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A picture of a smiling child. Scraps of cardboard. Cogwheels and porcelain. Something is going on…
Beginning the Story
Playing with Broken Toys is a story opened up through selecting the right option on any of several cards.
It is also possible to start it through The Eyes of Icarus card.
(lazy edit - night on the tiles, choose to bluff your way in, shadowy 45 unlocks)

A peculiar practice
Unlocks: Dangerous 57
Find out what he's up to
Turn the tables
Go a-stalking
(Dangerous challenge, straightforward at 77)
Coals and souls
Unlocks: Watchful 45
Investigate the sacks
A word to the neddy men
Stow away
Watchful challenge, straightforward at 68
Finding More Clues
Perhaps these toys are not what they seem to be…. (These cards are all bronze-bordered.)

Child's play
Unlocked with Playing with Broken Toys 1
Examine the shards
_ Watchful challenge
Question the boy
_ Persuasive challenge

Under the hammer
Unlocks: Playing with Broken Toys 1
Bid for the cardboard box
Unlocks: 20 x Glim
Bid for the dusty bottles
Unlocks: 80 x Glim
Bid for the battered books
Unlocks: 40 x Glim

The coffin trade
Unlocks: Playing with Broken Toys 1
A little question and answer
(Dangerous challenge; straightforward at 58)
A little breaking and entering
(Shadowy challenge; straightforward < 70)

Drinking to forget
Unlocks: Playing with Broken Toys 1
F.F. Gebrandt provides something for exactly this situation.
Unlocks: 1 x F.F. Gebrandt's Superior Laudanum
Supply a placebo
(Persuasive challenge, straightforward < 85)

Bringing down the house
Unlocks: Playing with Broken Toys 3
Help him out
(Dangerous challenge, straightforward at 58)
Loot the place
(Shadowy challenge, straightforward < 71)

A stranded shipment
A cart has lost its wheel in the middle of the street. The flustered carter is trying to fix it up again while a queue builds up behind him. The cargo is a pile of small cardboard boxes, each with a smiling child painted on the lid.
[Unlocked with Playing with Broken Toys 3]Help him out
A bit of effort and he'll be on his way in no time.
Half-inch a box

Murder's afoot
A man lies dead in a nearby alley…
Unlocked with Playing with Broken Toys 3Investigate the scene
(Watchful challenge, straightforward < 87)
Go through his pockets
(Shadowy challenge; straightforward < 80)

A new toy
Unlocks: Playing with Broken Toys 4
Help Him
Convince him otherwise

Any old iron
[Unlocked with Playing with Broken Toys 1]
Offer him Rostygold
[Unlocked with Rostygold 50]
Offer him Nevercold brass
[Unlocked with Nevercold Brass Sliver 50]
All images and directly quoted text are (c) Failbetter Games Ltd. and are used by permission.
Fallen London is © 2010-2016 and ™ Failbetter Games Limited: www.fallenlondon.com. This is an unofficial fan work.
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