Minor Qualities

The four main qualities in Fallen London are Persuasive, Shadowy, Watchful and Dangerous. There are many other minor Qualities that describe accomplishments, behaviors, encounters, and the like. They are divided into several categories. Certain qualities describe your progress in long storylets, others are gained and lost through various actions, and still others, when they reach a certain level, may open new options or storylets.

(You can review your qualities in the "YOUR QUALITIES" section of the Me tab.)


You are awarded an Accomplishment when you reach a conclusion in certain multi-part Stories and Ventures. These badges of fame (or infamy) can lead to new opportunities!

Meta qualities:


Voice of the Masses:
You have made your opinion known.
(no longer available - gained through answering an OOG survey in December 2009)


The Bazaar's Questions
1- This'll only take a moment. Two moments.
2- You have made your opinion known.
(for answering a Failbetter survey)

The rest:


Free of Surface Ties:
You are a true child of the Neath. There is nothing left for you on the surface now.
(gained upon completion of the Recalling the Surface story


the Darling of the Ambassador's Ball:
The cream of society thought you most charming.
(gained through Persuasive 60)


a Survivor of the Affair of the Box:
You were hired to steal a box by a Stuttering Fence who may have betrayed you.
(gained through Shadowy 56) or at mahogany hall with persuasive 100)


an Admirer of Art
You've enjoyed a close and cherished friendship with a Struggling Artist.
(gained in Veilgarden)


an Admirer of Beauty
You've enjoyed a close and cherished friendship with a Struggling Artist's Model.
(gained in Veilgarden)


a Veteran of the Battle of Wolfstack Docks
When all was lost, you turned the tide.
(gained at Wolfstack Docks)


Master Thief
You stole that which cannot be stolen.
(gained from robbing the highest two targets)


a Fearsome Duellist
You have proved your courage and skill by defeating an opponent of quality.
(gained from winning a duel against the highest two targets)


a Procurer of Savage Beasts:
You brought them back alive, no matter how fierce, cunning or venomous.
(gained through suceeding in the highest level The Hunt is On! storylet at Wolfstack Docks)


banished from the Court
An opera too far. You are now considered thoroughly mad, bad and dangerous to know.
(gained in The Empress' Court)


unwelcome at the University
One radical idea too many? Or did you upset someone important? Either way, they laughed at you and so forth.
(gained in The University)


a fine piece in the Game
You have observed, stolen, followed, decrypted and occasionally murdered
(gained at the end of the an agent of the Cheesemonger story


A Person of Some Importance
Your influence is felt across London and beyond. Are you destined for greatness?
(gained at the end of the a Person of Some Little Consequence story)


An Explorer of the Unterzee
Zailing the zeven zees
(gained through Acquiring a Ship)


You are in an established relationship! Bound for all eternity to another by the common law! Is that not marvellous?
(gained through obtaining a Constant Companion)


Enjoying Lethal Prominence
You're now important enough to be worth murdering.
(gained via an Opportunity Card once you become a A Person of Some Importance)


An Editor of Newspapers
A guardian of the people! A defender of freedom! Well, perhaps.
(Gained through an opportunity card or your lodgings at Shadowy 110)


A Member in Good Standing
Your membership is in order
(Gained through joining a club)


A Diplomat in the Making
Getting to know the working of the Foreign Office
(Gained through an opportunity at Persuasive 115)


Free of the Name
You were wise enough to turn away from a terrible business
(Gained by ending your search for Mr Eaten)


A Survivor of the Iron Republic
That was quite the experience. What you can remember. Didn't you write some of it down?
(Gained by visiting the Iron Republic)


Closest To:(Contacts)
Who do you toast when nobody's listening?
(Gained through the Numismatrix storyline)


Defender of Truth
Your newspaper is lauded around London as a paragon of journalistic integrity.
(Gained through making a newspaper with 104 Meritorious copy)


Prophet of the Gutter
If it's saucy and indiscreet, it's in the news by dawn.
(Gained through making a newspaper with 104 Salacious copy)


Cardinal of Conspiracy
The very finest in faintly paranoid nonsense, delivered daily.
(Gained through making a newspaper with 104 Outlandish copy)


An Acquaintance is an individual who has unique skills that may come in handy. Cultivating acquaintances is often wise. Once acquired, additional storylets and options can appear in various places around Fallen London and elsewhere.

There are several people that are useful to become acquainted with in Fallen London. They are listed on their own page.


If you choose to take on one of the four Ambitions, you will gain a quality in this category. You can review your progress in your chosen Ambition from here.

Each Ambition can be found on their own pages: Bag a Legend, Heart's Desire, Light Fingers, and Nemesis.


Many Circumstance qualities reflect changes in Fallen London that are beyond your control. Some Circumstance qualities reflect choices made in certain story arcs. The actual scope of this category is uncertain, as of this writing.


Working on…
You're making something wonderful. Probably wonderful.
Indicates what kind of story you are making in the Writer's Desk story arc.


A Possible Future
Perhaps you'll dream of something soon…
Reflects a glimpse of the future received in the Visitors at Hallowmas storylet.


The Airs of London
Not every day in the Neath is the same.
The Airs of London change as you select certain storylets, opening and closing certain alternatives.


The Airs of the Forgotten Quarter
The Quarter is still. It changes when you aren't looking.
The Airs of the Forgotten Quarter change as you select certain storylets, opening and closing certain alternatives.


Engaged in a Case
You have committed to solving a mystery…
Tracks which mystery you're working on


Having a Contact (being Connected) with different groups of people in Fallen London can be very important. A high Connected quality can open new opportunities.

Each Contact is given on its own page. (Refer to the top menu bar.)


Dreams Qualities reflect the knowledge and experience gained from the recurring dreams stories. Gaining experience in the several dreams will also contribute to Nightmares but reducing your Nightmares will not reduce these qualities.


having Recurring Dreams: Is Someone There?
Dreams about being watched.
Gained from Recurring Dreams: Is Someone There?


having Recurring Dreams: Death by Water
Dreams of drowning and worse.
Gained from Recurring Dreams: Death by Water


having Recurring Dreams: What the Thunder Said
Dreams about the sky.
Gained from Recurring Dreams: What the Thunder Said


having Recurring Dreams: The Burial of the Dead
Dreams about the tomb-colonies and other dark places.
Gained from Recurring Dreams: The Burial of the Dead


having Recurring Dreams: The Fire Sermon
Dreams about flames.
Gained from Recurring Dreams: The Fire Sermon


Dreaming Strange Dreams: A Game of Chess
Dreams about contests with unusual opponents.
Gained from Recurring Dreams: A Game of Chess


An Intrigue shows your progress (or apparent completion) of a story arc in Fallen London.

There are many storylets, listed on their own pages.

(It isn't clear what the distinction between Intrigue and Story qualities are. Both show similar kinds of progress through story arcs.)

Major Lateral

Your Profession is a Major Lateral quality. It changes when you choose and change Professions.


Your true passion? Or just a way to earn a crust?
Indicates your chosen profession. The icon changes depending on the profession.


A Menace is a quality best avoided. Having too high a level in one of these qualities may lead to undersirable results.

More information about these qualities can be found on its own page.

Minor Lateral

A Minor Lateral is a story-related quality that often refers to a general background for your Fallen London character. Storylets and alternatives will change, depending on the value of these qualities.


The Cheery Man and the Last Constable
Who do you favor?
Reflects who your character favors in the conflict between the Cheery Man and the Last Constable.

There are two values for this Quality.

  • Favouring the Cheery Man
  • Favouring the Last Constable

Identified with a School
Fallen London has its own artistic movements. Perhaps you ignore them, but they don't ignore you.
Reflects a style of poetry that you choose early in Veilgarden.

There are four values for this Quality.

  • The Nocturnals, radicals who relish the freedom from traditional forms - and moralities - that the darkness of the Neath permits.
  • The Bazaarines, both venal and visionary, who find inspiration in the engine of commerce and mystery that is the Bazaar.
  • The Celestials, nostalgic, romantic, often religious, who write passionately of the Surface.
  • You reject all labels and associations! You are your own creature.


A Progress quality will show your progress in a general way through a storylet or can show progress in a specific story arc.

The several Progress qualities are listed on their own page.


Quirks describe your nature as a result of actions you take in Fallen London. They rise and fall based on the choices you make.

More information about these qualities can be found on their own page.


When you open up a way to a new area of Fallen London, you gain a Route quality. Some ways are discovered in your Lodgings and others are the result of completing certain storylets or achieving a certain level in other qualities.

The several new areas are listed on their own page.

Specific Ability

A Specific Ability is a quality that you have earned or learned through your progress in Fallen London.


Making Waves
You have something of a reputation! Now be sure to keep your name before the public.
[Making Waves will drop over time.]


You know more than anyone should about those things with the legs. And the eyes.
Received through actions in Wolfstack Docks


A Story shows your progress (or apparent completion) of a story arc in Fallen London.

There are many storylets, listed on their own pages. Go here to see the descriptors associated with various levels in the storylets.

(It isn't clear what the distinction between Intrigue and Story qualities are. Both show similar kinds of progress through story arcs.)


A Venture is a story that emphasizes one of the major qualities and whose actions occur all in one location.

The several Venture qualities are listed on their own page.

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