next time…
Fascinating increase
(10 change points)
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
Lose: 50 x
Romantic Notion
Speak of romance to an empty garden
There's a formal garden around the villa overlooking the town. Nobody is ever there, but you can't shake the feeling that someone is listening. Perhaps they're lonely. This will always gain you Investigating…
Unlocked with Romantic Notion x 50, Unnatural Exuberance 5-7
A matter of luck: it could go either way.
A convenient sort of union
You stand outside the garden's low marble wall and speak of loss and longing and passions sated and denied. The statues of the naked young men near the pomegranate tree crane their necks to hear. You orate into the silent garden. When your tales of romance are spent, you head back down into town. A pair of newly-separated Clay Men meet you at the market. They like new visitors. Can they be of any help to you?
You were fortunate!
Investigating… increase
(10 change points)
Fascinating increase
(10 change points)
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
Lose: 50 x
Romantic Notion
A deaf ear?
You stand in the warm wind near the villa's copper gates. The place sprawls half a mile or more back from the road - it must take up half the island. You speak of separation and longing and fidelity. The doors remain closed, careless of your words. Is anyone listening?
You were unlucky. Better luck next time…
Investigating… increase
(10 change points)
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
Lose: 50 x
Romantic Notion
Speak of the Elder Continent at Arcimboldo's
Arcimboldo's is the Polythreme coffee house. The atmosphere doesn't compare well to Caligula's, but the coffee is passable if you ignore the screaming. This will always gain you Fascinating…
Unlocked with Mystery of the Elder Continent x 25, Unnatural Exuberance 2-4
A matter of luck: it could go either way.
A sudden and specific interest
Most of Arcimboldo's customers are zailors and passing merchants. There are a few ambitious Clay Men wearing variously successful attempts at London-cut suits, polishing their manners. These latter have an endless appetite for tales of the Elder Continent. Have you been there? Is there really a great glowing mountain? Can you find diamonds there? How much does it cost to book passage?
Fascinating increase
(10 change points)
Investigating… increase
(10 change points)
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
Lose: 25 x
Mystery of the Elder Continent
An afternoon with some rather robust coffee
Most of the customers frequent Arcimboldo's for the company, not the coffee. The stuff is peculiarly vital even for Polythreme. The zailors dare each other to put on all their coats and hats, and knock back a cup. Nobody is brave enough today, so you spend an hour swapping tales of lush green shores and a garden where nobody walks.
Fascinating increase
(10 change points)
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
Lose: 25 x
Mystery of the Elder Continent
Present your findings to an academic gone native
The Uncomfortable Academic came here years ago to study the place. He's long since gone native, wearing a fractious colony of hats and scarves. He likes to keep up with academic progress, though. .This will always gain you Investigating…
Unlocked with Collated Research x 5, Unnatural Exuberance 2-4
A matter of luck: it could go either way.
The Uncomfortable Academic's hats start up a terrible din as he reads your work. The fellow must be used to it, although you're forced to stuff your scarf in your ears. The Academic chuckles happily, 'I knew it! Your work on the Second City proves a theory I put forward ten years ago! We should collaborate!'
Investigating… increase
(10 change points)
Fascinating increase
(10 change points)
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
Lose: 5 x
Collated Research
He doesn't seem keen
The Academic's clothing tuts and moans with boredom as he reviews your work. He shakes his head sadly. 'Is this what's going on in my absence? Exotic cryptobiology and and rash attempts at neophilology? Oh dear me. I should really return to London. But it's such a lonely place.'
You were unlucky. Better luck next time…
Investigating… increase
(10 change points)
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
Lose: 5 x
Collated Research
Trading your Fascinating/Investigating for Investigating/Fascinating (Unnatural Exuberance 11-2)
A Clay Man of Wealth and Influence
That Clay Man is dressed in a whispering velvet suit of fashionable London cut. He carries a heavy copper rod and the air of a person of dignity.
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 2-11
So that's who he is
Everyone in Polythreme knows the Clay Broker. He organises the tithe of Clay Men to the Masters of the Bazaar. Collar him for a chat. This will trade in some of your Fascinating… quality to gain Investigating…
Unlocked with Fascinating… 1
A matter of luck: it could go either way.
You make an impression
The Clay Broker waves his weighty copper rod in salute. His voice sounds more human than Clay. 'Another visitor from London! Marvellous! How are you? You'll have to excuse me doing a little work as we speak. I've just sent off the latest shipment of the tithe to the Masters in London. And a fine shipment it was - all strong and obedient, just how the Masters like them. Come - we must drink coffee together! It's so lovely to speak to a civilised person.'
You were fortunate!
Fascinating decrease
(From 4 to 1, 7-5)
Investigating increase
(From 0 to 4, 8-9)
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
Something of a hobby-horse
The Clay Broker waves his weighty copper rod at you as you approach. His voice would grace a parliamentarian. 'You! Another meddler from London, no doubt. You know nothing! The tithe of my lumpen brethren to the Masters of the Bazaar is a necessary and accepted practice! Of course the Masters require recompense for their protection and guidance. The Hundreds knows that this must be done.'
You were unlucky. Better luck next time…
Investigating… increase
(From 5 to 7)
Fascinating… decrease
(From 4 to 0)
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
Robes and Belts and Masks And Mantles
Polythreme isn't quite how the stories have it. The houses don't have eyes or teeth, even if they do sometimes bulge and stretch. There are Clay Men here, of course, but they are outnumbered by hobbling man-shaped collections of clothes variously called clothes-legions and clothes-colonies.
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 2-11
Pull off a mask
What is under the clothes? Men? Clay Men? Nothing at all? You must know. This will trade in some of your Investigating quality to gain Fascinating…
Unlocked with Investigating 1
A matter of luck: it could go either way.
All friends together
You sidle up to the slow-shuffling collection of clothes and tug at its mask. It comes away with a low, heavy sigh. There's a face under there. A woman barely out of girlhood. She smiles at you and speaks in a voice that betrays elocution lessons.
'Hello! Lovely to meet you! How are you? Please let me introduce you to all my friends here. I was so lonely back in London, but now I have friends with me everywhere! The mask doesn't have a name - masks never do. I call the yellow scarf Reginald, but I don't think he likes it. The blue scarf…'
You were fortunate!
Fascinating increase
(From 12-16cp)
Investigating decrease
(From 10-11cp)
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
Under the mask
You leap upon the figure and scrabble at its face. The mask comes away with a screaming, wailing tear. Under the mask is a sandal, a pair of tiny copper earrings and a polished fist-sized grey stone. The figure wrenches the mask back out of your hands and limps down the pale-flagged street, wailing and cursing with a dozen voices.
You were unlucky. Better luck next time…
Fascinating increase
(From 6 to 7)
Investigating decrease
(From 3 to 0)
Unnatural Exuberance 1 (Rewards)
At this stage you can trade in your Investigating and Fascinating Qualities for rewards. You can also trade the qualities in to pursue larger stories with bigger rewards, and which open opportunity cards with skills-based tests to improve your progress.
Spending your Time
If you have no deeper purpose, Polythreme offers distractions to visitors. This will exchange your Fascinating… and/or Investigating… qualities for gain.
The Voice in the Fog
The Voice in the Fog is a public house where visitors from London drink and sometimes stay. If your inventory is behaving, you could pass an evening here.
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 1, Fascinating 12
In sterling voice
You hear the Voice in the Fog before you see it. It's a low building of white stone and clay bricks, much like the rest of Polythreme. But from it comes song.
The patrons are a dozen zailors, a few Clay Men, two women in the local long white dresses and a miserable-looking devil. Someone is always singing. It keeps the other voices quiet. You sink a pint of a passable I.P.A. and listen. The Hundreds will be holding a festival next month, when he'll plant a cedar tree. The Iron Republic's corsairs are a danger west of here. The price of Surface-Silk at the market is up again. What's this? Oh, it's your turn to sing. Best get to it.
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
Gain: 65 x
Intriguing Gossip
There's someone in there
You're fairly sure that this short, hunched-over collection of rags, belts and hats has a person inside it. Perhaps you'll be friends.
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 1, A Person of Some Importance (A Significant Individual), Fascinating 13
Making a new friend
Your new friend is warming his hands on a copper brazier. The coal does wail a little as it burns, but you couldn't say you hear any intelligence in the sound. Close up, your friend is hunchbacked and club-footed. But the voice from under the hats and masks is both cheerful and pure Spite.
'Ello there. You off ter petition the 'Undreds for ancient wisdom or somesuch? I wouldn't if I were you. Feller's the 'ole bleedin' city. 'Ow would you feel if yer had ter cut bits off yerself ter give ter the Masters? 'Eart of stone, they say. Well, diamond.
'Give me regards to the Topsy King when yer go back, would yer? 'E were fair decent to me when I were in London. It's warmer 'ere though, and a feller's never alone. Them Raggedy Men didn't like me much. O' course, half of 'em used ter be scholars an' professors an' whatnot. You 'ave ter wonder what brought 'em inter the Flit. Queer folk. Oh, an' yer might as well take these. I've no bleedin' use for 'em now, 'ave I?'
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
Gain: 2 x
Bazaar Permit
What's going on in the bay?
The steamer is making good time coming into Polythreme's harbour. She's huge, nearly a hundred yards long. She flies no colours.
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 1, Investigating 12*
Dwindling to nothing?
By the time you've walked down the white stone steps to the harbour, the big steamer has docked. The harbour must be deep. At the dockside, two dozen Clay Men are being loaded on board. Supervising operations is one of their own - except he's in a velvet suit, and he's carrying a copper rod and a clipboard. That one isn't getting on the steamer.
A collection of cloaks and shoes that might have a person in it shuffles up to you. 'You here to check up on us? No? Well. The tithe is a terrible business, ain't it? Still, I've heard that without it, the Hundreds wouldn't bother splitting off new Clay Men. I've heard tell that he's been doing that since the First Fall.'
The figure gives the wall next to it an affectionate tap. 'It's a wonder there's anything left of you at all, isn't it, your Majesty?'
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
Gain: 5 x
Extraordinary Implication
Speak to a matched pair
You occasionally see this pair on the hills above the town. Both are dressed in black rags and bound with white belts and masks. There's a copper rod ten feet long shackled to their belts and keeping them apart.
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 1, A Person of Some Importance (A Significant Individual), Investigating 13
A proxy for love
You can only speak to one of the pair at once. A pained woman's voice emerges from the masks. 'Mr Fires… it's… kind. We… deserved this. Mr Fires was… right.' Her pale eyes dart to the figure a few yards away. She whispers, 'Tell him I still love him. Tell him I'll wait. I can do nothing else.'
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
Gain: 10 x
Stolen Kiss
What's going on here?
The sounds of tramping feet and solemn merriment cover the sighs and wails of never-silent Polythreme. A festival, perhaps?
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 1, Fascinating 7, Investigating 7
Revels and festivities
The townsfolk parade up the hill from the harbour to the sprawling marble villa that overlooks the town. The copper gates of the villa remain closed as the clothes-colonies - the man-shaped collections of robes and hats and shoes - caper and screech and jig. Clay Men look on glumly. One tries clapping along, but soon gives up.
One shakes his head and leaves the little crowd to stand near you. 'MR WINES CAME HERE ONCE. IT SAID WE NEEDED REVELS AND FESTIVALS. SO WE REVEL. WE ARE NOT FESTIVE.' He leaves you to the clacking and cackling of shoes and belts and hats.
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
Gain: 130 x
Maniac's Prayer
A walk in the villa gardens
The copper gates to the marble villa above the town remain shut. They and the low walls provide less of a barrier to tresspassers than the near-palpable aura of menace and guarded privacy.
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 1, A Person of Some Importance (A Significant Individual), Fascinating 8, Investigating 8
In the garden
You hop over the low wall. No sentry or chained beast bars your way, but your back burns under the gaze of… what? There's nobody here. The place is quiet. Lonely, even, if you can remember how to feel lonely.
You're standing in a delightful formal garden. A path of crushed white marble winds between charming vignettes. Here a pair of - apparently unanimated - statues of naked young men chase one another around a pomegranate tree. There a copper fountain babbling to itself in unbearable anticipation of a meeting. You're standing in a story, or a memory.
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
Gain: 10 x
Touching Love Story
A Distressing Lack of Progress
Whatever you were attempting, you have been foiled by your own impedimenta. They were faking obedience! Your overcoat has you hostage!
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 1
A vital dance
Your undergarments whisper slyly to your shoes. Your overcoat flops over to the door, suggesting a walk like a spaniel that's been ironed flat. And then they all rush you.
Your clothing surrounds you, and despite your robust resistance, takes you for a run around the quiet streets of Polythreme. Others trapped in clothes-colonies screech cries of welcome and alarm as you race pell-mell around broad avenues of white flagstones. You perform a twitching dance on a hilltop. You leap clumsily over market tables.
Hours later, it's over. You collapse near a sympathetic fountain, as exhausted as your clothes.
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
Gain: 65 x
Maniac's Prayer
The Clothes-Colony
The clothes-colony flops about pathetically on a white stone step. It's mainly scarves and socks.
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 0-1
A helping hem
What this clothes-colony needs is a good coat at the centre of it. Actually, perhaps it might suit you…
Unlocked with Fascinating 12, Battered Grey Overcoat x 1
Becoming one
Your overcoat rustles invitingly as the scarves get friendly. We won't dwell on the sartorial entwinings that follow. Let's just say that you have a new garment. Or possibly, that the new garment has you.
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
Lose: 1 x
Battered Grey Overcoat
Gain: 1 x
Moderately Co-operative Clothes Colony
A Guided Tour of Polythreme
London's artistic and academic sets are fascinated by Polythreme. There's a decent living to be made as a travel writer if you have the skills and can persuade someone to show you around.
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 0-1
Speak to a few natives
It wouldn't do to get too friendly, but you can tip your hat at the less distressing Clay Men and clothes-legions.
Unlocked with Fascinating 12
A look around town
For all it looms large in London's imaginations, Polythreme is barely a town. Steep streets lead up from the harbour to the rambling, abandoned villa that overlooks the island.
The thing that strikes visitors first is how few Clay Men walk the streets. There must be many more Clay Men in London than there are here. Your guide, an expatriate from Spite wrapped in dozens of scarves, tells you that most of them troop dejectedly into a steamer for London not long after they split off from whichever wall or flagstone gave birth to them. It's called the tithe, and it pays for the protection and favour of the Masters of the Bazaar.
There's marble to be found on the island, and copper. But little else. Clay Men don't eat much, but the steamers come and go. They bring enough to keep the few humans on the island supplied with rice and coffee and dates. You scribble it all down in your journal..
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
An occurrence! Your 'Writing of your Polythreme Travels' Quality is now 1!
Gain: 26 x
Memory of Distant Shores
Speak to everyone you meet
You're important enough that nobody is going to accuse you of going native. You can afford to be gregarious.
Unlocked with A Person of Some Importance (A Significant Individual), Fascinating 13
A long chat about the town
For all it looms large in the imaginations of London, Polythreme is barely a town. Steep streets lead up from the harbour to the rambling, abandoned villa that overlooks the island.
The thing that strikes visitors first is how few Clay Men walk the streets. There must be many more Clay Men in London than there are here. Your guide, an expatriate from Spite wrapped in dozens of scarves, tells you that most of them troop dejectedly into a steamer for London not long after they split off from whichever wall or flagstone gave birth to them. It's called the tithe, and it pays for the protection and favour of the Masters of the Bazaar. The business is overseen by Mr Fires, although it's not been seen on the island since before London's Fall.
There's marble to be found on the island, and copper. But little else. Clay Men don't eat much, but the steamers come and go. They bring enough to keep the few humans on the island in rice and coffee and dates. Some of the steamers come from lands far from London. Ships from the east import rice and silks and peaches, for the Clay Men have a special fondness for Surface-Silk. Others come from the south - the Elder Continent. They bring fruit and occasionally pilgrims that head up the hill and are turned away. You scribble it all down in your journal.
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
An occurrence! Your 'Writing of your Polythreme Travels' Quality is now 1!
Gain: 51 x
Memory of Distant Shores
A Little Spy Work
Possibly your purpose in coming here. Or perhaps you're just keeping your hand in.
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 0-1
Find out who's here
If any sort of Game goes on here, one should discover who's playing.
Unlocked with Investigating 12
The screams of copper
You can barely hear the woman over the screaming of copper kettles at Arcimboldo's coffee house. But she's worth listening to. 'Did you know that the Iron Republic's fleet of infernal corsairs landed here a few years ago to pillage the place? It went badly for them. Let's just say that the land rose up in its own defence.
'There aren't any official treaties that I've seen, but Polythreme is less independent than it looks. The tithe of Clay Men keeps the Masters of the Bazaar happy, though, and they don't seem to want anything more than the quota the Clay Broker handles. If they are conquerors, they are distant ones.
'There've been more steamers from the east and south in the last few years. Merchants and pilgrims, at least on the surface. It makes one wonder whether the Presbyter or the Eastern Islands have plans for Polythreme.'
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
An occurrence! Your 'Spying on Polythreme' Quality is now 1!
Gain: 26 x
Memory of Distant Shores
Get more details about the players
You'll be able to write the Polythreme chapter of Slowcake's Exceptionals by the time you're through.
Unlocked with A Person of Some Importance (A Significant Individual), Investigating 13
Coffee and conversation
You can barely hear the woman over the screaming of copper kettles at Arcimboldo's coffee house. But she's worth listening to. 'Did you know that the Iron Republic's fleet of infernal corsairs landed here a few years ago to pillage the place? It went badly for them. Let's just say that the land rose up in its own defence. These days there's just one miserable devil from the Embassy in London. I think the poor thing must have been caught with his fangs in the brimstone.
'There aren't any official treaties that I've seen, but Polythreme is less independent than it looks. The tithe of Clay Men keeps the Masters of the Bazaar happy, though, and they don't seem to want anything more than the quota the Clay Broker handles. I've no idea how they enforce the tithe, though. I'd have thought an army from London wouldn't fare better than the devils did. Still, the Masters leave prisoners here sometimes. They're engulfed in clothes-legions and left to their own devices. A terrible business.
'There have been more steamers from the east and south in the last few years. Merchants and pilgrims, at least on the surface. It makes one wonder whether the Presbyter or the Eastern Islands have plans for Polythreme. Even Snuffers have been seen here, although the Hundreds has them killed immediately if they're caught.'
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
An occurrence! Your 'Spying on Polythreme' Quality is now 1!
Gain: 51 x
Memory of Distant Shores
A Clay Snub
A trio of Clay Men walk up the hill, away from a fourth. They tut and harrumph and throw glances back over their shoulders.
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 0-1
A Clay pariah
Who is that Clay Man? And why do his fellows look away and shuffle off when he passes? This begins a story concerning the Unfinished. You may find it to your advantage to acquire an Exceptional Hat before the story ends.
Unlocked with Investigating 12
The Unfinished
The Clay Man being spurned by his fellows isn't doing anything notably objectionable. He's carrying an armload of copper ingots toward what in Polythreme passes for a forge.
Few human visitors approach the place - the screaming of charcoal grows quickly wearisome. But the Clay Men are born to such noise, and it usually doesn't bother them.
You get a closer look at the Clay Man as he stomps past. He's missing a thumb. Of course! The Unfinished are Clay Men who lack something. An eye, an arm, a conscience… Unfinished Men who end up in London are often brutal criminals, but the Masters have been known to hold certain of them in high esteem. But that raises more questions. Why are the Unfinished different? How do they come to be?
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
An occurrence! Your 'An Unfinished Story' Quality is now 1!
Gain: 5 x
An Identity Uncovered!
Jack's House
For all its wailing and screaming, Polythreme isn't a big place. Jack's knives had to come from somewhere or someone.
Unlocked with The Jack-of-Smiles Case 10
Found it
It's barely even work. The Clay Men are a guileless lot, and they all know the place.
Unlocked with Investigating 12, Unnatural Exuberance 1
The Cheerful Cutler
The little ironworker's shop is at the end of town. Polythreme is never quiet, but few feet tread this way. Even in the middle of the work day, there are no customers. From inside the open stone doorway, you can hear someone working a grindstone.
As you step through into the dim interior, you notice the stonework bears scorch marks. There was a fire here once, long ago.
The Cheerful Cutler puts down the chisel he was sharpening and smiles. 'I don't do much work for locals, but if you want something sharpened or a new pen-knife, I'll be with you shortly.' But that's not why you're here.
You interview him for hours. He's only been here a month. He doesn't know any of the previous occupants of the workshop. He heard about the opportunity from a zailor on Wolfstack Docks. He's never become Jack. There's nothing unusual about his tools or workshop that he knows about. You're reasonably sure he's telling you the truth.
When you tell him about Jack-of-Smiles and his knife, he slumps into his chair, appalled. At first he can't believe you, but you present your evidence. He swears he'll leave Polythreme tonight. You tell him he can remain here a little longer. But he's certainly not going to make any more knives for export.
An occurrence! Your '
The Jack-of-Smiles Case Quality is now 11 - Hunting Jack in Polythreme!
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
Heart's Desire - Seeking the Manager's Beloved
The Manager of the Royal Bethlehem has promised not to play the Marvellous. But who did he make that promise to?
Unlocked with Ambition: Heart's Desire! 13
Clay wisdom
The Manager mentioned a temple. The Clay Priest, worn with age and wearing white silks, will speak with you.
Unlocked with Investigating 12, Unnatural Exuberance 1
The desire of your heart
The Clay Priest presses a cone of incense into a burner and lights it by striking an iron nail against his thumb. He walks towards the low marble lintel of the temple doorway and gestures for you to follow.
Continue exploring Polythreme to gain an audience with the King with a Hundred Hearts.
An occurrence! Your 'Ambition: Heart's Desire!' Quality is now 14!
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
Writing of your Polythreme Travels
The Deeper Questions
Who governs Polythreme, if walls and arches need governance? And how did this place, with its curious vital principle, come to be?
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 0-1, Writing of your Polythreme Travels 1
Speak to those who'll offer opinions
Learn what you can while you're here.
Unlocked with Fascinating 12
A lesson in history
They say Polythreme's been here for ever. I dunno about that, but there used to be a carving in a temple of when the first ship turned up here carrying a Pharaoh's daughter. The carving's a Clay Man now, and gone to London.'
'You met the King with a Hundred Hearts? The villa at the top of the hill. He's not much for visitors, so I wouldn't wander around up there unless the Hundreds invites you. He doesn't do so much governing, you understand. Polythreme doesn't much need it. And the Masters back in London don't complain so long as they get their tithe.
'I've heard tell that the Hundreds was bound up in a bargain with them Masters long ago. And that's how Polythreme came to be. Can't say I know the truth of it, but I'll say this. You don't talk about love to the Hundreds if you know what's good for you. Fair rattles the island when that happens.'
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
An occurrence! Your 'Writing of your Polythreme Travels' Quality is now 2!
Gain: 26 x
Memory of Distant Shores
Speak to those who know
Perhaps you can attract a better class of guide.
Unlocked with A Person of Some Importance (A Significant Individual) , Fascinating 13
A lesson in history and politics"
'They say Polythreme's been here for ever. I dunno about that, but there used to be a carving in a temple of when the first ship turned up here carrying a Pharaoh's daughter. The carving's a Clay Man now, and gone to London. Heard he was getting lessons in language and etiquette. Mebbe he'll be the next Clay Broker.
'You met the King with a Hundred Hearts? The villa at the top of the hill. He's not much for visitors, so I wouldn't wander around up there unless the Hundreds invites you. He doesn't do so much governing, you understand. Polythreme doesn't much need it. And the Masters back in London don't complain so long as they get their tithe.
'I've heard tell that the Hundreds was bound up in a bargain with them Masters long ago. And that's how Polythreme came to be. Summat about love and a statue. Can't say I know the truth of it, but I'll say this. You don't talk about love to the Hundreds if you know what's good for you. And he curses the name of someone who still lives in London. Fair rattles the island when that happens. Scared the wits from them Presbyterate pilgrims come to see 'The Diamond King' when they last showed up. Dunno why they call him that. He's more marble, really.'
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
An occurrence! Your 'Writing of your Polythreme Travels' Quality is now 2!
Gain: 51 x
Memory of Distant Shores
Finishing your Travelogue
It's time to finish your travel writing and send it back to London. How will you describe Polythreme and its inhabitants?
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 0-1, Writing of your Polythreme Travels 2
An island of importunate horrors
The sooner you are gone from this vile island and its unnecessarily mobile and opinionated masonry the happier you will be.
Unlocked with Fascinating 12
Telling it robustly
Vile and unnatural clothes-legions. The blasphemy of the Clay birthing - from walls! The unmentionable assaults from one's own underthings! The good people of London must be warned of these horrors!
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
Your 'Writing of your Polythreme Travels' Quality has gone!
Gain: 26 x
Memory of Distant Shores
An occurrence! Your 'Mired in Clay' Quality is now 2 - Feared!
A strange place, but no better or worse than any other
Like London or anywhere else, Polythreme has its songs and its screams.
Unlocked with Fascinating 12
A balanced article
London now is very different to the city it was on the Surface. But one can get used to anything. Polythreme is distressing to the new visitor, certainly, but it has a certain simple, vital charm. Conspiring impedimenta are a problem, yes, but there's no fog, no Jack, no pickpockets lurking in every alley…
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
Your 'Writing of your Polythreme Travels' Quality has gone!
Gain: 26 x
Memory of Distant Shores
An occurrence! Your 'Mired in Clay' Quality is now 3 - An Enigma!
A wonderland
A place where nobody is ever lonely.
Unlocked with Fascinating 12
Perhaps a summer home here?
Polythreme only troubles those without the vision to appreciate the place. There's little crime here, barely any government. The weather's better than London's, and nobody is ever truly alone. A paradise. Why would you want to leave?
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
Your 'Writing of your Polythreme Travels' Quality has gone!
Gain: 26 x
Memory of Distant Shores
An occurrence! Your 'Mired in Clay' Quality is now 4 - Respected!
Spying on Polythreme
Looking a Little Deeper
Now you have an idea of who the players are here, what is the King with a Hundred Hearts doing?
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 0-1, Spying on Polythreme 1
Ask around
Surely the people of Polythreme will speak about their king.
Unlocked with Investigating 12
A light touch
The King with a Hundred Hearts rules with a light touch. He isn't seen on Polythreme's streets, and few are called to audience at the villa overlooking the town. The locals call him the Hundreds when they speak of him, which is rarely. But then again, the Clay Men are a peaceful, docile people. How much governance can they need?
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
An occurrence! Your 'Spying on Polythreme' Quality is now 2!
Gain: 26 x
Memory of Distant Shores
Look to buildings
Perhaps carvings and temples hold the answers.
Unlocked with A Person of Some Importance (A Significant Individual), Investigating 13
The King of Polythreme
The King with a Hundred Hearts isn't seen on the streets of Polythreme. He is the streets of Polythreme. You've seen a fresco here and an inscription on a vase there, but you can put the story together from the fragments.
The King with a Hundred Hearts is old. As old as the Bazaar's first dealings with men. Was he once a man? That isn't clear. But what you do know is the Hundreds is the soul and animus of Polythreme. A Clay Man is birthed by splitting off from the Hundreds, and it's his influence that makes walls shuffle and flagstones moan. Much of Polythreme is strange to men. But is there any way to deal with someone of this scale? Would you recognise his wishes, his words, his dreams?
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
An occurrence! Your 'Spying on Polythreme' Quality is now 2!
Gain: 51 x
Memory of Distant Shores
Making your Report
You've studied Polythreme's ways. Now, will anyone listen?
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 0-1, Spying on Polythreme 2
For your own records
Are you outside the world of intrigue? Or will nobody listen to you?
Unlocked with Investigating 12
Perhaps you'll publish a monograph
You tuck the journal safely away. It chatters a bit, but you give it a thump and it quietens down. You'll find a use for this work when you return to London.
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
Your 'Spying on Polythreme' Quality has gone!
Gain: 26 x
Memory of Distant Shores
Report to the Masters of the Bazaar
They'll be pleased to hear how their little client state is getting along.
Unlocked with A Person of Some Importance (A Significant Individual), Investigating 13
Distant gratitude
Perhaps now, at your lodgings in London, a spectacularly generous reward awaits you. Best not to hold your breath, though.
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
Your 'Spying on Polythreme' Quality has gone!
Gain: 51 x
Memory of Distant Shores
Report to Revolutionaries
Revolution in Polythreme might be an uphill struggle. But the cause will not be denied!
Unlocked with A Person of Some Importance (A Significant Individual), Investigating 13
Encoded and sent
Perhaps there's no way you could ever convince the King with a Hundred Hearts to kick out the agents of the Masters and join you in the cause. But to accept defeat is to accept death. Forwards!
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
Your 'Spying on Polythreme' Quality has gone!
Gain: 51 x
Memory of Distant Shores
Connected: Revolutionaries increase
(From 23 to 24 for me)
Report to the Brass Embassy
Do they know about the Iron Republic's attack here? Do they care?
Unlocked with A Person of Some Importance (A Significant Individual), Investigating 13
A faithful friend
Perhaps it's pleasing to you that your works now stand in the libraries of the Brass Embassy. Which clawed fingers riffle through the pages? What schemes have you set in motion?
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
Your 'Spying on Polythreme' Quality has gone!
Gain: 51 x
Memory of Distant Shores
Connected: Hell increase
(Approx. 10 change points)
An Unfinished Story
A Clay Snub
A trio of Clay Men walk up the hill, away from a fourth. They tut and harrumph and throw glances back over their shoulders.
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 0-1
A Clay pariah
Who is that Clay Man? And why do his fellows look away and shuffle off when he passes? This begins a story concerning the Unfinished. You may find it to your advantage to acquire an Exceptional Hat before the story ends.
Unlocked with Investigating 12
The Unfinished
The Clay Man being spurned by his fellows isn't doing anything notably objectionable. He's carrying an armload of copper ingots toward what in Polythreme passes for a forge.
Few human visitors approach the place - the screaming of charcoal grows quickly wearisome. But the Clay Men are born to such noise, and it usually doesn't bother them.
You get a closer look at the Clay Man as he stomps past. He's missing a thumb. Of course! The Unfinished are Clay Men who lack something. An eye, an arm, a conscience… Unfinished Men who end up in London are often brutal criminals, but the Masters have been known to hold certain of them in high esteem. But that raises more questions. Why are the Unfinished different? How do they come to be?
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
An occurrence! Your 'An Unfinished Story' Quality is now 1!
Gain: 5 x
An Identity Uncovered!
Investigating the Unfinished
Why are the Unfinished different? Where do they come from?
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 0-1, An Unfinished Story 1
Go looking
Someone in Polythreme knows the answer.
Unlocked with Investigating 12
A spiritual consultation
You spend a frustrating few days asking questions. Ten-gloved clothes-colonies slap you for your curiosity. Clay Men simply get up and leave. The Clay Broker refuses to acknowledge that the Unfinished exist at all.
But there is one Clay Man who will talk to you. The priest at the eye-covered temple.
Now that you look closely, the priest is missing half of one foot.
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
An occurrence! Your 'An Unfinished Story' Quality is now 2!
Gain: 5 x
Extraordinary Implication
An Unusual Approach to Reproduction
The Clay priest said that the King with a Hundred Hearts dreams new Clay Men into being.
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 0-1, An Unfinished Story 2
How literal were his words?
It's hard to tell in a place like this, but was the priest speaking in metaphor?
Unlocked with Investigating 12
An unnatural cycle
The priest at the temple carved with eyes isn't in a mood to clarify his previous words. And talk of dreams and journeys is a little abstract for most of the Clay Men you meet. But if the King dreams, do those dreams really influence Polythreme?
You spend days with a notebook, looking for subtle changes in the town, but it's hard to be certain of anything. Do the westerly breezes of early morning represent thoughts? When the Unterzee flattens to a black mirror, does this mean a deep sleep?
But there's a rhythm to it. You begin to get a feel for when the statues in the King's garden will move. When the rustle of silk and scent of spices follow the breeze. For when the screams stop for a moment. Of course! That's it! Tonight, Polythreme will birth one of the Unfinished.
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
An occurrence! Your 'An Unfinished Story' Quality is now 3!
Gain: 5 x
Extraordinary Implication
The Unfinished Birth
The King with a Hundred Hearts stirs in his nightmares. An Unfinished Man is born tonight.
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 0-1, An Unfinished Story 3
But where?
Polythreme is a big place to cover on foot. Where will the birth happen?
Unlocked with Investigating 12
The birth
Polythreme screams. Polythreme screams and rustles and moans and whimpers and whispers. The noises of Polythreme are of pain, of despair, of brotherhood. That scream is like no other. Fear, and an intimacy that will never be regained.
You race over to the street of crumbling white walls. One shatters into dust and stone shards and a Clay Man. He screams, 'NO! THE MOTHS ARE EATING ME! GET THEM OFF!' You can see that the Clay Man is Unfinished - he is missing tiny chunks from myriad places, all over his stony body.
Clay Men often wear no expression. When this one looks up at you, the look in his eyes is something like murder.
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
An occurrence! Your 'An Unfinished Story' Quality is now 4!
Gain: 5 x
Touching Love Story
Eyes Everywhere
In Polythreme, someone or something is always watching you. But you feel the attention more keenly of late.
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 0-1, An Unfinished Story 4
From across white walls
The Unfinished Clay Man whose birth you attended has been watching you. He's quick, though, and surprisingly sly. Can you catch him?
Unlocked with Investigating 12
A cliff-top bargain
The newborn Unfinished Clay Man is wary and doesn't seem to sleep, but he's also staying away from his Clay brethren. Perhaps it's them he wants to avoid.
You climb the hill above the town and then stride away from the King's villa. You sit on a cliff-top and watch wheeling gulls for an hour before the Unfinished fellow turns up. He crouches heavily next to you. You can't help but think of how strong he is, and how far from help you are.
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
An occurrence! Your 'An Unfinished Story' Quality is now 5!
Gain: 5 x
Extraordinary Implication
The Unfinished Fugitive
What will you do with this Unfinished Clay Man on the run?
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 0-1, An Unfinished Story 5
Agree to his bargain
Hide the Unfinished Clay Man on your ship. Drop him at the nearest friendly port. Let him… do something unnatural to your hat.
Unlocked with Investigating 12, Exceptional Hat x 1, An Explorer of the Unterzee (The Captain)
Come back here, you accoutrement!
The Unfinished Clay Man makes little objection to being nailed into a crate and hefted into the hold of your ship. You'll let him out again when Polythreme's no longer visible. Perhaps you'll take him to London, or make port somewhere else. It makes little difference to him.
Currently, you're more concerned about your hat. It was always a lively thing, but right now it's rattling up and down the quayside, biting ankles and chewing ropes. Was this entirely wise?
Lose: 1 x
Exceptional Hat
Gain: 1 x
Unfinished Hat
An occurrence! Your 'An Unfinished Story' Quality is now 6 - Menacing Millinery!
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
Refuse him
Tell the Clay Broker where he's hiding. There's a generous bounty on such runaways.
Unlocked with Investigating 12, Ruthless 1
No escape
The Clay Broker sends a labourer to fetch your reward. 'Thank you, thank you, ah, Si-, er, Mad-, er, yes! These savage runaways do our reputation as a civilised place no good at all. And our benefactors in the Bazaar can be most generous. We'll have the wretch in chains by evening.'
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
An occurrence! Your 'An Unfinished Story' Quality is now 7 - No Friend to the Unfinished!
Gain: 40 x
Whisper-Satin Scrap
Connected: the Masters of the Bazaar increase
(1 change point)
Ruthless increase OR
Ruthless hasn't changed, because it's higher than 15
An occurrence! Your 'Mired in Clay' Quality is now 1 - Hated!
The Jack of Smiles Case
The Ironmonger's Workshop
The Cheerful Cutler seems innocent of malice, and you've confirmed that he's only been here a month. It's something about the workshop or its contents, therefore.
Unlocked with The Jack-of-Smiles Case 11
Find out its history
The workshop is unusually dormant for a Polythreme building, at least to the casual glance. Does this building have a history?
Unlocked with Investigating 12, Unnatural Exuberance 1
The man in dreams
Most of the Clay Men give you granite shrugs. They are too young to know much about the place, other than there's a trickle of cutlers and ironmongers coming and going from the place. The Clay Broker ignores you entirely.
The Clay Priest from the little eye-carved temple knows his history. He's happy to talk. 'THAT PART OF TOWN IS WHERE THE HUMANS LIVED. THEY DON'T LIVE THERE ANY MORE. A FIRE HAPPENED.'
An occurrence! Your '
The Jack-of-Smiles Case Quality is now 12 - Ending Jack!
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
You no longer have any of this: 'Unnatural Exuberance'
Jack's End
Now you know that the Ironmonger's Workshop is the source of the knives and, therefore, of Jack-of-Smiles. But what will you do about it?
Unlocked with The Jack-of-Smiles Case 12
Destroy it
Leave no stone standing. Throw the tools into the harbour - no, a part of the zee a long way from Polythreme. There will be no more Jack. But if you do this, you may never know who was ultimately responsible.
Ending things
Lamp oil. Hammers for your somewhat bewildered crew. A crate to pack the accoutrements in for sinking. The Clay Men look on impassively. Time to begin.
An occurrence! Your '
The Jack-of-Smiles Case Quality is now 13 - Ending Jack!
Leave it intact
Leave the Clay Priest to do what little he can. More knives may be made, but you must know who did this.
Still hunting
You shrug. You furrow your brow. You bemoan your lack of success in pub and coffee shop. You finally snap and give up the whole thing in the marketplace.
The knives are exported to London. Prisoner's Honey? London. The signs point back home. The honey and the dreaming are your best bet. Veilgarden, then.
But how many more Jacks will emerge from the shadows, knives bared? How many more new smiles? How much more blood? Can you trust the Clay Priest's efforts? You'll have to. London.
Go to Veilgarden to continue.
An occurrence! Your '
The Jack-of-Smiles Case Quality is now 15 - To the Honey-Dens!!
Defeat Jack completely
Only a particularly blessed individual could hope to both destroy the workshop and hunt down the villain behind all this murder. Thankfully, you are such a person. Among other things, this will take you back to London.
Requires 10 Fate
Fate-locked content must not be placed on the wiki, per the developers.
Destroy the Source
Your crew have set to with hammers and axes…The workshop lies in ruins.
Burn it
You spread lamp oil over the ruins. Your bosun nods that the tools and tables are packed away in the hold of your ship, ready for sinking far from here. You light the match.
Done and gone and finished
Clay Men watch calmly as the oil catches and the flames spread. A minute passes and the flames rise. Polythreme's white stone buildings are cast in an orange glow. You have to step back from the heat. You watch it for hours, until there is nothing left. Ash and ruins. This time, the burning is for all, and for good. It's done. But who was that figure in dreams? Who started all this with a honey-dream and a bitter word? Was this a tragedy of Polythreme, waiting to happen with the place's vitality? Or perhaps was this planned all along? Some deep scheme? You don't know. You'll probably never know. They'll have hunkered down like a crab by now. But you've stopped it. You've done the right thing. No more Jack. Well, no more new knives making new Jacks. There are probably hundreds of the d—ned things still in London. Jack won't disappear tomorrow. They'll probably be writing lurid headlines about him for a year or two yet. But slowly, eventually he'll be forgotten. You'd best tell the Inspector. And for that matter, the world. Your ship is ready. Ready to sink what remains in the deeps.
Head to Ladybones Road to inform the Inspector and finish this.
An occurrence! Your '
The Jack-of-Smiles Case Quality is now 14 - Ending Jack!
Opportunity Cards
These cards are the bread and butter of how you progress in Polythreme. Nearly all of them are luck checks, and are quite troublesome to use to progress to your Investigating/Fascinating to high enough levels to merit rewards. Two opportunity cards appear if you're 'Spying on Polythreme' or 'Writing of your Polythreme Travels' which are skill-checks and give Investigating or Fascinating respectively. These are frequently occurring cards and can be used alone to reach any goal safely without having to rely on luck or goods.
The Temple
The building halfway up the hill is low, heavy and of white stone, much like its peers. But the entrance arch carved with eyes marks it as a temple.
Have a look around the temple
The temple is quiet. You hear the wails and clanks of the nearby market, but nothing from within the building. This will gain you Investigating…
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 2
A matter of luck: pretty good odds.
Eyes and hearts
The smoke inside the temple stings your eyes. It smells of some woody resin, like pine or cedar. The carved eyes on the walls seem to follow you, but no more vitally than a row of portraits. This place isn't like the rest of Polythreme's buildings. The temple has a presence, a unity, that marks it as part of something larger. Is that a slow heartbeat you're imagining?
You were fortunate!
Investigating increase
(10 change points)
Fascinating decrease
(From 4 to 2 or 5 to 4, or 5 change points or less)
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
Watched and weighed
The temple is dim, lit by a copper brazier that emits more resin-scented smoke than light. Carved eyes cover the interior walls and the plain marble altar. The eyes don't move, but you are overwhelmed by the air of patient, timeless scrutiny. You dash out into the street.
You were unlucky. Better luck next time…
Investigating increase
(5 change points)
Fascinating decrease
(From 5 CHANGE POINTS or 2 to 0)
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
Poke around the grounds
You've heard that on certain festival days, offerings of silk are buried in the temple grounds. This will exchange some of your Investigating… for Surface-silk Scraps.
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 2, Investigating 4
Heretical textiles?
It doesn't take you long to unearth some decent scraps of surface-silk. It flaps and rustles in your grasp, and makes a half-hearted attempt at garotting you before it starts to behave. What did it do to end up there? The eyes on the temple portico fail to animate and follow you, but you can nonetheless feel something watching your progress.
Investigating decrease
(From 4 to 1, likely 10 change points)
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
Gain: 20 x
Surface-Silk Scrap
The Ruin
Despite their apparently great age, Polythreme's white stone houses are in fine condition. But this one, at the edge of town, is crumbling.
Have a look around the temple
The walls are rattling
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 2
A matter of luck: it could go either way.
One heart
The stones of one wall collapse into dust, leaving a naked Clay Man sprawled in a heap. The Clay Man looks at his hands, horrified. 'I AM ONE,' he rumbles, 'I AM NOT WE NOW. I HAVE BUT ONE HEART.'
You were fortunate!
Investigating increase
(15 change points)
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
Well, if you insist
The stones shake and grind, sending puffs of white dust out into the still air. After minutes of heaving, the masonry is still. A great weight of attention falls upon you, although nothing visible changes. Something will happen here, but not while you're watching. Good manners force you to tip your hat and depart.
You were unlucky. Better luck next time…
Investigating increase
(1-2 change points)
Fascinating decrease
(From 5 to 2, or right on 5 to 2)
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
What's that fluttering?
Is that a book you can see in the ruins? A journal, by the looks of it. This will exchange all your Investigating… quality for Romantic Notions.
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 2, Investigating 8
The journal
The journal doesn't want to be read, but you clamp down on the flapping pages and it subsists into papery rustles like sobs. Much of it is nonsense - whimsical descriptions of talking cats and a bishop with one eye. Is this a code? Possibly - a few times the writer lapses into a scratchy script that you've only seen before on the back of a silver coin. There's poetry here. Love poetry of a most detailed and forthright kind. An unrequited love, eternal and true, from across a black sea.
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
'Investigating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
Gain: 60 x
Romantic Notion
The Wax Wind Comes
Get inside! Get inside!
Crouching in a low stone building
The danger will pass. But who is here with you? This will give you either Fascinating… or Investigating…
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 2
A matter of luck: it could go either way.
'Could you move your elbow?'
It's cramped in here with all the Clay Men from the dockside. You're not even sure that the wax wind will hurt them, but they're not budging. Perhaps you can charm them with tales of London while you all wait. Best not mention coal, though.
You were fortunate!
Fascinating increase
(5 change points)
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
A Surface map?
You are alone, apart from the slow beat of… what? A drum? A heart? The wax wind? There's something carved into the stone wall. A map. It's simply realised, but you recognise Asia and the Middle East. A series of arrows starts in Eastern China and ends in the land between the Caspian and Mediterranean seas.
You were unlucky. Better luck next time…
Investigating increase
(From 4 to 5)
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
The Priest at the Temple
Polythreme's temple usually stands empty. But here is the priest, a worn and chipped Clay Man wearing ragged white silks.
Speak of his spiritual work
Clay Men aren't often given to ponder matters of origin and existence. What does this Clay priest actually do? This will gain you Fascinating…
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 2
A matter of luck: it could go either way.
The future
You were fortunate!
Fascinating increase
(15 change points)
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
Off on the wrong foot
You were unlucky. Better luck next time…
Investigating decrease
(From 6-5)
Fascinating increase
(1-2 change points)
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
Speak to the Clay priest of matters romantic
Do Clay Men love? This will exchange all your Fascinating… quality for Romantic Notions.
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 2, Fascinating 8
A matter of luck: pretty good odds.
The priest speaks
'Fascinating…' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
Gain: 60 x
Romantic Notion
At the Market
On the Surface, the close-packed stalls and chattering Clay Men would comprise a bazaar. But, well, you know.
Attract attention at the market
Make an impression on the Clay Men who keep the stalls of rustling silk and subdued copperwork. This will gain you Fascinating…
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 2
A matter of luck: pretty good odds.
Making a little splash
Copper pots rattle against their stalls as you pass. The Clay Men crowd around, listening to your stories and observations rather than trying to sell you anything. You try a joke, and are rewarded with a ripple of Clay laughter that sounds like a volcano getting ready for business. People are starting to take notice.
You were fortunate!
Fascinating increase
(10 change points)
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
Investigating decrease
(5 change points)
Mixed signals
Clay Men aren't the easiest sorts to read. Are those expressions polite interest, or are you genuinely making an impression here? A pair of copper lanterns crash to the floor as you pass them. Is that good?
You were unlucky. Better luck next time…
Fascinating increase
5 change points
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
Wander around the market
Do you have time to stop and peruse? This will exchange some of your Fascinating… quality for Surface-silk Scraps.
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 2, Fascinating 4
Off shopping
The market congeals around the columned frontage of some coughing public building. The stall-holders rumble out the virtues of their wares as you pass. It's like an earthquake. Clay Men aren't natural entrepreneurs, though, and you come away with some silk at a bargain price.
Gain: 20 x
Surface-Silk Scrap
Fascinating decrease
(From 6 to 5)
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
The Masked Man
The man in the masks and the hats shuffles along like he carries all the world on his back.
Bid him a good morning
Is there a man in there? Or just more clothes and copper pans and bits of white stone? This could get you some Fascinating… and Investigating…
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 2
A matter of luck: pretty good odds.
A pause for a chat
The masked man sits down on a stone step and rubs his face. You can see a flash of bristly jawline - there's definitely a human in there. He looks down the street and says, 'Polythreme used to be bigger. There was a whole other street down that way. Although, they do say that the whole place started off as just one statue. Just one! What d'yer make of that, then, eh?'
You were fortunate!
Fascinating increase
(5 change points)
Investigating increase
(5 change points)
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
That's… marvellous
The collection of clothes that might be a man abruptly closes in on you. He glances around and whispers, 'He's here, you know. He's everywhere! Thump thump thump go the hearts!'
You were unlucky. Better luck next time…
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
Fractious Furniture
Get inside! Get inside!
Unlocked with Spying on Polythreme 1-2, Unnatural Exuberance 2-11
Examine the carvings
These chairs have been decorated by unsympathetic knives, presumably as petty revenge. Their wood is a good medium for spies' messages, though. This could gain you Investigating…
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 2
(Shadowy Challenge Straightforward at 125)
Something left behind'
Your chosen chair aims a vicious kick at your knees, but you wrestle it into obedience while the zailors cheer you on. On its back, there's the expected parade of names - zailors' own, and those of the sweethearts waiting for them back in port. But those scratches look new, and regular. It's a code! Where's your notebook?
Shadowy increase
Investigating increase
(10 change points)
Fascinating decrease
(5 change points)
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
Nothing of great use
The chair spits and kicks like a camel as you grab it for a good look. Five zailors' names. Three names of zailors' beloveds. An anarchist slogan and a recipe for bat and muscaria pie.
Shadowy increase
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
The Zailors at Polythreme's Harbour
Most steamers don't stay in Polythreme long. The captains don't much like what the place does to coal.
Unlocked with Writing of your Polythreme Travels 1-2, Unnatural Exuberance 2-11
Speak with the zailors
They might not know as much about Polythreme as the natives, but they're often much easier to talk to. This could gain you Fascinating…
Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 2
(Persuasive Challenge Straightforward at 125)
A friendly sort
'Look, mate, we're a bit short-handed right now. Help me get these crates into the hold and I'll tell you a few things worth knowing in this town.'
Persuasive increase
Investigating decrease
Fascinating increase
(10 change points)
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
Making ready
The zailors rush about, making their steamer ready for travel. Is this a particularly industrious crew, or have they just had enough of the place?
Persuasive increase
Lose: 1 x Unnatural Exuberance
(new total 11 - GET THEM OFF ME!).
(new total 10 - GET THEM OFF ME!).
(new total 9 - GET THEM OFF ME!).
(new total 8 - A Prisoner of Shirts).
(new total 7 - Your Overcoat Wishes You Ruin).
(new total 6 - Your Shoes Conspire).
(new total 5 - Unfortunate Undergarmentry).
(new total 4 - Chattering Hats)
(new total 3 - Coins Jangle and Moan).
(new total 2 - Occasional Murmurs).
(new total 1 - Obedience)