Code Snippets

This is a work in progress. If you Edit these pages, you can cut and paste the wiki code in here and use them to expand this wiki. The idea is to give some examples so that multiple people editing this wiki can make things more consistent.

The first part of this page is a table of the several snippets pages that have been created so far to make it simpler to illustrate a big or complex snippet. The second part is a series of small snippets.

This page goes to a list of the various pages in different categories, for reference.

Big Snippets

Small Snippets

Art (Images)

Gathered on this page are a series of small snippets useful for listing rewards for storylets.


There are only a few colors that are in use for the text of this wiki.

  • Blue text is used to indicate an option of a storylet or opportunity card whose result isn't recorded in the wiki. (Generally, this includes all fate-locked content, which is never included here.) When it becomes known, the blue highlighting should be removed. This is how it is coded, followed by how it would appear.
+++ ##blue|Try the blue bananna##

Try the blue bananna

  • Purple text is occasionally used for major section headings but has no other meaning. For example, the section heading above is coded with the following line.
++ ##purple|Small snippets##
  • Dark red text is generated by the wiki when the text is actually a clickable link.
  • Orange text is generated by the wiki when the text is a clickable link but leads to a page that hasn't been created yet. (If you see this and you think the page already exists, double-check that you haven't made a typo.)

Copyright Notice/Footer

The standard copyright notice and footer (acknowledging FailBetter Games' wishes) has been moved to a single file called master:template. All of the other category _template files on this wiki should include that file.

New categories get created when a page is created with a colon (:) in the title, for example, there is one needed for commission:_template because of the names of pages for certain Ventures. When a new _template file is needed, the following line of code should be all that is necessary, with no preceding spaces.

[[include master:template]]

The code currently in master:template is below for reference. Changes should be made in the actual template file. (The code block below actually includes the master template. Refershing the page may be needed to see any changes you make.)

[[div style="border: 1px solid black; padding: 0 1em; background-color: #eeeeee"]]
Fallen London is © 2010-2016 and ™ Failbetter Games Limited: [].  This is an unofficial fan work.
Read the [[[rules|Rules for Posting]]] before adding content to this wiki.

This is the master template that should be used for all other templates for this wiki. 
Refer to the "code snippets" page for more detailed instructions.

Commonly used pieces of code

It should be noted that, while much of wiki work in crafting new pages, is often a matter of using what has been done before and revising it.

Probably the most common lines of code is increases to the four Main Qualities:

bearsmall.png Dangerous increase
foxsmall.png Persuasive increase
catsmall.png Shadowy increase
owlsmall.png Watchful increase

These 4 lines of code can be copied and utilized in the spoiler sections of the wiki.

> [[image /art/bearsmall.png]] **[[[Dangerous]]]** increase
> [[image /art/foxsmall.png]] **[[[Persuasive]]]** increase
> [[image /art/catsmall.png]] **[[[Shadowy]]]** increase
> [[image /art/owlsmall.png]] **[[[Watchful]]]** increase

4 other story qualities above are frequently encountered as one progresses through London. They are particularly common in dream stories, as well as lore filled stories. The code below can be copied and deleted as seen fit in updating the wiki, note that the number 15 can be changed to fit the scenario:

scrawl1small.png Seeing through the Eyes of Icarus increase OR Seeing through the Eyes of Icarus hasn't changed, because it's higher than 15
skullsmall.png Approaching the Gates of the Garden increase OR Approaching the Gates of the Garden hasn't changed, because it's higher than 15
mirror4small.png Touched by Fingerwork increase OR Touched by Fingerwork hasn't changed, because it's higher than 15
ruinssmall.png Walking the Falling Cities increase OR Walking the Falling Cities hasn't changed, because it's higher than 15
> [[image /art/scrawl1small.png]] **[[[Seeing through the Eyes of Icarus]]]** increase OR **[[[Seeing through the Eyes of Icarus]]]** hasn't changed, because it's higher than 15
> [[image /art/skullsmall.png]] **[[[Approaching the Gates of the Garden]]]** increase OR **[[[Approaching the Gates of the Garden]]]** hasn't changed, because it's higher than 15
> [[image /art/mirror4small.png]] **[[[Touched by Fingerwork]]]** increase OR **[[[Touched by Fingerwork]]]** hasn't changed, because it's higher than 15
> [[image /art/ruinssmall.png]] **[[[Walking the Falling Cities]]]** increase OR **[[[Walking the Falling Cities]]]** hasn't changed, because it's higher than 15

Location identifier boxes.

These boxes are very handy in letting the reader know, just where something occurs at. In many epic storys you'll find yourself moving from one location to another as you progress, very often, the path between these storys are not as clearly defined as one would appreciate.

If one wants to clarify that a storylet occurs in a certain location, say, Ladybones Road, all you need to do is add the following code just above the story title. (Ladybones Road can be replaced with any location.)

[[include box-bg:text text=[[[Ladybones Road]]] ]]

This gives:


Story Title

Story description goes here
   [Unlocked with <card requirements>]

Option 1 title

Option 1 description text!
   [Unlocked with <branch requirements>]
(Challenge data here for option 1 (or nothing if there is no skill being tested against))

When the internal wiki page name does not match the in-game name you will have to use external link syntax (since the pipe character "|" messes up includes on wikidot):

[[include box-bg:text text=[/flit The Flit] ]]

Card images


Another snippet is to format images with borders around them, like how they appear in the game, as show to the left. You have the choice of the following colors:

  • White (general purpose storylets)
  • Bronze (short-term storylets, ventures, etc.)
  • Gold (long-term storylets)
  • Silver (ambitions and holiday storylets)
  • Red (auto-play storylets)
  • Black (???)

The following code can be used to make these cards, with substitutions for image and color as appropriate:

[[include card:small | image=flit.png|color=bronze]]

(Warning! Despite being Fallen London, I went with "color" rather than "colour" to match the other snippets here…"colour" will not work!)

Anyway, I had the idea that I wouldn't update any storylets to this art format until I actually encountered them, as an attempt to distinguish no-longer-available content from current stuff.

Fallen London is © 2010-2016 and ™ Failbetter Games Limited: This is an unofficial fan work.
Read the Rules for Posting before adding content to this wiki.

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License