A Friendship With A Bohemian Sculptress
A Friendship With A Bohemian Sculptress
The following actions are in Veilgarden.
A Tipple with the Bohemian Sculptress
The Bohemian Sculptress lives near you. You've seen marble and black coral being delivered to her house. And now you bump into her at the Singing Mandrake.
It would be cruel not to
'Dear heart! There you are! I hear you're becoming quite the underground sensation in poetry. Underground…! Never mind. So, are you going to give us a recital, then?'
Unlocked with Persuasive 3
It went down better than the greyfields
'Huzzah! Encore! And so forth. My, you have a talent, don't you? I think you'll go far. They'll be queueing up to hear more of that. Just don't forget us little people when you're famous. Now have a drink.'
Persuasive increase
An occurrence! Your 'A Friendship with a Bohemian Sculptress' Quality is now 1 - A Veilgarden Regular!
Gain: 1 x Strangling Willow Absinthe
Wine and Cake with the Bohemian Sculptress
'My latest sculpture just won't…
(unlocked with A Friendship with a Bohemian Sculptress 1
Wine and Cake with the Bohemian Sculptress
'My latest sculpture just won't… soar. Take the dratted thing away, would you? But first, tell me which of the trends in poetry Below do you favour?'
The Nocturnals
The most modern and radical of the schools. Those who revel in the subterranean gloom of the Neath and its ways. Free thinkers and revolutionaries
(unlocked with Persuasive 8)
O cruel sunlight! O fathomless gloom!
'But of course! I could see instantly that you were attuned to the more modern aesthetic! How could it be otherwise?'
A Friendship with a Bohemian Sculptress increase (to level 2)
Gain 4 x Certifiable Scrap
Forceful increase (probably capped at 10)
The Bazaarines
Money and secrets. The poetry of the Bazaar and its Masters, but also the hidden things that drive men to madness. A strong brew of the venal and the visionary.
(unlocked with Persuasive 8)
O hidden mysteries, dear as rubies, that crown the sable spires
'But of course! The Bazaarine aesthetic is so mysterious. And the patrons are not wanting a few echoes, if I might be indelicate.'
An occurrence! Your 'A Friendship with a Bohemian Sculptress' Quality is now 2 - A Veilgarden Regular!
Gain 4 x Certifiable Scrap
Ruthless increase (capped at 10)
The Celestials
Nostalgia for the Surface and the green lands above. And most particularly for the sky and the heavens. Strong support among conservative sorts and the religious.
(unlocked with Persuasive 8)
We mourn the swallow and the spark
'But of course! How could we not long for the Surface? A heaven to pray to? The Neath is more than one can bear.'
An occurrence! Your 'A Friendship with a Bohemian Sculptress' Quality is now 2 - A Veilgarden Regular!
Gain 4 x Certifiable Scrap
Austere increase
Capped at 11
The Bohemian Sculptress has a Business Proposal
'Dear heart, I've found some work for you. A patron for your poetry. Well, a series of patrons, actually…'
Unlocked with: A Friendship with a Bohemian Sculptress 2
Playing Cyrano
You see, I know all sorts of lovestruck types. Poor creatures. And not one of them can pen a line of half-decent love poetry for their intendeds. Can you step in? The pay is decent - these people are desperate.'
(unlocked with Persuasive 13; a Persuasive challenge.)
Getting along nicely
The first two liaisons that are emboldened by your work go splendidly. After that, word gets around that you're the one to talk to for romantic verse to order. Chaste and virtuous? Epically impassioned? Subtly erotic? You do it all. And the pay is good, despite the Sculptress' generous cut.
Persuasive increase
An occurrence! Your 'A Friendship with a Bohemian Sculptress' Quality is now 3 - A Veilgarden Regular!
Gain 100 x Jade Fragment
The Bohemian Sculptress Spots a Noted Editor of Newspapers
'Look, dear heart! That's Mr Huffam, over there, arguing with a tradesman. Go and make an impression!'
Unlocked with: A Friendship with a Bohemian Sculptress 3
An impromptu recital
What person of character doesn't enjoy poetry? He'll enjoy yours, whether he likes it or not.
(unlocked with Persuasive 18; A challenge for your Persuasive quality.)
The foundation of a career
Mr Huffam puts down his broken brass… thingy, and listens as you start declaiming your work in the foggy street. Half a dozen stanzas later, there's a small crowd applauding your work and Mr Huffam is patting his pockets for a pen. Your review will only be a few lines in the back pages, but it's a start. Glory beckons! And Mr Huffam has forgotten that odd little device.
Persuasive increase
An occurrence! Your 'A Friendship with a Bohemian Sculptress' Quality is now 4 - A Veilgarden Regular!
Gain 4 x Certifiable Scrap
The Bohemian Sculptress has a Moderately Improper Suggestion
'Dear heart, I was at the carnival, and the proprietor - Mrs Plenty - asked me if I knew any poets. She needs one for a special evening she's organising. A rather bawdy and scandalous event, it seems.'
Unlocked with: A Friendship with a Bohemian Sculptress 4
Option 1: Not that sort of poet
Your art is not to be sullied for the entertainment of the depraved. You must refuse her.
(unlocked with Persuasive 23;)
The high road
You'll have no truck with this lewdness and abandonment. Perhaps it would be better to have an evening in with some improving literature.
Persuasive increase
An occurrence! Your 'A Friendship with a Bohemian Sculptress' Quality is now 5 - A Veilgarden Regular!
Hedonist decrease (5 change points)
Austere increase (capped at 11)
Connected: The Church is increasing… (1-21 change points)
Option 2: Attend and perform
'Shall I tell her you'll be over at midnight? Don't worry about what you wear.'
(unlocked with Persuasive 23; a challenge for your Persuasive quality.)
Midnight diversions
Mrs Plenty bustles over as you approach the tent. 'Oh, it's you, is it? Been hearing about you from me Veilgarden customers. Right you are. Well, get in that smoke-filled tent and do yer poeting. We likes it lyrical and langorous around here, so we does. And when things get a bit frisky later, yer can run orf or join in as yer likes. Now hop to it!'
Persuasive increase
An occurrence! Your 'A Friendship with a Bohemian Sculptress' Quality is now 5 - A Veilgarden Regular!
Hedonist increase (capped at 10)
Austere decrease
Gain 150 x Moon-pearl
The Bohemian Sculptress has a Question
'Well, dear heart, you're making quite the name for yourself as a poet. But do tell me, why? Why did you take up the poet's pen?
Unlocked with: A Friendship with a Bohemian Sculptress 5
Option 1: For the art
The poetry itself is the important thing. Whether Nocturnal, Bazaarine, Celestial or something entirely new..
The only choice
'A true artist, eh? I think you might be the last left in London. Well, here's to you and your poetry! Cheers!'
Gain 3 x Strangling Willow Absinthe
Steadfast increase
(capped at 11)
An occurrence! Your 'A Friendship with a Bohemian Sculptress' Quality is now 6 - A True Artist!
Option 2: For the money
Few can make a decent living as a poet. But for you, it's a means to wealth and privilege.
Success measured in echoes
'Well, at least you're honest about it, dear heart. Here's to success! Cheers!'
Gain 3 x Strangling Willow Absinthe
Ruthless increase
(capped at 11)
An occurrence! Your 'A Friendship with a Bohemian Sculptress' Quality is now 7 - A Pragmatic Poet for Hire!
Option 3: For the fame
They'll still be discussing your work when you are dust.
Immortality of sorts
'But of course, dear heart! Who doesn't fancy immortality? Of course, the adoring throng doesn't do one any harm. Cheers
Persuasive increase
Gain 3 x Strangling Willow Absinthe
Hedonist increase
(capped at 11)
An occurrence! Your 'A Friendship with a Bohemian Sculptress' Quality is now 8 - Ascending Fame's Ladder!
Option 4: For a life of bohemian scandal and indulgence
Certain sorts of poets do get invited to the most interesting of events.
Artists enjoy a certain freedom
'Well, aren't you the dark horse? Of course, I wouldn't know the first thing about these soirées and clubs.' She blushes a little as she opens another bottle.
Persuasive increase
(possibly capped)
Gain 3 x Strangling Willow Absinthe
Hedonist increase
(capped at 11)
An occurrence! Your 'A Friendship with a Bohemian Sculptress' Quality is now 9 - A Vortex of Scandal and Indulgence!
After this point, the Bohemian Sculptress is available in your Lodgings to point out Persuasive stories you might miss.