You are likely in the Tomb-Colonies as a result of your disgraced exile. Your Scandal needs to be reduced to 0 to return to Fallen London. The following storylets and Opportunity Cards are available to you in the Tomb-Colonies.
Storylets in The Tomb-Colonies

Home: at last
'Perhaps the scandal has subsided enough for me to return. A steamer waits to take me across the Unterzee tonight. I can hardly wait. I never want to see another bandage for as long as I live… Reduce your Scandal to zero to return to London.
Return home unchanged (5 Actions)
'They say that travel broadens the mind. Some travel, perhaps, but the tomb-colonies are such narrow places…'
[Unlocked with Austere no more than 9]
[Unlocked with Hedonist no more than 9]
[Unlocked with Scandal no more than 0]Return home a little more subdued (5 Actions)
'…in the tomb-colonies, there is plenty of time for reflection. Have I changed? Perhaps not so very much. But a change in aspect is still a kind of change…' This will halve your Hedonist quality.
[Unlocked with Austere 10]
[Unlocked with Scandal no more than 0]Unrepentant! (5 Actions)
'I am who I am. The tomb-colonies have not changed me. Have they forgotten me already? Let us correct that….' This will halve your Austere quality.
[Unlocked with Austere no more than 9]
[Unlocked with Hedonist 10]
[Unlocked with Scandal no more than 0]

A letter to an old flame
'I have been writing to everyone I even half-know. Be sure that this letter, dearest, is motivated entirely by affection. Although if you were to mention my sorry state and earnest contrition to your father, I shouldn't object….'
'…I have written to the Bishop of St Fiacre's…'
'…he seems a more pragmatic soul than some of these gabbling pulpit-skulkers. Although those eyes of his unnerve me….'
[Unlocked with Connected: The Church 5]
'….I have a few friends yet in Society…'
'…if only the Duke of M-- was not such a preening ninny. I doubt he will understand half the clever allusions I have made in my letter. Perhaps if I had carved the word HELP on a wine-cork…'
[Unlocked with Connected: Society 4]
'…I flatter myself the Duchess was fond of me…'
'…her memory is long, although she is not always kind. I have written her a frankly pleading letter. I hope it amuses her.'
[Unlocked with Connected:the Duchess 5]
'…I have, with some trepidation, contacted a hooded acquaintance…'
'…the Masters of the Bazaar, they say, do not have friends among the citizenry, but they do have favourites. If they remember me - and I like to consider myself memorable…'
[Unlocked with Connected: Masters Of The Bazaar 1]

The price of forgiveness
'I trust this small earnest of my appreciation will meet with your approval. Perhaps you might speak a kind word in those places where my name is currently traduced…'
Send a gift to the Church
"I understand that the Church is always in need of candles. Those very fine cathedrals of yours must be terribly dark. I have made arrangements for your enlightenment…"
[Unlocked with 200 x Foxfire Candle]Send a gift to a fashionable charity
"My understanding is that Lady T----- and the Honourable A----- are both staunch supporters of the School for Education of Unfortunates. I am certain their interest would be engaged by the enclosed…"
[Unlocked with 50 x Proscribed Material]Send a donation to the revolutionary cause
"…a gift for our brothers and sisters in London. I trust they will pass my name to our more exalted contacts, and ensure that my reputation…"
[Unlocked with 50 x Primordial Shriek]An Imperial pronouncement?
" this is possible. My relationship with Court can best be described as troubled. There was an early matter of an ode, you remember, and later…but the important thing is this: my reputation is restored! I leave for London as soon as tomorrow!"
This branch costs 7 Fate to play.
Fate-locked content must not be placed on the wiki, per the developers.

A letter to a trusted friend
'My dearest
Today I have been playing the tourist, though in truth, there is little here in the way of sightseeing. I will admit the city has a gloomy grandeur. It is rather like being forced to live in an aqueduct or a gas-works - if a gas-works smelt of damp stone and rot…''Tell me: has the memory of that unfortunate affair faded?'
'I have in the past welcomed notoriety, but never to this degree. Do you know, an old woman threw an egg at me in the course of my departure? I think it was an egg…'
_ Persuasive challenge (1.2% per point)
Opportunity Cards in The Tomb-Colonies
NOTE: This area has been significantly revamped - there do not appear to be any red-bordered cards anymore. See here for a list of old stuff. There's probably more new stuff to add.

A Friend of Sorts (Std)
'and I hasten to add, no rival or challenge for you, my dear, even if I had a taste for bandages. Nevertheless, human warmth of any kind is welcome here. Ha, human warmth! A term for the living. There is no warmth here. Arguably nothing human either.'
A contest of wits
'Still, the occasional game of chess passes the time…'
A contest of skill
'Still, the occasional boxing-bout passes the time…'

A letter from the Comte (Std)
'I had not thought that he would have any desire to speak with me again. The dreadful fate his daughter suffered was none of my doing, but he no doubt feels I failed him in some respect. He is cordial nonetheless, and hints that he is speaking kindly of me…'
[Unlocked with a Finder of Heiresses 1]As it should be
'Perhaps it is more than I deserve, but I too have suffered monstrously of late. My sins, if there is such a thing as sin, must be well on their way to expiation…'
He is too kind
'It is more than I deserve, though I have suffered monstrously of late. I have hardly begun to expiate the looming mountain of my sins…'

A moment of joy (Std)
'It took me several moments to realise why the effect upon my palate was so startling. The label might have been Greyfields, but this was real wine! I mean to say Surface wine, from grapes ripened in honest Surface sunlight! My dear, I am not ashamed to say I wept a little. I asked my host how he came by it, and he laid his finger alongside his nose (at least, the former site of his nose…)'
[Unlocked with a Connoisseur of Neathy Delights 1]
[ONCE STARTED, CAN'T EXIT]I took full advantage of the situation
He had been foolish enough to expose his cellar to me…
I restrained my appetites.
'Those appetites had been famous in London. My reputation could use a little repair.'

Among the dead (Std)
'I examine myself in the mirror for signs of decay. Yes, I know it is ridiculous. Death is not a transmissible disease, except perhaps in times of war. These are not lepers: they are merely men and women approximately dead. Still, my dearest, I shudder at each bandaged hand on my arm. Still I find myself rushing to wash their touch from my skin…'
An investment in soaps
'I have ordered perfumed soaps from the Elder Continent and the Swallowing Isles…'
[Unlocked with 50 x Penny]An investment in self-control
'…but I resist that temptation. I am here now.'

Causing a scene (Std)
'A ghastly plop, and a spray of wine… I looked down and there was an eyeball floating in my wineglass. Just when one thinks one has suffered all the indignities Providence has to offer, she finds some new and monstrous device in her bag of wicked traps. I screamed, much to the amusement of the eye's owner…'
[CAN'T DISCARD]'…I flung it into the fire.
'His laughter was cut short, I am not sorry to say.'
'…I returned it to him, politely.'
'We maintained the fiction that it had been an accident.'

'..I have attended a ball…' (Std)
'Or what passes for a ball in this appalling crypt. They can dance after a fashion: a pitiable shuffling, punctuated now and then by the partial disintegration of a dancer. The first time this happened it gave me quite a start. I shall not be wearing those shoes again. But one grows used to anything…'
[ONCE STARTED, CAN'T EXIT]I demonstrated all the latest dances…
'The dead joined me in a frenzy of withered limbs!'
I spent the evening in a quiet corner
'..It would not do to attract undue attention. Not now.'

Lamentable Tastes (Std)
'Some of the citizens here are in the most extraordinary state of decay… Today I found myself bullied into reading Tennyson to a bandaged, bedridden harridan. Do you have any idea how boring Tennyson is to read at length? It's like being trapped in a train on a bumpy track. The lady in question has lost the use of her arms and legs - though not, alas, the use of her voice…'
[CAN'T DISCARD]I abandoned the endeavour
'Well; I will not be bullied so. I went to drink by the harbour instead. Zailors may be coarse and stinking, but at least they are not dull.'
I persevered for hours. Hours! (3 Actions)
'I have endured all kinds of vituperation, but at least it has done my reputation a little good…'

Musings on the Causes of Exile (Std)
Your thoughts turn to the roots of your exile. Did you flout convention? Did you debauch with uncommon gusto? Did you, in short, deserve it?
Looking for disreputable help
Whatever your answer, someone will need to look after your cellars and your coterie in your absence. Perhaps a friend from the Surface has the right mix of responsibility and depravity?

Remnants (Std)
'None of the dead women and men here predate the Fall of London. But their colony is built upon the ruins of an older one: there is stonework here of a kind I have never seen. I suppose the Fourth and earlier cities had their own difficulties with death, and in turn their own tomb-colonies…'
'Fascinating, for those who are fascinated by masonry. But I had an appointment with a fireside and a diverting novel.'
Investigate it
'I explored the empty park behind the hotel…'
[Unlocked with: Archaeologist 1]
[Unlocked with: a Scholar of the Correspondence 1]

The construction of the 'Grand Sanatoria' (Std)
'It is strange to see dead men labour so. It will be a splendid building once completed: more like a palace of marble than any sanatorium I have seen… My understanding is that the colonists whose decay is too advanced to permit speech or movement - but who still 'live' - are to be relocated within (I had almost written 'interred'). Some mysteries remain, however… '
[ONCE STARTED, CAN'T EXIT]How are they constructed?
'I wonder who provides these quantities of marble, which is not quarried here…'
_ Watchful challenge (0.6% per point)
…mysteries I have chosen not to pursue
'I shall not risk my contacts here to satisfy my idle curiosity.'

Unexpected advances (Std)
''She placed her hand on my knee. I can say with utter conviction that I had not expected this.'
Naturally I seized the opportunity to extend my experience
'Beauty comes in many modes: without and within.'
Naturally I refused her overtures
'Whether or not they might have been welcome in life, her charms are muted by her advanced state of decomposition.'

The construction of the 'Grand Sanatoria' (Std)
'It is strange to see dead men labour so. It will be a splendid building once completed: more like a palace of marble than any sanatorium I have seen… My understanding is that the colonists whose decay is too advanced to permit speech or movement - but who still 'live' - are to be relocated within (I had almost written 'interred'). Some mysteries remain, however… '
[ONCE STARTED, CAN'T EXIT]How are they constructed?
'I wonder who provides these quantities of marble, which is not quarried here…'
_ Watchful challenge (0.6% per point)
…mysteries I have chosen not to pursue
'I shall not risk my contacts here to satisfy my idle curiosity.'

Unexpected advances (Std)
''She placed her hand on my knee. I can say with utter conviction that I had not expected this.'
Naturally I seized the opportunity to extend my experience
'Beauty comes in many modes: without and within.'
Naturally I refused her overtures
'Whether or not they might have been welcome in life, her charms are muted by her advanced state of decomposition.'

Unorthodox technologies (Std)
'Forgive me for committing this to paper, my dear, but I feel compelled to unburden myself. For special occasions, certain of these bandaged lunatics render their own body-fat into candles! 'It's not as if we're giving up our bones,' one of them pointed out…
[ONCE STARTED, CAN'T EXIT]That said, lilac is a pleasant scent
'I accepted the gift of one of these candles, and I have suggested to my other friends in London that they might shed a diverting light…'
I politely rejected the gift
'They will understand. The ways of the tomb-colonies are not the ways of London…'
Bronze-bordered cards
(unknown if these have been revamped)

A Smuggler scorned
After what he sees as your betrayal, the Once-Dashing Smuggler is seething and upset. Will you make amends?
Unlocked with 1 x Myrrh-Scented RosesSend him a token of your affection
He is strange, and his mercurial ways have caused no end of complications. But he is dear to you, regardless. [This will kindle or rekindle a romance of sorts.]
Unlocked with Deep Amber 100Requires 12 Fate
Fate-locked content must not be placed on the wiki, per the developers.Why should you?
He is unstable and violent. If keeping your conscience clear has put him off, all the better.
Who was he again?
That bandaged chap? The one with the unsuitable interest in you? No, let's steer clear of him, he's all sorts of trouble.

Visit an old friend
The Once-Dashing Smuggler lives in this colony. Perhaps you should see him?
Unlocked with 2 x Myrrh-Scented RosesAssuage your guilt
Being a tomb-colonist is difficult; you see that now. You owe him an apology.
Unlocked with Myrrh-Scented Roses 2Spend a long evening talking
The exchange of gossip is an both a pleasant pastime, and a vital infusion of life, here in the dry, dusty tomb-colonies.
Unlocked with 3 x Myrrh-Scented RosesSpend a long evening not talking
Hm. Is the Smuggler as well-preserved as the last time you saw him
Unlocked with 3 x Myrrh-Scented Roses
Fallen London is © 2010-2016 and ™ Failbetter Games Limited: This is an unofficial fan work.
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