Quality Descriptions:
1 — Under Way
2 — Under Way!
3 — Under Way!
4 — Making Headway!
5 — Making Headway!
6 — No Land in Sight!
7 — No Land in Sight!
8 — Nearly There!
9 — Nearly There!
When Approaching Journey's End hits 9:
Journey's End
Across the Southern Archipelago
There, on the horizon! - You're nearly there! But where?
Unlocked with Approaching Journey's End 9
The gaslights of Wolfstack Docks will bring you to a safe berth.
Mutton Island
A pleasant, isolated fishing community in the Southern Archipelago. The islanders are said to practise quaint, bucolic customs that date from before the Fall.
Hunter's Keep
Perhaps the smallest island in the Archipelago, it's little more than a chunk of rock with a house on top. But there are tantalising rumours of eery lights and ethereally beautiful inhabitants…
Bullbone Island
They say that not all the bones are from bulls, and the trees dance in the pale glim-light.
(unlocked with Embarking on a Voyage of Scientific Discovery 3)
Corpsecage Island
A spit of black rock and stunted heath. Touched by all the previous cities, so they say.
(unlocked with Embarking on a Voyage of Scientific Discovery 3)
The Western Wall
Waterfalls of milk. Apples of fire. Laws that shatter like glass. Here, the Iron Republic holds dominion.
Unlocked with 1 x Iron Republic Safe-Conduct .
The Sea of Voices
Who would choose to go to Polythreme? But some duties cannot be denied.
Unlocked with 1 x Screaming Map .
The Carnelian Coast
The grandest outpost of Empire in the Neath, and the gateway to the Elder Continent!
[It is not yet possible to take this route.]
Unlocked with 1 x Charts of the Carnelian Coast .
The narrow way past the Pale Wastes, past the Drowning Dust. The Dilmun Club might seek this place, or those mad with strange hunger. All others, turn back now.
[It is not yet possible to take this route.]
Unlocked with Embarked on an Expedition to the North 1.
The Pillars
What are the Pillars? An army struck to stone? A city perched on weathered crags? An abyss that swallows temples? And where would you find them?
[It is not yet possible to take this route.]
Unlocked with 1 x Green Glass Beacon-Lamp.
The East
If one could cross the Unterzee to the utermost East, what would one find? Is it really thence the Widow's brandy comes?
[It is not yet possible to take this route.]
Unlocked with 1 x Celestial Cinnabar Compass.
Fallen London is © 2010-2016 and ™ Failbetter Games Limited: www.fallenlondon.com. This is an unofficial fan work.
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