Name: F. F. Gebrandt
Location: Fallen London
Web: http://echobazaar.failbettergames.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/FF_Gebrandt
F. F. Gebrandt distills and bottles Superior Laudanum and the Tincture of Vigour. The former guarantees a good night's sleep and is useful in reducing Nightmares. The latter is unexcelled in reducing the pain of Wounds.
It has been hinted that soon F. F. Gebrandt will be dispensing gameplay advice rather than the @EchoBazaar account.
We'll continue to answer gameplay questions on this account for a while, but @ffgebrandt will now be dispensing information along with her celebrated tinctures.

Name: Mrs Plenty
Location: Fallen London
Web: http://echobazaar.failbettergames.com
Bio: Go on with you! I ain't one of them. 'm just trying to make ends meet.
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Mrs_Plenty
Mrs Plenty runs Mrs. Plenty's Most Distracting Carnival, where one may be… distracted. Mostly.

Name: Sinning Jenny
Location: A boudoir in Veilgarden
Web: http://www.fallenlondon.com/
Bio: Virtue, like most everything, is simply a matter for negotiation.
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Sinning_Jenny
Scarlet stockings?
There are many ladies of negotiable virtue in Fallen London, but Sinning Jenny is certainly the most notorious. She is said to have strangled quite a senior devil with a pair of scarlet stockings, a gift from Mr Wines. Although there seems to be some confusion about whether this was in fact a paid service.
Sidebar text.

Name: Huffam esq.
Location: 21 Doubt St, Blythenhale
Web: http://www.fallenlondon.com/
Bio: Publish and be damned!
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Huffam_esq
Editor of (and sole writer for?) The Unexpurgated London Gazette

Name: Madame Shoshana
Location: Mrs Plenty's Carnival
Web: http://www.fallenlondon.com/
Bio: Fallen London's foremost clairvoyante. All forms of divination practised. Eery accuracy and uncanniness guaranteed.
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Madame_Shoshana
Who is Madame Shoshana?
The Neath's most mystical fortune-teller. You can tell this by the number of silk scarves she wears, and the size of her crystal ball. She can be found in a stuffy little tent tucked away behind the Hall of Mirrors at Mrs Plenty’s. The secrets of the future can be yours! For a price.
Sidebar text.
Other Sidebars Relating to Madame Shoshana:
Do you seek to know the future?
Ask Madame Shoshana. The cards she uses are a little disturbing, but there's no doubting they get results. Just hope you don’t turn over the Blacksmith. Or the Boat. Or the Gibbet.
All images and directly quoted text are (c) Failbetter Games Ltd. and are used by permission.
Fallen London is © 2010-2016 and ™ Failbetter Games Limited: www.fallenlondon.com. This is an unofficial fan work.
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