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A devil's taken a shine to you (Std)
[Unlocked with Connected: Hell 3]
[Unlocked with An Intimate of Devils no higher than 3]Write a polite note
'Sir: thank you for your kind gift. The flowers were a charming reminder of lost surface days.'
Write a sharp note and send the flowers back
'I have been taught not to trust the intentions of devils. Do not trouble me again with your repulsive insinuations.'
Write a risque note back
'Most charming sir: let me emphasise first the pleasure I took in the receipt of your ravishing gift. I have high hopes for equal and greater pleasures as our friendship develops…'

A dubious favour
[Unlocked with An Intimate of Devils 1]
[Unlocked with Persuasive 9, Persuasive no more than 39]If the poor dear needs company, she shall have it.
Make her forget

One infernal evening (Std)
A devil of your acquaintance has been corresponding with you in increasingly affectionate terms. Now you've been invited to dinner at the notorious Long Spoon.
[Unlocked with An Intimate of Devils 2]Accept
It's safe. It's just a meal. The Long Spoon is neutral ground.
This is going too far. You're not going to break bread with a creature of Hell! Especially not one who's been writing the things he's been writing.
Accept the invitation. And bring a surprise present.
No devil ever turned down a gift of souls.
[Unlocked with 50 x Soul]

An evening of music and possible hellfire (Std)
A devil of your acquaintance has introduced you to a friend of his who needs an escort for a concert. He's suggested you accompany her.
[Unlocked with An Intimate of Devils 2, no more than 5]Accept
No doubt she'll be as charming as he is.
Reject politely
A concert in the company of a deviless? Why taint your reputation so?

Dance with a Devil (Std)
A package arrives from a Quiet Deviless of your acquaintance. A note with a time and date accompanies a pair of asbestos dancing-shoes.
[Unlocked with An Intimate of Devils 4]A dance at the Brass Embassy!
Be careful. The traditional dances of Hell are performed on a floor of red-hot brass.
_ Dangerous challenge (4% per point)
Attend in style
Requires 2 Fate
Fate-locked content must not be placed on the wiki, per the developers.

A Welcome for the Iron Republic (Std)
You have been invited to a public lecture at the Brass Embassy by a dignitary from the Iron Republic.
[Unlocked with An Intimate of Devils 4, no more than 7]Attend
Your especial friend will be there, of course.
_ Watchful challenge (3% per point)

A night at the opera! (Std)
Unlocks: An Intimate of Devils 5
Choose something light
Choose something heavy
Decline the invitation
Insist on a little luxury
Requires 2 Fate
Fate-locked content must not be placed on the wiki, per the developers.

Devilish poetry
Unlocks: An Intimate of Devils 5
Tell a white lie
Be honest
Mock her

A game of croquet
Unlocks: An Intimate of Devils 7 but no higher than 9
Invite a Society acquaintance
Unlocks: Connected: Society 10
Invite an acquaintance
Unlocks: Acquaintance of a Repentant Forger 2
Attend alone
Ask her to play singles with you
Requires 2 Fate
Fate-locked content must not be placed on the wiki, per the developers.

Dinner with devils
Unlocks: An Intimate of Devils 7
Offer your advice
Persuasive challenge, straightforward ???

An elaborate gift
Unlocks: An Intimate of Devils 8
Accept the gift
Requires 2 Fate
Fate-locked content must not be placed on the wiki, per the developers.

A quiet picnic
Unlocks: An Intimate of Devils 9
Tell here there is nothing going on
Remain quiet
Brag a little

The Art of Beauty
Unlocks: An Intimate of Devils 10
Follow the maid.
Demur politely

Hell's tailor
Unlocked with An Intimate of Devils 10
Don't encourage him
This is all rather unseemly, is it not? A devil's attire should be a private matter between him and his tailor.
Flatter his style
The Affectionate Devil's dress sense errs towards the flamboyant anyway. He will appreciate a gentle nudge towards something even more outré than usual.
_ Persuasive challenge

A leisurely boat trip
Unlocks: An Intimate of Devils 11
Take to the water
'You jest, surely?'

'My Lady's Bat is Dead'
The Quiet Deviless is at home, her eyes red from weeping. Her pet bat has passed away. You should do something to mark this sad occasion.
Unlocked with An Intimate of Devils 11Write an ode
A poem is a fitting memorial to a late, beloved pet. Even if odes are terribly old-fashioned.
_ Persuasive challenge

Unlocks: An Intimate of Devils 12
Accept the invitation
Decline, this time

Unlocks: An Intimate of Devils 12
Accept the invitation
Send your apologies
Decline - but spy on the proceedings

A serious offer
Unlocks: An Intimate of Devils 13
Beg her to leave you alone
Risk letting her try to convince you
(A matter of luck: a sure thing. Or is it?)
Be cautious
Requires 7 Fate
Fate-locked content must not be placed on the wiki, per the developers.

A serious offer
Unlocks: An Intimate of Devils 13
Throw him out!
Hear him out
(A matter of luck: a sure thing. Or is it?)
Hear him out, but protect yourself
Requires 6 Fate
Fate-locked content must not be placed on the wiki, per the developers.Your soul is stained now
Unlocks: 1 x Stain on your soul
Your Very Own Infernal Contract

All images and directly quoted text are (c) Failbetter Games Ltd. and are used by permission.
Fallen London is © 2010-2016 and ™ Failbetter Games Limited: www.fallenlondon.com. This is an unofficial fan work.
Read the Rules for Posting before adding content to this wiki.