You may find yourself picking up puzzling tidbits about the relationship Death has with the Neath from various stories and opportunities around Fallen London.
The Seekers of the Garden
There are a thousand speculations on why Death is strange in the Neath. Perhaps one is true. You can gain Approaching the Gates of the Garden while doing a multitude of other things. It will gradually open stories on this card.
[Unlocked with Approaching the Gates of the Garden 1]Seeds on the wind
There's all kinds of loose talk about Death. Let's hear it.
[Unlocked when A Person of Some Importance is Not yet a Person of Importance]Attend an assembly of academics
If you're interested in secret knowledge, you never know what it might turn up.
[Unlocked with Approaching the Gates of the Garden 5]Finding the Dilmun Club
You have heard of a secret society that overlaps somewhat with academia. It sometimes sponsors expeditions across the Unterzee. They do occasionally publish…
[Unlocked with Approaching the Gates of the Garden 5]
[Unlocked with Associating with Radical Academics 1]A visit to the Museum of Mistakes
The Dilmun Club has an interest in this place. Gaining admittance will be challenging, though.
[Unlocked with Approaching the Gates of the Garden 10]
[Unlocked with Associating with Radical Academics 2]Leisurely enquiries
One of your station does not need to seek stories so assiduously. In time, they will come to you.
[Unlocked when A Person of Some Importance is A Significant Individual]Make an impression on His Amused Lordship
While attending a rather vulgar music-hall show, you bump into His Amused Lordship. He is here incognito, but his expensive hat and booming laugh give him away. A man worth knowing. He has influence at the Shuttered Palace.
[Unlocked with Connected: Society 5]
[[Unlocked with Route: The Shuttered Palace 1]
[Unlocked with Approaching the Gates of the Garden 5]
[Unlocked with cultivating an acquaintance with His Amused Lordship no more than 0]
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