Mrs Plenty's Most Distracting Carnival

Amusements, Refreshments and Mysteries…

Use links on this bar to tour storylets. Or, jump directly to a page.



What can you find at Mrs. Plenty's Most Distracting Carnival?

Smoke and mirrors! Light and shade! Bright paint and squealing children and the roar of lions! And the music, as a great man once said, is like electric sugar.

Sidebar text.

There are many different amusements, mysteries and opportunities for meeting your Contacts at Mrs. Plenty's Most Distracting Carnival. All of these will require obtaining (somehow) carnival tickets. Certain other opportunities will appear if certain stories or events occur within the game.

Carnival storylets…

Storylets are generally available at all times at Mrs. Plenty's Most Distracting Carnival but will always require tickets. The links below will jump to a new page describing storylets available at the Carnival.

ticketsmall.png Obtaining Tickets for Mrs. Plenty's Most Distracting Carnival
tentbluesmall.png Things to do at Mrs. Plenty's Most Distracting Carnival
mrsplentysmall.png Storylets that appear if you are Acquainted with Miriam Plenty's Past
fangrose2small.png Storylets that appear during the Feast of the Exceptional Rose
fortunetellersmall.png An opportunity card available when you are at the Carnival:
Ask Madame Shoshana to cast your horoscope

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