Appalling Secret
Appalling Secret
Are you quite sure you want to know this?
sells for 15 pence
This is one of the Goods that cannot be purchased at the Bazaar but can be received from Opportunity Cards or as the result of trading Cryptic Clues.
Using Appalling Secrets
The time has come to face your Appalling Secrets
Perhaps you can come to terms with the horrors you've learnt. Perhaps.
No! You will put these things from your mind!
How do you forget your secrets? An incautious love affair? A night of drunken revels? Prayer? Music? An effort of supremely disciplined will? All of them? Perhaps that will help. Perhaps. [Attempt to reduce your Nightmares by sacrificing 10 Appalling Secrets.]
A matter of luck: the odds are strongly against you here.
[Unlocked with 10 x Appalling Secret]
[Unlocked with Watchful 40]
Exorcise your secrets by writing a journal
Perhaps writing it down will put things in proportion. Even if you'll be up all night. This will always gain you Journals of Infamy]. It may have other effects.
A matter of luck: it could go either way.
[Unlocked with 4 x Foxfire Candle Stub]
[Unlocked with 33 x Appalling Secret]
Deliberately write down the worst bits
Why should you be the only one to put up with these terrible things? Horror and madness in an easily digestible form. Keep a candle burning. This will always gain you Tales of Terror!! It may have other effects.
A matter of luck: it could go either way.
[Unlocked with 33 x Appalling Secret]
[Unlocked with 4 x Foxfire Candle Stub]
Correspond with a trio of sisters
They live out on some speck of rock in the Southern Archipelago. They can get the occasional letter to London, though. This will always gain you many Tales of Terror!!
[Unlocked with 333 x Appalling Secret]
Spend a night with the cats of the Duchess
If you are bursting at the seams with secrets, these cats might share a rooftop with you. This will always gain you many Journals of Infamy.
[Unlocked with Connected: the Duchess 5]
[Unlocked with 333 x Appalling Secret]
Fallen London is © 2010-2016 and ™ Failbetter Games Limited: This is an unofficial fan work.
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