Things to do at Wolfstack Docks...
When your Dangerous is 81-90
The Docks become more interesting as your Dangerous abilities increase…
…Further into Fallen London
When you complete The Hunt is On! challenges, your The Hunt is On! quality resets to zero.
A proposition from an acquaintance
You know Mr. Inch from the Black Ribbon Society. He keeps a menagerie and is known for supplying the Labyrinth of Tigers with specimens.
Unlocks: Dangerous 85
The proposition
'It has become apparent to me that I cannot keep up with the Labyrinth of Tigers' endless demands for new exhibits. Thus I am suggesting that a person of your talents might wish to aid me in acquiring animal specimens. For suitable remuneration.'
An agreement!
'Capital! Now, you should make preparations to hunt interesting beasts. The Labyrinth will pay for corpses of notable creatures for taxidermical purposes. However, the real money is to be made in returning live specimens. This is where the real challenge lies.'

Acquiring Exhibits for the Labyrinth of Tigers increase to 1
Mr. Inch proposes an exchange of favours.
Mr. Inch has a proposal for you.
unlocked with Dangerous 90, Acquiring Exhibits for the Labyrinth of Tigers 1
The proposal
'We know each other well enough to respect the other's word, do we not? I propose an exchange of favours. I will assist you in hunting whichever specific beast you prefer. You will perform a few trifling tasks for me that for various reasons I do not care to enact in person. Are we agreed?'
The King and the Duchess
'Capital, capital. I require two tasks performed. Firstly, I owe some trifling debt to the Topsy King. It is to be discharged by the eviction of certain unruly elements from the Flit. I see no problem for a person of your abilities.'
'Secondly, I am a great admirer of the Duchess, as no doubt you are yourself. I seem to have lost her… attention. In order to regain it, I require you to go to the palace and murder her veterinarian. Nothing permanent, but I want the fellow out of the way for a while. When these tasks are done, I will assist you in your hunts. The evictions in the Flit are more urgent: perform those first.
Acquiring Exhibits for the Labyrinth of Tigers increase to 2

Hunting dangerous prey
You have agreed to hunt dangerous creatures for Mr. Inch. You will need to prepare.
unlocked with Dangerous 85, Acquiring Exhibits for the Labyrinth of Tigers 1
[Increase your The Hunt is On! to 5 to begin unlocking options. As your The Hunt is On! quality rises, you may attempt to hunt more difficult quarries.]
Speak with other hunters
They may tell you of beasts worthy of a hunter of your skills.
A great deal of use
The taproom of the Blind Helmsman is lit with dim, smoky candles. It reeks of sweat and old blood…
Dangerous increase
The Hunt is On! increase (2)
Why do they drink this stuff?
…Dear Lord, this stuff is foul. You don't feel well at all. The hunters chuckle as you make your swift excuses and dash outside.
Dangerous increase
Wounds increase
Observe your prey
One must know the prey in order to hunt it.
The ways of the beast
You follow them through their days and nights. You learn of their lairs, their ways. You will be ready for them when the time comes.
Dangerous increase
The Hunt is On! increase (2)
Alone in the city
The streets are quiet. The alleys are bare. The marshes have only noisome mud-pools. Perhaps they know you are coming. Perhaps they are afraid of you.
Dangerous increase
Wounds increase
Prepare your equipment
Bait, lures and snares perhaps. Digging equipment? Poisons? Just how far do you want to go?
Load them into the third carriage
With this vast array of deadly implements, surely the beasts of the Neath stand no chance against you? Or are you uncertain of your skills?
Dangerous increase
The Hunt is On! increase (2)
Perhaps one should learn to be more respectful of that particular model of wire snare. Now, where is that d—nable physician?
Dangerous increase
Wounds increase
The Hunt is On! decrease
Prepare the ground
Set traps, perhaps? Construct a hide in a hedge or a rain barrel? One cannot be too prepared with these beasts.
And all in its place
The stakes are set, the snares are laid and the leg-traps are primed. All manner of unfriendly objects are hidden about the place. Let us hope your victim appreciates all this effort.
Dangerous increase
The Hunt is On! increase (3)
The wrong sort of catch
Apparently one can be too prepared, or at least one can forget where one's stake pits are located. The stakes will be replaced once they are removed from your leg.
Dangerous increase
Wounds increase
Stalk your prey subtly
Patience is key. Patience, care and the correct baiting of one's traps.
Patience and anticipation
No mere beast is a match for your restraint and diligence. It will be soon now.
Dangerous increase
Subtle increase
Forceful decrease
The Hunt is On! increase (3)
A long wait
Hours of waiting turn into days. Can it be that the beast is as patient as you? Well, you shall see who cracks first.
Dangerous increase
Wounds increase
Go for the throat!
Patience is unnecessary for a killer of your skills. A swift blade is the only language these beasts understand!
Dangerous challenge, straightforward at 101
A hit!
Shots ring out! Blades flash! Blood flows! You wounded it, but the beast is not down yet. Now, on to corner the savage thing!
Dangerous increase
Forceful increase
Subtle decrease
The Hunt is On! increase (3)
That went badly
Perhaps patience is virtuous, after all. Still, this hunt would hardly be glorious if one didn't get occasionally mauled.
Dangerous increase
Wounds increase
The Hunt is On! decrease

Where can the notable beasts be found?
Perhaps Mr. Inch would be kind enough to remind you.
A little tipple
Mr. Inch would be happy to speak to you about the location of fierce creatures. Perhaps over a bottle of wine. Or a case.
Unlocked with 12 x Greyfields 1882
'Now, let us see…'
'The Fungus-column and certain white marsh wolves are both to be found in Bugsby's Marsh. One should approach from the Watchmaker's Hill side. Rattus Faber brigands can be found in Spite, of course. One hears of a goat demon loose in the Flit. Spider-council hunting is best performed near Wolfstack Docks. And if you can stomach hunting prey of a more… anthropological nature, find me in Veilgarden. Cheers!'
Dangerous increases 1
Lose: 6 x Greyfields 1882
Mr Inch holds up to his end of the deal
Mr. Inch owes you a favour.
Unlocked with Acquiring Exhibits for the Labyrinth of Tigers 4
A promise kept.
'Thank you for your time. Whenever you are ready, I shall be pleased to assist you in a hunt.'
Able assistance
As promised, Mr. Inch assists you. He is a capable hunter and is assisted by his menagerie of trained beasts. What creature could escape the two of you working together?
Acquiring Exhibits for the Labyrinth of Tigers increase to 5
The Hunt is On! great increase (27 change points)
Hunts in the Docks:
Offer to lead a safari through the marshes
Adventurous society types will pay well for an experienced hunter to show them the savage marshes.
Unlocked with Dangerous 85, Acquiring Exhibits for the Labyrinth of Tigers 1, The Hunt is On! 5
Lead them through the marshes
Let us hope they don't fall in a pool. Or get eaten by wolves. Or fungus. Or spiders… [Warning: failing here may mean you have to start over! Although that could be the least of your worries.]
unlocked with The Hunt is On! 5
Straightforward at The Hunt is On! 10
And on your left you can see…
The aristocrats are delighted. They catch sight of some mobile fungus-colonies. There is swooning at the marsh-wolves. Nobody falls into a marsh-pool, although several expensive outfits are never going to entirely recover from the mud. Fortunately, the well-armed smugglers and the solitary Vake-hunter give your party a wide berth.
In all, a particularly successful outing. You have the discretion not to contradict some of the wilder tales of the aristocrats' bravery at the party afterwards, and receive several dinner invitations, as well as a substantial pile of jade.
Dangerous Increase
Gain 980 x Jade Fragment
Connected: Society Increase
Hunt a Spider-Council
You have never heard of a spider-council being taken alive before. Can it be done?
Unlocked with Dangerous 85, Acquiring Exhibits for the Labyrinth of Tigers 1, The Hunt is On! 5
This will take work
Can this be done? If so, it will take a huge effort.
Unlocked with The Hunt is On! 15
Straightforward at The Hunt is On! 20
The greatest hunter?
You won't get a big enough cage down to the tunnels under the docks, and building one down there is out of the question with the number of spiders. However, your research has turned up something interesting. The spider-council is known to appear at the Watchmaker's Hill observatory at certain times.
Consultation with scholars of occult events confirms that the next visit will be tonight! There is no time for elaborate preparation, so you simply hire a company of men with stout cudgels. The blind men of the observatory are out in force for the visit. Not only are they expecting it, they are furious when your shambolic hunting party descends on the beast.
It is soon over. The spider-council may match your men in legs, but it goes down under a flurry of blackjacks and knoblollies. Several of the men are fatally poisoned, but you soon have it in a great iron cage and awaiting transportation to the Labyrinth of Tigers. What an achievement! What magnificent sport! What a payment!
Dangerous Increase
Gain 2160 x Primordial Shriek
Procurer of Savage Beasts Increase
Two tons of chitin and legs
Brute force does not prevail. You make it out of the web-choked tunnels, but your assistants are not so fortunate. You will not easily forget the screams as their eyes were taken from their faces, or the gleeful cries of 'Apples! Apples for the Tree!'
Dangerous increase
Wounds increase (5 change points)
Nightmares increase
Hunts at the Flit:
Hunt the Goat Demon
A particularly shaggy and ill-aspected goat demon has had a falling out with Hell. It has taken up residence in the aerial byways of the Flit.
Unlocked with Dangerous 85, The Hunt is On! 5, Acquiring Exhibits for the Labyrinth of Tigers 1
Take the goat demon alive
How hard can capturing a live demon be? [Warning: failing here may mean you have to start over! Although that could be the least of your worries.]
Unlocked with The Hunt is On! 11
Straightforward at The Hunt is On! 18
Goats and roses
The demon has made its perch on a gantry surrounding a tall factory chimney. The acrid smoke has darkened its fur to a uniform charcoal. The demon ignores the usual demon-bait of souls and virtue. You keep a watch on the thing, and it fails to move for the three days that your patience lasts.
You confront the creature directly. It barely takes its eyes from the far West until it realises you mean to capture it. Yellow eyes blaze. With a roar better suited to bears than goats it charges you, smashing you through a rope barrier and down twenty feet to another gantry. The thing is abominably strong, but you are well prepared. You have a large towel soaked in attar of roses and certain Oriental spices, as recommended by experienced demon-hunters. Thankfully it does the job. The goat demon falls limp, and remains docile for long enough for you to wrap it in great iron chains. The Labyrinth shall have a new exhibit!
Dangerous Increase
Gain 1638 x Primordial Shriek
The lugubrious goat
The demon seems oblivious to your efforts at entrapment. It ignores a snare set with souls, sneers at a trap baited with virtue. It is a difficult creature to read, but seems gripped with melancholy. It stares gloomily from its perch, looking far to the West. When you disturb it in person, it casually throws you off the rooftops. Stronger than it looks, that one.
dangerous increase
wounds increase
The Hunt is On drops to 0 (yeah there goes bloody 17 in the quality @#$!)
Kill the goat demon
The Embassy has made it known that this demon no longer enjoys their protection.
Unlocked with The Hunt is On! 11
Straightforward at The Hunt is On! 15
Another try?
The demon seems oblivious to your efforts at entrapment. It ignores a snare set with souls, sneers at a trap baited with virtue. It is a difficult creature to read, but seems gripped with melancholy. It offers no resistance when you come for it with a blade. It merely says: "It's about time for another try" as you stab what might be its heart.
Dangerous increase
1188 x Primordial Shriek
Hunts at Watchmaker's Hill
Hunt the White Marsh Wolves
Wolves are common throughout Bugsby's Marshes. The rarer white variety are known for their swimming skills and the astonishing speed of their sinister lope across the mud-flats.
Unlocked with Dangerous 85, Acquiring Exhibits for the Labyrinth of Tigers 1, The Hunt is On! 5
Take a white marsh wolf alive
The Labyrinth will pay well for a live specimen. [Warning: failing here may mean you have to start over! Although that could be the least of your worries.]
Unlocked with The Hunt is On! 7
Straightforward at The Hunt is On! 14
Wolves and baked goods
The marsh-wolves are too clever and cautious for your leg-traps. Your pit simply filled with water. However, a chance meeting with a baker reveals that the creatures have a terrible weakness: sausage rolls.
You catch nearly a score of the common grey wolves in your deliciously baited nets before a white one shows itself. For a while you are not sure of your catch, but a few buckets of clean water show that you do indeed have a fine specimen of rare white wolfdom to sell to Mr. Inch.
Dangerous increase
810 x Primordial Shriek
Kill a white marsh wolf
A stuffed white wolf would look splendid on a mantelpiece or on display at the Labyrinth. Once the marsh-mud has been removed.
Unlocked with The Hunt is On! 7
Straightforward at The Hunt is On! 10
Gunshots over the marsh
The wolves haunt the walls of the observatory at night. You consider shooting one from a distance, but the beasts are covered in marsh-mud and it is tricky to pick out the white ones in the dim light. A simple plan emerges: you shoot everything you see, until a good dozen are dead. Your luck holds! One of the corpses is white!
Mr Inch is pleased with the trophy, and arranges payment promptly.
Dangerous increase
504 x Primordial Shriek
Hunt the Fungus-column
A Fungus-column lurks in the nearby Bugsby's Marshes. Twelve feet of spongy savagery, complete with lashing barbed fronds.
Unlocked with Dangerous 85, The Hunt is On! 5
Kill the Fungus-column
It will make a fine trophy, although you may need a particularly large bucket for the remains.
Unlocked with The Hunt is On! 5
Straightforward at The Hunt is On! 8
Victory over the mushroom
You make several futile attempts to stab, shoot and strangle the alarmingly tenacious Fungus-column, receiving only torn clothing for your efforts. Fortunately you suspected this might be the case. You heft the axe you brought and set to your woodsman's work. Half an hour later, the Fungus-column lies in rough slices.
Mr. Inch's taxidermist will no doubt complain about the jigsaw puzzle you have provided, but at least the pieces are small enough to remove from the marsh without needing a cart. Mr. Inch is happy to pay you for the creature's remains.
Dangerous increases
270 x Primordial Shriek
Take the Fungus-column alive
How does one capture a two-ton mushroom? One that has strong opinions on the matter of incarceration? [Warning: failing here may mean you have to start over! Although that could be the least of your worries.]
Unlocked with The Hunt is On! 5
The Hunt is On! challenge, straightforward at 12
A box of mushroom
Tracking the Fungus-column was simplicity itself. Capturing it wasn't difficult. Keeping it captured is the thing. These giant fungi are known for oozing between cage bars, so you line a pit with a great iron box. You don't want to think about your struggles lifting the thing and its prison out of the marsh and taking it to Mr. Inch. The marsh claimed two carts and a horse-team before you were able to extract it.
You're sure the thing can't talk, but the noises it was making were too much like threats for your liking. Still, it is done now and Mr. Inch's payment is weighty, even after the carters took their considerable share.
Dangerous increase
504 x Primordial Shriek
Hunts in Veilgarden
Hunting that which walks on two legs
Mr. Inch will meet you in a quiet corner of the Singing Mandrake if you are willing to hunt humans, or at least things that look like them.
Unlocked with Dangerous 85, Acquiring Exhibits for the Labyrinth of Tigers 1, The Hunt is On! 5
To hunt a Snuffer
'A client of mine - not the Labyrinth, you understand - has an unusual commission. A Snuffer. They remove the faces of men and wear them, being themselves monstrous. This one wears a new face every week, but is involved in the smuggling of honey. Dispose of it. Permanently, and quietly.' [Warning: failing here may mean you have to start over! Although that could be the least of your worries.]
Unlocked with The Hunt is On! 13
Straightforward at The Hunt is On! 18
The death of a Snuffer
You don't know why they are called Snuffers. Something to do with candles, apparently. In any case, this one is quick and quiet and careful. It takes all of your skill to track it down to an alley behind a half-ruined theatre.
You have to be sure, so you grab at the thing's face. It comes off, beard and all, with a moist tearing noise. The thing underneath is far from human, despite the eyes. It produces a blade, but you anticipate the cut up at your jawline, and strike back. It is no match for you in a brawl, and you quickly stab it. It dies, quite permanently. A man would have easily returned from such a wound.
Mr. Inch congratulates you and presents a chest of red gold coins. These are somewhat familiar - is the client in question Feducci?
Dangerous increase
3276 x Rostygold
Just who is the Snuffer?
That honey-smuggler did not appreciate you attempting to remove his face. The face is definitely his own, despite your thoughts to the contrary. Not only that, but the fellow mistook you for the Snuffer!
There is a hue and cry, a number of pistol shots and a chase through darkened alleyways, but you escape. So does the Snuffer, this time.
Dangerous increase
Wounds increase
Capturing a magician
'Certain of the scholars at the Labyrinth of Tigers believe a particular stage magician to be… under the influence of malign powers. They will pay well for him to be kidnapped. For his own good, you understand.'
Unlocked with Dangerous 85, Acquiring Exhibits for the Labyrinth of Tigers 1, The Hunt is On! 5
'Don't look into his eyes. In fact, wear darkened lenses. Ensure you have no mirrors on your person, and smash any nearby. Don't ask any questions.' [Warning: failing here may mean you have to start over! Although that could be the least of your worries.]
** Unlocked with The Hunt is On! 13, 1 x Neathglass Goggles **
Straightforward at The Hunt is On! 18
A smooth affair
The magician is easy enough to find. You attend his performance. It's fascinating, and you have no idea how he can perform such feats of illusion. His show uses a great many mirrors. At the climax of his act, two members of the audience are locked in a mirror-lined cabinet and handily vanish.
You confront him as he leaves the theatre. He tries to knock your goggles off but his cane flies wide. You smash the hand mirror he produces and pummel him unconscious. Two associates help you bundle him into a hansom and away. Mr. Inch assures you that this is all for the best as he hands you payment, but will brook no questions.
Dangerous Increase
Gain 1638 x Primordial Shriek
Hunts in Spite
Note: Your Dangerous must be low enough to view the hunts in Spite.
Hunt the Rattus Faber Brigands
Somewhere in a cavernous market hall, a pair of notorious L.B. brigands have a lair.
Unlocks: Dangerous 85, Acquiring Exhibits for the Labyrinth of Tigers 1, The Hunt is On! 5
Kill the rat brigands
You are not sure how Mr. Inch will tell that you have the right ones. One stuffed L.B. looks much like another. Perhaps he has a tiny wanted poster.
Unlocks: The Hunt is On! 9
Low-risk at The Hunt is On! 10
The big rat?
Their success in preying on the poor of Spite has made these rats careless. Their traps are unsophisticated and their attempts to hide their lair are at best desultory. It takes little effort for you to find them.
That said, they fight like cornered devils. You are peppered with shot from tiny sawn-offs as they attempt to retreat. All the time they threaten you with tiny revenges and a visit from 'the big rat', whatever that is. No matter. They fall before your might and you take the battered furry bodies to Mr. Inch as arranged.
Dangerous Increases
Gain 810 x Primordial Shriek
Take the rat brigands alive
You are not sure why the Labyrinth of Tigers wants these fellows. Still, Mr. Inch assures you that the payment will be substantial. [Warning: failing here may mean you have to start over! Although that could be the least of your worries.]
Unlocks: The Hunt is On! 9
Straightforward at The Hunt is On! 16
A trap for rats
You know that you only have one chance at this. The moment they realise you are after them, the pair of tiny villains will bolt for another lair.
Your extensive preparations pay off. Patience is called for as you wait within sight of your bait. What L.B. could resist your combination of rostygold, jade and over-ripe raclette? Not these two, it seems. You pull the wire and the aquarium snaps down over the pair. You are glad you cannot hear the tiny curses coming from behind the glass as you send for Mr. Inch.
Dangerous increase
1188 x Primordial Shriek

This opportunity is available anywhere once your Dangerous reaches 97
A letter from Mr Inch
Unlocks: Dangerous 97
A letter arrives for you. It bears the handwriting of Mr Inch, London's most celebrated purveyor of oversized lizardry.
Open it up
See what the veteran beast-wrangler has to say. [Note: you may wish to finish up any beast-hunting before you do this. Fresh adventures await!]
Does not test any stats
An invitation to the Labyrinth
'I have whispered a few words of praise on your behalf at the Labyrinth of Tigers. May I suggest that you visit? If you can afford the exorbitant entry fee, a man of your talents should find gainful employment. And not a little sport.'
'I am often at the Labyrinth. Find me there and I'll introduce you to the Tiger Keeper.'
[Go to your Lodgings to open the way to the Labyrinth of Tigers.]

A twist in your tale! You are now making progress in the Labyrinth of Tigers.
[Additionally, all other opportunities on this page disappear]