Constant Companion
These items can only be obtained after completing the story A Person of Some Little Consequence and becoming a A Person Of Some Importance. This requires a trait with a value of at least 100 in Dangerous, Watchful, Persuasive, or Shadowy.
These items are not purchased from the Bazaar, but are rather gained from stories which become available via opportunity cards.
You may only have one of these at any time.
Boneless Consort
What plastic plassions are enflamed behind closed doors? Your love does not dare writhe its name in public.
- + 3 Bizarre
- The Boneless Consort is available to those inhabitants of Fallen London who are In Possession of a Peculiar Personal Enhancement. Such an Enhancement can be obtained for a mere 100 Fate in Flute Street.
- [Polite society does not approve of such things. In fact, it is revolted by the whole idea.]
Celebrated Artist's Model
Talented poet, respected artist, notorious beauty. Cheats at cards.
- Available via the Courting The Celebrated Artist's Model storyline
- +1 Watchful
Master Jewel Thief
A thief at the top of his game. A honey-addicted rake. Either way, a devilishly attractive man.
- Available via the Courting the Master Jewel Thief storyline
- +1 Persuasive
Cultured Attaché
An elegant young man of the Foreign Office. Erudite Company. Alarming table habits.
- Available via the fate-locked portion of The Foreign Office storyline, Face-side.
- +1 Persuasive, +1 Watchful
- [NOTE: You can pick a male or female Cultured Attaché. This is the male version.]
Devout Intriguer
She may be a face-stealing spy, but she's all yours.
- Available via the fate-locked portion of The Foreign Office storyline, Teeth-side.
- +1 Dangerous, +1 Shadowy
- [NOTE: You can pick a female, male or 'other' Toothy Companion. This is the female version]
Academic Intriguer
A face-stealing spy, who happens to look like a notable academic when you're alone.
- Available via the fate-locked portion of The Foreign Office storyline, Teeth-side.
- +1 Dangerous, +1 Shadowy
- [NOTE: You can pick a female, male or 'other' Toothy Companion. This is the male version]
Comfortable Intriguer
A face-stealing spy, who happens to look like a notable academic when you're alone.
- Available via the fate-locked portion of The Foreign Office storyline, Teeth-side.
- +1 Dangerous, +1 Shadowy
- [NOTE: You can pick a female, male or 'other' Toothy Companion. Presumably this is the 'other' version]
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