These Opportunity Cards will not appear unless your Dangerous quality reaches a certain level. They generally challenge the Dangerous quality but some have options which test other Qualities. The links below will jump to the section of the page describing Cards which unlock at that level of Dangerous Quality.
Cards which unlock between 0 and 9

An unwise ambush (Std)
You walk in one of the dank green-grey parks of Fallen London. Mushrooms release clouds of spores underfoot. Whitish fungal fronds trail from half-dead trees. Suddenly, your walk is enlivened by footpads!
Teach the villains a lesson!
You could turn and flee. One of them is wheezing like a bellows - consumption, you'd guess - and the other has a club foot. But where's the fun in that?
_ Dangerous challenge (5% per point) |
Actually, you really could turn and flee
They may not be the heartiest and stoutest criminals in Fallen London, but there are two of them. And one has a very knobbly stick.
_ Dangerous challenge (~12% per point) |
If only there were two of you, you could take on the world!
If you had someone to watch your back, you would be invincible! You could invite a friend from the Surface to be your partner in blood and glory! [This will invite someone who isn't playing to join you, and start a lucrative story if they do.]
If only there were two of you, you could take on the world!
"[Someone] needs your bare-knuckled assistance in Fallen London. To glory!

Will nobody help the poor fellow? (Std)
A chandler's workshop has gone up in flames! He's trapped in an upper window. An admiring crowd watch as his candles glow and melt in the flames.
Daring is needed
A quick dash through the flames, damp coat across your face -
_ Dangerous challenge (5% per point) |

The Stray (Std)
You're not necessarily a criminal. But that elderly gentleman shouldn’t be walking here this late with that heavy satchel.
Perhaps you can help
A clout to the back of the head should resolve the situation.
_ Dangerous challenge (10% per point) |
That was encouragingly straightforward
Dangerous increase

Gain: random reward (~10-11 pence worth)
Ruthless increase
(1 change point)
Run for it! It’s the Old Bill!
Dangerous increase
No, perhaps you can actually help
Guide the silly old duffer out of this rather sinister neighbourhood. Erm, which way was that again?
_ Shadowy challenge (10% per point) |

Assistance needed for lynching
The Constables need sturdy types to bring a honey-addled murderess to justice, or at least hang her from the nearest gas-lamp.
Take the badge and the bricks
Pick up your copper deputy’s badge and join the bloodthirsty mob armed with bricks and clubs.
(Dangerous challenge; straightforward at 16)
Her heels twist in the night breeze
She led you a merry chase through cramped alleys and some of the mob are missing an ear or a finger, but the mob won out, and you were instrumental in subduing the murderess before her hanging. The constables nod soberly at you and slip you a handful of rostygold slivers.
Dangerous increase

Gain: 12 x Rostygold
Connected: The Constables increase

A duel with a dead man (Std)
You are accosted by a visitor from the tomb-colonies, where dead men go when they are too disfigured to walk in Fallen London. 'None of these wretched pinkskins can fight,' he hisses. 'Can you? I am so terribly bored.'
[Unlocked with Dangerous 9-39]
Play decoy to encourage other victims
If you don't want to fight in earnest, you could agree to a little light sparring to encourage other victims… ah, clients.
_ Dangerous challenge (~6% per point) |
Let the dead man pay you for the pleasure of trying to kill you
Be careful. Tomb-colonists may have died dozens of times. They learn from their mistakes.
_ Dangerous challenge (2.5% per point) |

Demander for a day
A local villain needs some muscle to shake down shopkeepers.
Unlocked with Dangerous 9
Easy money
An afternoon of glaring at greygrocers and frightening fishmongers.
(Dangerous challenge; straightforward at 18)
A fierce aspect
The local hoodlums accept you as a figure to be feared, and you are assigned a list of tradesmen from which to demand protection money. Several of them curse and complain for the sake of appearances, but none among the honest folk can bring themselves to deny you. Your day of collections goes smoothly and you bring home a cut of the takings. The local villains nod respectfully at a job well done, and your neighbours give you a wide berth for a while.
Dangerous increase

Gain: 9 x Deep Amber
Deal with the mason
The mason scoffs at your employer. He has four burly sons, two Clay Man employees and many hammers. This is going to be trouble.
(Dangerous challenge; modest at 25)
Didn't even have to fight
Sometimes it is not about fisticuffs or stabbing. Sometimes a fierce reputation, a vicious stare and a few hints about burning down houses works better. You get a good share of the protection money.
Dangerous increase

Gain: 24 x Deep Amber
Cobblestone Rogues and Back-Alley Saints increase
Cards which unlock between 10 and 19
Cards which unlock between 20 and 29

Harvesting spider-silk
Sorrow-spiders have infested a rambling, squalid rookery near Spite. There are too many to destroy, but perhaps a band of sturdy armed citizens could acquire some silk?
Unlocked with Dangerous 21
Stay around the edges
A safer option is to make off with some silk while the main party of harvesters engage the spiders.
(Dangerous challenge; chancy at 21, straightforward at 33)
Legs everywhere!
Most of the spiders are engaged by the main party and you find yourself in a web-choked side passage facing only a single spider. You achieve victory by the simple expedient of jumping up and down on the thing until it stops moving. You grab a double handful of sticky silk threads before you leave.
Dangerous increase

Gain: 21 x Silk Scrap
Into the rookery with goggles and hatchets
Locals cheer the expedition as the tools of the harvester are distributed. A scarred, one-eyed veteran harvester beckons you over and proffers goggles.
(Dangerous challenge; modest at 37)
Almost like dancing
The harvesters split into two groups – one distracts the bulk of the sorrow-spiders while the other attacks the silk-walls with lubricated hatchets. You are in the former group and in the thick of the fighting. Your goggles are torn off by a huge specimen leaping on your head, but you keep your nerve and when all is done your boots have inches of crushed spider remains on their soles. You claim your share of the spoils at the victory booze-up afterwards.
Dangerous increase

Gain: 36 x Silk Scrap

Shroom-hopping: a quaint sport of the lower classes
Watchmaker’s Hill is a rough place, and has rough entertainment. Leaping from huge mushroom to huge mushroom in a flooded field is considered amusing in these parts.
Unlocked with Dangerous 21
Just try to finish
This'll be tricky. The pundits say the going is spongy and the spore-caps are more toxic than usual… And they’re off!
(Dangerous challenge; chancy at 21, low-risk at 24)
You made it to the finishing post!
Leaping between mushrooms is hard enough. Avoiding the poisonous ones and the odd shove from a competitor makes the whole business a very tricky affair. One weaselly fellow trips you, but you recover and hurl him into the grey water, to a raucous cheer from the sidelines. You're not first to the end, but merely finishing gets you a prize of rough mushroom wine.
Dangerous increase

36 x Greyfields 1879
Go all out
You are going to finish first! Or fall in the slimy water. Or get pushed into a toxic spore-patch. Or some such thing.
(Dangerous challenge; straightforward at 42)
You made it to the finishing post!
A series of mighty leaps. A sharp turn on a slippery toadstool. A swerve around a viciously-swung elbow. It's nothing you can't manage. You romp home with a narrow lead over the favourite as you hear the sounds of a brawl behind you from the main pack of hoppers. You claim your case of wine and receive a cheer from the spectators.
Dangerous increase

18 x Greyfields 1882
A fall at the fourth
You leap heroically across the first few 'shrooms, putting a respectable distance between yourself and your nearest rival. A sharp turn on a slippery agaric proves your undoing, and you splash into the grey water and out of the race.
Dangerous increase

Guard a glim claim
A veteran sea skimmer – a collector of jewel fragments that fall into the Unterzee from the cavern roof – has claimed a rich section of shoreline and is off to Veilgarden to celebrate. There’s a few fragments of fallen glim to be made guarding his claim.
Unlocked with Dangerous 21
Quiet evening on the shore
The claim doesn't look like much – a few yards of muddy shoreline. There are hungry eyes out in the shadows, though, and only you between them and glim.
(Dangerous challenge, straightforward at 32)
The gang presses in
You were expecting some trouble. What you have is not a few desperate sea-skimmers down on their luck, but an organised and sizable gang of coastal ruffians. As they approach, you narrow your eyes and let your lethal reputation speak for you. The gang falters, and although full of threats and bravado, leaves you alone on the desolate shoreline. A few days later your employer is in a fit state to hand over some fragments of glim in payment.
Dangerous increase

Gain: 21 x Glim
A direct approach
If glim claims are badly guarded, why do you not indulge in a little armed robbery yourself?
(Dangerous challenge)
A stout driftwood cudgel and a few hearty whacks in the shadows? What could be better, as the oily waters lap and the 'stars' gleam overhead? You pocket a good collection of glim and make your way back to civilization before your victims start waking.
Dangerous increase

Gain: 36 x Glim
A distinct lack of glim
What exactly is the point of a robbery, when none of these fellows have anything worth taking? It seems that there has been only one decent glim haul of late, and the lucky skimmer is celebrating elsewhere.
Dangerous increase

A runaway horse!
The horses of Fallen London are vicious, shaggy brutes and this one has taken fright from a sorrow-spider and bolted with its hansom cab. Someone will get hurt!
Unlocked with Dangerous 21
Tear loose a case from the hansom
You'll have to be quick and strong, but you might grab a little luggage before the horse bolts out of reach.
(Dangerous challenge, straightforward at 27)
Moderately mighty thews
You grab the nearest case and flex your arms. You are dragged along for a good fifty feet before the straps rip and you tear the case free. You end up in a pile in the gutter, but the prize is yours. The horse and hansom disappear from sight as you check the contents.

Random reward
~15-20 pence
Dangerous increase
A simple matter of agility and thews
Bringing the horse back to its senses will only require a nimble leap on to the careering hansom and wrestling with the beast's reins until it stops. How hard can that be?
(Dangerous challenge)
Bizarrely enough, it goes to plan
Just like in the penny dreadfuls, you leap on to the back of the hansom as the horse heads toward a busy bridge. The crowd scatters, and you haul mightily on the reins as the hansom heads towards a meeting with the uncaring river. You pull up in time. You're rather disappointed that attractive young admirers don’t flock to you immediately, but at least you take comfort in helping yourself to the contents of the luggage rack.
Dangerous increase

Random reward
~30 pence
A curse upon horses and dyers!
The initial leap for the back of the hansom goes well, and you are making your way across the roof of the contraption when the horse makes a sharp right turn rather than cross the path of a dapper devil. You are flung through the open window of a laundry and land with a tremendous splash in a large, warm vat of dye. Your dignity is dented, but at least your outfit is fashionably coloured.
Dangerous increase

A night for knives and candles
The rakes and ruffians who play Knife and Candle are out in force tonight. Some have been drinking, and at least one thinks that you are his mark.
Unlocked with Dangerous 21
Playing rough
You could just run for it, but there is something very irritating about being mistaken for a victim. A lesson in prudence is in order.
(Dangerous challenge; low-risk at 25)
Murder is often not a game
Your stalker is expecting violence, of course, so you simply confront him in the street, weapon in hand. This is somewhat against the protocols of the game, and he starts to back off. You leap after him, and there follows a brief scuffle that ends with a shriek and a gurgle. Dusting yourself down, you take the fellow’s pack of candles as a warning to others.
Dangerous increase

21 x Foxfire Candle Stub
And then the candle went out
You set an ambush for your pursuer…
Dangerous increase
Playing even rougher
Of course, you could just stand on a nearby rain barrel and loudly declaim that any players of Knife-and-Candle nearby are gutless weasels with all the poise and breeding of a sorrow-spider.
(Dangerous challenge; straightforward at 40)
Knives and wax
Players of Knife-and-Candle come at you from all directions! Knives flash in the dim light, and wax goes everywhere. Used to ambushes, the players attempt to escape your wrath. A few make it away, although others lie bleeding on the cobblestones as you take their candles.
Dangerous increase

36 x Foxfire Candle Stub
A stealthy lot
There were no fewer than eight players of Knife-and-Candle within earshot of you when you started making your opinion of them known. By the time you finished… well, actually you didn't finish. They had thoroughly stabbed you by then.
Dangerous increase

Bare-knuckle prize fight
There are whispers of a moderately illegal all-comers bare knuckle fight in an empty market hall near Veilgarden. Can your pugilistic skills carry the day?
[Unlocked with Dangerous 21]
A gallery of ruffians and bruisers
It is to be expected that the field is varied. There are many local bruisers, three bandaged tomb-colonists, two women (the scandal of it!) and an oriental boxer. That's the bell!
A challenge for your Dangerous quality.
Thirty rounds later…
You are drawn against one of the tomb-colonists, who the bookmakers have marked as the second favourite. The fellow is creaky and slow, but has all the fabled endurance of the many-times dead. You have the lead in skill, but pummel as you might he will just not fall. A halt is called after thirty rounds, as the crowd is getting fractious. What passes for sporting authority in these parts declares you the winner of the bout and you claim your purse. There are whispers that your bold performance might be enough to win the attention of the infamous fight arranger Feducci.
Dangerous increase

Gain: 36 x Rostygold
Connected: Criminals increase
Take on the local champion
The local champion is a towering sergeant of the Constables. His scarred fists are known across the Neath. At least the ring won't be raided during the fight.
A challenge for your Dangerous quality.
To fell a giant
The sergeant is a lumbering giant and has fists like steam-pistons. You have the edge in speed and skill, however and you play a long game. Twenty rounds later, the sergeant is exhausted from chasing you. You finish him off with a barrage of blows to the body - you can hardly reach his face. The giant tumbles forward, and you are victorious! You take your purse and leave quickly, before the Constables decide to intervene.
Dangerous increase

Gain: 36 x Rostygold
Cards which unlock between 30 and 39

The Listing Tower
A once-grand residence gently subsiding into the edge of Bugsby's Marshes. Limitless potential for ambush. Nightly stabbings. Dimming glory.
Unlocked with Dangerous 30
A wager of courage
A trio of fur-clad hunters at the Medusa's Head bet that you won't stay a night in this house of murderers. You intend to prove them wrong and claim their pelts.
(Dangerous challenge)
A sound plan
It's cold up in the attic. Your policy of declaiming your intention to repeatedly shoot anyone who opens the door does the trick. The noise of ambush and murder filters through the floorboards. It goes on all night: where do these people get the energy from? You emerge unmolested and claim your pelts from the hunters. The villains! You thought you were getting wolves.
Dangerous increase

Gain: 40 x Rat on a String
What new madness is this?
Traps, within reason, are allowed in the game of Knife-and-Candle. Incendiaries inside large buildings are frowned on, however. Mr. Iron asks you to deal with the situation.
Unlocks with: an Umpire of the Game of Knife-and-Candle 1
(Dangerous challenge)
A stern word
The player causing the incendiary difficulties is a postgraduate student at the Department of Infernal Rarefactions. You could have guessed. They all like fire.
You confront her in a half-subsided parlour. You avoid the rather clumsy exploding-sideboard trap and start the lecture on fair play to the disappointed student. She agrees not to set any more fire-traps indoors and Mr. Iron sends you a package of candles in reward. You wonder if it is being ironic.
Dangerous increase

Gain: 66 x Foxfire Candle
Move to the half-abandoned mansion
Mr Iron invites all of Officer rank and above to stay in this property free of charge. He suggests you bring your own candles. If you enjoy rats, murderers and gloomy grandeur, this is the place for you. Allows 3 cards in your hand and provides a Significant defence bonus in Knife-and-Candle.
Requires Knife-and-Candle Rank 14

The tenor's minder
A noted opera singer has been threatened by a spurned lover. He needs a bodyguard.
Unlocked with Dangerous 33
Evening dress provided
Vigilant, discreet and subtly ferocious. You can manage that.
(Dangerous challenge; straightforward at 39)
These gentlemen do not look like they appreciate opera
It seems that your employer was not entirely honest with you. Instead of the expected lovelorn anemiac, you are faced with four rough villains who seem to expect a considerable amount of money regarding past debts of your client. They offer blackjacks and fists and you are obliged to repay them in kind. After the stage door fracas leaves them bloody and retreating, you confront the singer. He has no money with which to pay you, but tells the startling tale of how he came into so much debt. You stagger away, shaking your head at such depravity.
Dangerous increase

Gain: 2 x Cryptic Clue
Connected: Bohemian increase
Rid him of his assailant
You are sure he will tell you of his troubles if you promise to deal with them.
(Dangerous challenge; modest at 50)
A job well done
A gang of criminals is preying on bohemians. Sometimes they resort to footpadry, but their bread and butter is blackmail. Artists live and die by their reputations, and the criminals have been making a tidy sum from the Veilgarden set. Once you find this out the rest falls into place. You locate them. You beat them stupid. You advise them of the foolishness of crossing you. Your employer and his friends are delighted: you are invited to opening nights, and one or two dressing rooms besides.
Dangerous increase
Connected: Bohemian increase
An uncharitable sort
A gang of criminals is preying on…
Dangerous increase
Wounds increase

For the people!
Revolution is coming, apparently. It seems that it requires a financier be firmly beaten. Why not?
[Unlocked with Dangerous 33]
Rights and wrongs
The shabby, eloquent figure speaks of the rights of man, and who exactly needs to be thrashed for the good of all.
The financier's hat
You strike a blow for the glorious revolution. Several blows, actually, as the financier was unexpectedly wearing an iron hat. As instructed, you yell 'Death to the lapdogs of the Masters!' to nobody in particular, and run off. Whatever you think of the politics, the anarchists pay up, albeit in the form of forbidden books stolen from the censors.
Dangerous increase

Gain 8: x
Proscribed Material
Connected: Revolutionaries increase
Volunteer to disrupt an important meeting
The gathering of financiers will have formidable protection. They should know that they will never be safe! Long live the revolution!
Blood and money
The financiers are meeting in the second floor of a fashionable eating house. A neddy man bars your way to them. You flatten him. And another. A pack of them goes for you. You hurl a rosewood table at them. You lope up the thick stair carpet before they recover: you administer sound beatings to the startled bankers. You hear the neddy men surging upwards. You shout a revolutionary slogan, grab a nearby bag of sterling and leap out of the window.
Dangerous increase

Gain: 15 x Surface Currency
Connected: Revolutionaries increase
A neddy horde
The financiers are meeting in the second floor of a fashionable eating house. A neddy man bars your way to them. You flatten him. And another. A pack of them goes for you. You are pummelled out into the street. The bankers look down from their luncheon with interest. One of them appears to be offering bets on the manner of your defeat.
Dangerous increase
Wounds increase

Arson and avarice
A local landlord is displeased with some squatters, and is prepared to sacrifice a tenement to the flames to make a point.
Unlocked with Dangerous 33
Tip the squatters off
Burn the place down, but ensure that the squatters are warned.
(Dangerous challenge; low-risk at 37)
And off they go
You wait until the squatters are gone before you get to your business. Arson is punished harshly in the city, and you work quickly. The tenement is old and rotten, and catches in moments. The place blazes merrily, and shouts and the occasional scream echo around the street. Soon the authorities arrive to contain the fire, but you are gone and your employer's point is made. The landlord is aware the squatters were tipped off and suspects you. Your pay is reduced, but you are in no position to argue matters.
Dangerous increase

Gain: 33 x Rostygold
Connected: Criminals increase
Ruthless decrease
Catching the heat
You wait until the squatters are elsewhere before you get to your business. Arson is punished harshly in the city, and you work quickly. The tenement is old and rotten, and catches in moments. The place blazes merrily, and shouts and the occasional scream echo around the street. Soon the authorities arrive to contain the fire, but you are gone and your employer's point is made. Unfortunately, the Constables had been tipped off by a local detective that this might happen, and your employer is off to New Newgate prison before you can be paid.
Dangerous increase
Burn it down
Lamp oil and matchsticks will do the trick, and the fellow promises to pay well.
(Dangerous challenge; low-risk at 37)
The flames are pretty
Arson is punished harshly in the city, so you work quickly. The tenement is old and rotten, and catches in moments. The place blazes merrily, and shouts and the occasional scream echo around the street. Soon the authorities arrive to contain the fire, but you are gone and your employer's point is made. You are paid in rostygold, perhaps significantly.
Dangerous increase

Gain: 48 x Rostygold
Connected: Criminals increase
2 change points
Ruthless increase
Catching the heat
Arson is punished harshly in the city, and you work quickly. The tenement is old and rotten, and catches in moments. The place blazes merrily, and shouts and the occasional scream echo around the street. Soon the authorities arrive to contain the fire, but you are gone and your employer's point is made. Unfortunately, the Constables had been tipped off by a local detective that this might happen, and your employer is off to New Newgate prison before you can be paid.
Dangerous increase
Suspicion increase
Cards which unlock between 40 and 49

The Ways of Wolfstack Docks
A thousand ships a day, or so they say.
[Unlocked with Dangerous 40 and Dangerous no more than 80]
A day trip to the Docks
A zailor will show you around Wolfstack Docks for a day - if you slip him enough jade for a drink and a tattoo.
[Unlocked with 50 x Jade Fragment]
[Unlocked with Route: Wolfstack Docks no more than 0]
And off you go
The zailor tosses the little bag of jade from hand to hand as he leads you to the docks. He says he wants a tattoo depicting two women and a velocipede. You don't press him for details.
You're on a day trip to Wolfstack Docks! When you leave the Docks, you won't be able to return until you open up the route at your Lodgings or find another zailor like this one. Wolfstack Docks are most interesting for those who have Dangerous 60+.

Move to area:
Wolfstack Docks

Lose: 50 x
Jade Fragment
Dangerous increase
The returning Gazetteer
A society journalist is returning from disgrace in the tomb-colonies. He's due into the Docks on a steamer tonight. Some of his victims would rather see his exile last a little longer.
[Unlocked with Route: Wolfstack Docks 1]
A useful bit of business
You pummel the fellow senseless within seconds. He's a substantial sort, so heaving him back up the gangplank is a strain. The ship's captain knows better than to ask questions. Oddly, your employers pay you in church candles.
Dangerous increase

Move to area:
Wolfstack Docks

Gain: 60 x
Foxfire Candle Stub
What's this?
A docks permit, simply flapping about in the gutter. What a stroke of luck! With this, you'll be able to travel freely about Wolfstack Docks. This will open up permanent access to Wolfstack Docks
Wolfstack Docks are most interesting for those who have Dangerous 60+.
Requires 5 Fate
Fate-locked content must not be placed on the wiki, per the developers.

Deal with a drunk old soldier
He's swinging an antique sabre and screaming that he'll take on all comers.
Unlocked with Dangerous 45, You must be in Watchmaker's Hill to play this card
Take him on
He wants a fight? You'll give him one!
(Dangerous challenge)
A splendid brawl
The old man used to be a cavalry officer, and he can swing that sabre like a maniac, even when drunk. By the time you have the better of him, a crowd has gathered and is betting on the outcome. As the old soldier collapses, weeping, to the cobbles a ragged cheer goes up and you are handed a portion of a winner's gains.
Dangerous increase

Gain: 60 x Deep Amber
Talk him down
Perhaps you can reason with him. He is pretty drunk, though.
(Persuasive challenge; straightforward at 67)
A new friend
The old soldier recognises a new friend and puts his sabre away. He leans on you, breath stinking of cheap spirits, and tells you of his misfortunes: being cashiered out of his regiment long ago, losing his fortune, his wife becoming a tomb-colonist. He blearily invites you to visit him at Watchmaker's Hill and totters off into the night.
Persuasive increase

You've made a friend, or at least a contact:
Acquaintance: Regretful Soldier.

Academic discipline
It's the annual dinner hosted by the Dean of Phrenology & Applied Cranial Exploration this evening. The University is hiring sturdy types for additional security.
Unlocked with Dangerous 45
Vigorous student bodies
The annual dinner generally ends in a brawl between students, and you are asked to help keep order.
(Dangerous challenge)
A complicated fistfight
As usual, the cranial exploration students start taunting the phrenologists and phrenological manipulation hammers are produced. Mayhem breaks out shortly thereafter, and you lead a charge of the hired help to break things up. The fracas is dealt with efficiently, and major cranial rearrangements are avoided for the most part. You disarm a particularly vicious postgraduate student and part a pair of spirited old professors who are waving canes at each other. The pay is minimal, but you help yourself to the wine stocks, which for the most part have been ignored.
Dangerous increase

60 x Greyfields 1879
Bumps on the head
As usual, the cranial exploration students start taunting the phrenologists, and phrenological manipulation hammers are produced. Mayhem breaks out shortly thereafter, and the porters lead a charge of the hired help to break things up. You are in the thick of things, and suddenly you are surrounded by a coterie of second year students armed with cranial implements. You put up a sterling show of arms, but there are too many and you soon find yourself phrenologically manipulated into unconsciousness. You wake the next day, on an examining table. It seems that you have been studied.
Dangerous increase

Minding the detective
An Implacable Detective wishes to retain the services of a bodyguard for a particularly perilous case.
Unlocked with Dangerous 45 (but no more than 75)
The case of the frenzied mandrake
Following a detective around might be interesting, and how dangerous can a plant be, anyway?
(Dangerous challenge; modest at 61)
Weed killer
The Implacable Detective has traced a series of grisly murders to the back streets around Watchmaker's Hill….
Dangerous increase

Gain: 60 x Rostygold

Gain: 1 x Implacable Detective's Business Card
Vicious little vegetable
The Implacable Detective has traced a series of grisly murders to the back streets around Watchmaker's Hill….
Dangerous increase

Gain: 1 x Implacable Detective's Business Card

Join a Smuggling Ring
There's a market for just about anything in London, if you know your customer base, and you do. You hear of a gang going out at night to retrieve barrels of fine French ambergris brandy; the barque known as the Red Lady drops her cargoes a little out at zee and it's up to the gangs on shore to bypass the dockyard and its tiresome 'formalities'.
Unlocked with Dangerous 45
Just fence a few casks for now, while you get to know your new colleagues.
Goodness! They do use some salty language.
(Dangerous challenge; straightforward at 51)
A pleasure doing business with you
You shift a lot of brandy thanks to your contacts in the seedier drinking dens of Veilgarden, and take a modest cut of the glim they pay.
Dangerous increase

Gain: 45 x Glim
The gang could use an extra hand or three tonight
Take the look-out's post. All you have to do is prowl the jetty and keep an eye out for neddy men. You can do that.
Unlocked with Dangerous 50
(Dangerous challenge)
It’s a quiet night
Only one official needs to meet the business end of your knife, and he barely even makes a splash. Enjoy your share of the profits.
Dangerous increase

Gain 32 x Greyfields 1882
There would be three of them on patrol - typical
You pick a fight with them to divert their attention, but you are outnumbered, and the gang has to leave several valuable barrels behind. Including the one with your share in it. You didn't come off well in the fight, either.
Dangerous increase
Wounds increase
Join the salvage party
Much more profitable. Much more dangerous.
Unlocked with Dangerous 55
(Dangerous challenge)

A night at the carnival
What could be more relaxing than an evening out in the garish lights of Mrs Plenty's Most Distracting Carnival?
Unlocked with Dangerous 45
There's always something
A great grey wolf has escaped from the carnival. Recapturing it would be quite the thing.
(Dangerous challenge; modest at 61)
Beast in the city
The wolf is not known for its vicious behaviour, but you are taking no chances. You track it down to a nearby bakery, where it is helping itself to a box of expensive sausage rolls. The beast growls at your approach. Apparently it does not wish to be disturbed at its supper. There is little left to do but wrestle the creature into submission. The wolf is strong, and by the time you get it into a headlock you are both covered in flour. Both the baker and the carnival proprietors are glad to see the thing back in the carnival. You are rewarded with carnival prizes, and the wolf seems untroubled by its fate.
Dangerous increase

Gain: 60 x Rat on a String
A roll in the cakes
The wolf is not known for its vicious behaviour, but you are taking no chances. You track it down to a nearby bakery, where it is helping itself to a box of expensive sausage rolls. The beast growls at your approach. Apparently it does not wish to be disturbed at its supper. There is little left to do but wrestle the creature into submission. The fight is an epic one: the wolf is both strong and determined. By the time you have the thing in a hold, the pair of you have flattened the sausage rolls, squashed a box of eclairs and knocked over a cake intended for a society wedding. There are cheers as you lead the beast out, but no reward is forthcoming.
Dangerous increase