I've been trying to go through and clean up wiki pages, but I'm a little bit stymied by inconsistencies in formatting. (Doesn't help that I keep changing my mind about what looks best…) I'm wondering if a discussion here would help and then we can push all pages towards one 'standard'.
Looking at Ladybones for example, there's both single-quoted and double-quoted storylets. (I kind of like the double >> indent more but it looks like there's more of the single > indent on random pages I look at.)
Also- some pages have blue text to indicate missing choices, some have "Reward Spoiler (unknown)". (Personally, blue text was confusing to me for the first week looking at stuff here — I think it's only mentioned explicitly on Code Snippets — I was assuming it had something to do with fate-locked stuff since a lot of the fate-locked pages were blue. Just putting "unknown" is cleaner from my perspective.)
Lastly - spoiler policy. (Incidentally, that page is so much clearer now, thanks to Mr. Teem. Good work there.) One question though - is posting the text that you get after choosing a branch okay to post, as long as you keep it under 250 chars? I've been working under the assumption that it is NOT allowed/encouraged, and been editing that out as I go (though most pages do have it, which is why I'm uncertain how far to go. Just legacy left over from a less restrictive time?). (See New Newgate Actions spoiler boxes for an example of what I'm talking about here.)
(If/Once a standard is agreed on, I'm planning to wrangle the How To Edit Pages into something more useful/specific to this particular wiki, and probably add another intro page or two.) Thanks!