Ensures a deep sleep, but may affect your health. Use when your Nightmares rise too high.
This is one of the Curiosities available in the Bazaar put may also be given as a reward for some actions or Opportunity Cards.

Drink laudanum
Drink before taking to your bed
F.F. Gebrandt's justly celebrated mixture ensures a deep and restful sleep, and assists with persistent nightmares; but it may also affect your health.
[Unlocked when A Person of Some Importance is: Not yet a Person of Importance]
[Unlocked with 1 x F.F. Gebrandt's Superior Laudanum]
A familiar sensation
One takes to one's laudanum to ease the pains of sleep. When one has seen and done as much as you… those pains grow more acute.
[Unlocked with Indulging a Less than Laudable Laudanum Habit no more than 2]
[Unlocked when A Person of Some Importance is: A Significant Individual]
The search for sweet white sleep
The dreams boil close to the surface even in the day-time. Perhaps F.F. Gebrandt's finest will quell them.
[Unlocked with Indulging a Less than Laudable Laudanum Habit 3]
Quite the enthusiast!
Down the hatch! Delicious! Constipation? Jaundice? That bloody headache? All those things, yes, but at least it will guarantee you some sleep.
[Unlocked with Indulging a Less than Laudable Laudanum Habit 5]
[Unlocked when A Person of Some Importance is: A Significant Individual]
Just a drop more. Another.
[Unlocked with Indulging a Less than Laudable Laudanum Habit 8]
Indulging a Less than Laudable Laudanum Habit
Using too much laudanum may become habit forming. The following Opportunity Cards appear when your Indulging a Less than Laudable Laudanum Habit Quirk Quality rises.

A day without laudanum
Over time, your desire for laudanum dimishes…
Unlocks with Indulging a Less than Laudable Laudanum Habit 1
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