Name: Mr Apples
Location: Fallen London
Bio: Fruits, bread, vegetables, barley, horse mushrooms and so forth… Immortality.
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Mr_Apples
Who is Mr Apples?
This upstanding citizen governs commerce in food, wood and immortality. They say it's an ally of Mr Veils.
Sidebar text.
Other Sidebars Relating to Mr Apples
How many names do the Masters have?
It's hard to be certain, but some have traded under more then one name. They say Mr Apples was Mr Barley once. Certainly Mr Iron used to trade as Mr Bronze. And Mr Stones was also trading as Mr Marble quite recently. Until that trouble with the tomb-colonies.
A peculiar antipathy
Certain of the Masters of the Bazaar - Mr Stones, Mr Apples and Mr Wines, and possibly others - seem to have a particular contempt for Egypt and the Egyptological. Perhaps they're simply reacting to the fashion for the Pharaonic that overcame London before the Descent. But it's unusual that they should care.
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